Author Note: Alright this my first story so please cut me some slack if it's written funny. If you could give me advice on how to improve that be appreciated, if you just want to flame don't read my story then.

'So, this is what being dead feels like.'

Blue eyes stare listlessly into the darkness around them. In the void a figure slowly fades into the background, almost as if forming piece by piece.

'Well... at least I stopped him before he could do anymore damage.'

Spiky blonde hair slowly began to form both above and to the sides of the eyes. Random droopy spikes were spread across the top with bangs starting to form and frame where the face would be. Next the hair at the back of the head began to from into a smooth ponytail held at the base of the skull with a red ornate hair piece.

'Granny, Sakura, Shizune, Iruka, everyone... hope your all safe'

Tanned skin started to show the face, whisker-like markings being the most prominent feature of what seems to be a young man. Following the face seemed to be the clothing the man wore. He wears a skintight, black, high-collared shirt under a black and orange jacket with a red short-sleeved coat with a design of black flames along the bottom over it. On his hands he had gray fingerless gloves. His pants were a form fitting black that had orange tribal markings with bandages wrapped around both his legs with pouches over those. Around his waist he wore multiple belts that had sleeves on them that seemed to hold scrolls. On his feet he wore what seemed to faded black half-calf high leather sandal boots.

"It's been quite sometime since I seen someone able to reach this level of strength, especially one so young." A voice said from the void.

The man's eyes began to focus and looked around trying to find the source of the voice. "So you finally came to pick up my soul? Took you long enough, I was starting to think I'd be stuck here for eternity. Where is here anyway?" the blonde man asked. He began to right himself into a "standing" position before continuing to look for the source of the voice.

"I am not the Shinigami boy. As for where you are, you are in the realm between life and death. I've come here to offer you a proposition of sorts." the voice stated.

"Okay so I'm not dead, yet, and your not the Shinigami. Alright then I have three questions for you then, what this proposition you were talking about?" the man asked.

"Offer you a chance at a new life in a world different from your own." the voice stated in a business like tone.

"Hold on a minute, why can't you just send me back home? I have to get back to the village to see if my friends are alright." the blonde said.

"Thanks to your deeds in your home world you now contain the Juubi within you. It's thanks to the events that led to this happening, it opened up a rift in your world sending you here. When the rift closed it also temporarily strengthen the seal along your world to the point where I wouldn't be send you back." the voice stated. When the man heard this he began look depressed. The voice seemed to have noticed this as he stated "Do not worry young one, you may be able to return to your world someday but at this moment you don't have the control needed to do so."

This seemed to bring the blonde's spirit up as he gave a bright smile at the thought of be able to return home some day. "Thanks for telling me that, at least there's a little light in this. Now next to my next question, how the heck are you if your not the Shinigami?" the blonde stated bluntly with a confused look on his face.

The voice seemed to have found his question and change of attitude funny as it started to chuckle. After regaining it's composure the voice began to speak again. "It seems more then my son's abilities were passed onto you. Then again your mother did have that same spark you have so it could be from her. As for who I am, my name is Riku though you may know of my by my title... the Rikudou Sennin." the voice said with mirth in his voice.

Slowly an armored man with his arms crossed began to walk into view. The man had messy silver hair and lightly tanned complexion. Wrapped around his forehead he had a horned Hitai-ate and necklace with 6 Magatama on it around his neck. He wore a black bodysuit under the Samurai armor he wore. The most noticeable thing about him though was his eyes. They a silver color with with ripple-like pattern in them.

This surprised the blonde as he had a gobsmacked expression on his face. He tried to say something but he seemed to only to be able to move his mouth up and down. Quickly getting over the shock he shook his head. "You got to be kidding me. Why the hell is he doing this?" he muttered to himself. After remembering the Sennin was still there he faced him and asked "Okay now I'm really curious, why are you doing this for me?"

The Sennin gave a light chuckle at the man's blunt nature. "You truly are a honest person. As for your question, can't family help each other out in their times of need Naruto?" he asked as he looked at Naruto with amusement.

The blonde in response seemed to be puzzled by the words before he remembered the history of his mother's family. "So that's what this is about." he chuckled before asking "Since your here trying to help family, mind giving me an idea of where you plan on sending me?"

Riku shook his head before smiling at Naruto. "I'll be sending you a world similar to ours. While they may be similar you'll need to know that the people of the world will be slightly different from ours and have made greater advances in technology then you had in your time." he stated with a serious face.

"How are the people different exactly?" Naruto asked with his head tilted slightly.

"The people of this world are capable of using Chakra but a few are capable of channeling the energies of their planet if near a source of." Riku said

Naruto scratched his head when noticed the word "Energies". "Hold on, what do you mean by energies and how do they near the source?" he asked while drumming his fingers on his bicep.

"The people of this world call the energy 'Eco' with different variations based on the color. There are 6 types of Eco on this world: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Light and Dark. Each color has it's own abilities such as Red being physical strength and Blue being speed and a power source." he said as small balls of the Eco formed in front of him.

"What about the rest of them?" the blonde asked after examining the balls.

"Ah, but where would the fun in that if I told. You've always been one to explore and learn when your able to so look at this as if your on another training trip learn as much as you can." the sage said as he patted Naruto on the shoulder. After doing so he went off into the shadows as if looking for something. Seeming to find what he was looking for he came out of the shadows holding a duffle bag with a should strap. He handed the bag to Naruto before saying "This bag contains scrolls and journals with the knowledge I acquired over my lifetime as well as some Jutsu created between my death and your leaving of the world."

After taking the bag Naruto looked inside seeing that there were countless scrolls and journals in the bag. "This things holding more than it should, heck it doesn't even weigh that much. Did you use Seals? " he asked after examining the bag.

"Yes, I did. You'll have to study that when you arrive in the next world. Anyway moving on, those comrades of yours that were with you also managed to sucked in. I'd assume you would want to take them you as well. They're over there to your right. They aren't too injured but you may want to examine them when they wake." Riku pointed into the direction of Naruto comrades.

Quickly moving over to where they were Naruto spotted them. One had chin length blue hair and paper flower in her hair with a fair complexion, eye shadow and a labret piercing. She had a black high-collared cloak with red clouds. Only her hands and feet were visible, her nails were painted an orange color and had high heels on her feet. The person next to her was a woman with violet hair done up in a spiky top knot. On her forehead was a Hitai-ate with a leaf shape symbol and talon like pendant on a thick cord around her neck. For clothing she wore a mesh body suit that went from her neck down to her thighs. Over the mesh she wore a dark orange skirt and a tan overcoat. On her legs she wore shin guards and leather sandals. They where Anko Mitarashi and Konan.

Naruto gave a sigh of relief after looking them over. Aside from a few scratches and some bruising they both appeared to be fine. "So they made it through this too, thank Kami. I was honestly starting to worry about them for a while." Slowly he got from his knee before looking toward the his family's founder. "So anymore info you could give me before I'm off to be a menace in another world." he said

"Yes, I have one more piece of information for you. While I may not know where in the world you'll be, I'll leave you a technique to gather information straight from their mind. The Yamanaka were probably the closest to being able to recreating it." he said before walking over to Naruto and place a hand on Naruto's forehead. Slowly the information began to enter his mind teaching him how to perform the technique.

"Well, that wasn't too bad but considering that I been using Shadow Clones so much I shouldn't be surprised." he grimaced before rubbing his forehead. "Well at least I have something to use in case I can't get the info any other way. Ino probably be mad at me for having this." he said as he chuckled.

Riku turned his head as if hearing something. "Well it seems our time here is almost up so I suggest you kneel next to your comrades and keep a hold on them, I though you want to be separated from them before you arrive."

"Alright, thanks for the help and info I really appreciate it." Naruto nodded his head as he walked back toward Anko and Konan. He took a knee in between them and put an arm around their waists and held them tight. "I guess this is goodbye for now." he said as readjusted the two in his arms for a better grip.

"Do well Naruto and hopefully you'll find some of the things your looking for." Riku said with a small smile on his face. He uncrossed his arms before going through multiple hand signs at a blinding pace. "Oh and do try not bash too many heads in, it'll be hard for you to relax with a lot of people after you, trust me." as soon as the last word left his mouth a flash of light went off.

And with that Naruto newest journey began.