You know what I hate..

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters.

The day had been clear when they first came out, but quickly it had changed. The wind was getting slightly stronger, and clouds began to cover the sky.

Temari shivered. "It's cold now, can we please go inside?"

Shikamaru looked up and saw the clouds darken. He groaned. "Yeah, let's go."

They sat next to the window in the comfort of his house, watching the rain fall on the glass.

They stared in silence for a long time.

"You know what I hate?" Temari said, still watching the rain fall.


"I hate how the weather changes to go against you, stopping people from enjoying the outside."

"You know what I hate?"


"The fact that even when the rain clears, the grass will still be wet, and I still cannot enjoy watching the clouds."

She laughed. "You could watch the clouds from inside as well you know."

"Yeah, but if my mum saw me lazing around I wouldn't be doing it for long."

She smiled. "You know what else I hate? People when they act underneath their skills."

Shikamaru smirked, keeping his eyes at the window. "Well you know what I hate? Troublesome people who don't let those sort of guys act beneath their skills."

"Lazy ass."

"Stubborn woman."

They both gave a small laugh, before everything went silent, save the rain hitting the glass.

"Well do you know what I love?" Temari said, changing the subject slightly.


"Being able to spend time with you, no matter where we are."

He chuckled and moved closer. "Well do you know what I love?" he asked her.

She looked at him, waiting.

He kissed her briefly.

