IMPORTANT Authors Note: Please by show of hands, tell me that you know that Bella got sent back in time in chapter one? Holy smack! People if that wasn't clear to you in chap one, I sincerely apologize if I didn't make myself clear in the writing. You know that Bella's from our modern times right? That's why I kept the summary in the first chap. It says that she's cursed by the psychic and sent back in time. Hence her references to Pirates of the Caribbean, her wondering where the river came from in the first chap when she was running home and the sky turned purple and black during the day time and her being really shocked when she saw how the men were dressed and hearing the way they speak? And Edward asking her to change into a frock because she'd attract too much of attention in the clothes she was wearing was because she was wearing clothing from our time not theirs (the time she was sent to). Really sorry if any of you were confused, I didn't realize anyone thought she was from the same time period as the pirates? She's not! Hope that cleared up any misunderstandings. Once again let me reiterate that this is an AU fic and Bella was cursed and sent back in time. Thank you to all those who reviewed, you make me want to continue writing *smiles* and I'm really sorry if I confused any of you about the two different times *holds out yellow bouquets*.

Anyway my other two Twifics are up, 'Crossfire's of Heaven and Hell' and 'Sugar We're Going Down'. Crossfire's was a huge risk for me because I've never written anything like that before with regards to emotions and it has a Darkward feel to it. 'Sugar we're going down' has Assward but I swear there's a plotline that you'll see if you just stick with me. Hope you like them, they were just idea's dancing around my head. I've got one more Twific on the way so look out for that and 'In love and War' will be updated soon. Much love to my reviewer's, xoxo Kat

Disclaimer: *sigh* you know I don't own them, why torture me into admitting it all the time. *laughs* okay enough with the dramatic, only the plots mine.


True to his word Edward hadn't come back last night. How would I know, I was asleep? NO I WASN'T! I look like a train wreck! I didn't sleep at all! There was a horrid storm last night, and being on board a ship, that's a far cry from luxurious I might add, is not the most lulling of situations to be in. I feel awful!

The door opened and in walked Gigantor!

"The lass looks like she needs Sun." he said with a dimpled smile.

Narrowing my eyes I shot daggers at him. "Is this some kind of joke?" he looked at me slightly amused. "Because it isn't funny you know. What I'm in need of is land!"

A loud booming laugh erupted through his chest. "Here. Captn' thought yer may want a bath." He dropped a wooden bucket of water with a thud next to his huge feet sending some of the water splashing over. He opened out his other hand and tossed me a cloth that was tied into a knot.

I looked at him quizzically. What had he said? And what the hell was I supposed to do with that?

I untied the knot which sent salt spilling over into my hand. "What's this for?" my voice sounded as confused as I felt.

Gigantor laughed heartily again before grinning wickedly at me. He ripped off a piece of his shirt and wrapped it tightly around his index finger, grabbing some salt out my hand he coated the material and lifted it to his teeth. Rubbing vigorously he grinned at my mortified expression before grunting and spitting out the hole-in-the-wall-sorry-ass-excuse-of-a-window. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he smirked and walked out shutting the door soundly behind him.

I belched. "Sorry I asked."

Oh my god this was not happening to me! I eyed the bucket of water as it sloshed about. I conceded knowing I didn't have a choice. Tears stung my eyes as I begrudgingly coated the tiny piece of cloth in salt and brushed my teeth. It wasn't half bad I'll admit that but the humiliation and hit to my pride was more than I could stand and my tears spilt over. Spitting out the window I shut my eyes and took a moment to compose myself.

"I hate this godforsaken fucking place." I cursed shaking my head.

The bucket of water still sat on the floor, an unwelcome reminder of the hole I found myself stuck in.

Scanning the room quickly my eyes quickly stopped at a small chest lying next to the table. I wobbled over to it and squatted. Just because I knew that the door was locked from the outside didn't mean I trusted the idiots around to not walk in while I was cleaning up. Shoving with all my might I tried to move the chest. In vain! Grunting I collapsed next to the chest panting loudly. What the hell was in this thing? Flinging the top open I stared in amazement at the gleaming gold. I would never get over this whole treasure thing.

Giving up, I looked around for something else to jam the door with, eventually settling for a heavy stool. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing.

Stripping out the hideous frock Edward forced me into yesterday, I dampened a rag and began trying to scrub down the filth accumulating on me. The water was freezing and definitely not enough to actually clean me sufficiently. God what I wouldn't give for a hot shower right about now!

Big realization at the end of my 'bath'… no towel to dry off! Grabbing the frock that asshole gave me yesterday I dried myself off. Completely content with knowing that the garment was ruined I tossed it over my shoulder not caring where it landed. Surveying the room I saw the water-horse's shirt lying on the cot and reached for it. Pulling it haphazardly over my head I stomped over to the chest he ordered me to yesterday before changing me. That arrogant bitch! The frocks weren't half bad, in fact they'd look pretty bitching for a Halloween costume! I rummaged through them for a long time before finally narrowing down my choices to two frocks that I wouldn't look half ridiculous in, one red and one blue. Gnawing my lip I looked at them hard trying to decide which one to put on.

"The blue."

I spun around in shock. I was going for angry and dramatic but with my astounding coordination skills I ended up with looking like an ass when I landed hard on my ass! Knocking the bucket of water over at some point of my tumble! Where the fuck did he, come from?

"What the hell are you doing here you perv?" I glared at him with as much dignity as I could muster while crumpled on the floor with water now running over my thighs.

"Now Treasure you seem to forget that these are my quarters you take refuge in." he smirked down at me amused and stretched out a hand for me to take so he could help me up.

I made a show of ignoring it and woke up myself. "Take refuge? You and your circus friends fucking kidnapped me! Did you forget that part?"

"Bella that temper of yours seems to flare up all times. I'm beginning to believe you don't appreciate the hospitality." His smirk was deadly dangerous daring me to defy him.

Who am I to deny him?

"My temper! Of course I have a temper! What part of 'you kidnapped me' don't you grasp Water-horse! Keeping me here against my will is not being hospitable! I want to go home. NOW!" I stomped my foot at the end of my tirade to show my level of anger but the bastard just looked down to my foot with an amused grin.

"You think you're in any position to be making demands?" he stepped towards me, precise and slow like a lion stalking its prey.

I'm no Nancy Drew but even I have a sense of self preservation and it kicked right at that moment. Every step he took forward earned him a step back from me. He quickly circled his arm around me and yanked me towards him. I struggled for about a second until I felt cold hard gleaming silver at my neck. My breath caught as he ran the blade across my collar bone applying the slightest of pressure when he began speaking while looking me dead in the eye. He looked gorgeous but lethal. Bits of his unruly hair fell into his green eyes making him look like the snake that had tempted Eve. "You're extremely lucky that I find your temper amusing swan."

That snapped me out of it! Swan? He had said it! I heard it! With my own two ears! This bastard called me Isabella yesterday and today he called me Swan! He was up to something! This was just some sick ploy to make me think I was helpless! They're all probably acting like they're from the past to trick me into believing them! Well fuck them! I missed Tyler's party for their fucking practical joke and so help me I'm going to make them pay once I get to the police station of wherever we dock! I just had to play it cool for now and try and gather as much information as possible to help me escape!

"Swan?" I questioned raising my brows and I saw his eyes flash dangerously but it happened so fast I could've imagined it.

He stepped closer and ran the blade back up my neck as he spoke. His words so mesmerizing that they danced across my flushed face as his breath kissed me. "Yes you remind me of them, the long elegant neck of the beast." His eyes were intense as he stared at the blade gliding across my jaw line forcing me to look up and meet his gaze. I was overwhelmed by the raw passion burning within them, I swallowed as my eyes dilated and heat pooled between my legs, desperate for friction. "Its beauty" he continued, practically drinking me in with those blazing emerald green orbs before he smirked and went on thoughtfully. "Granted you lack its grace…" He laughed and ran the blade down my neck.

"Humph" I stuck out my chin defiantly and turned away. Amazingly enough it was more for show. I didn't want him to think of me as a clutz and that thought bugged me to no end! I mean why the fuck should I care what his opinion of me was?

He leaned forward towering over me. Dropping his head he ran his lips along the nape of my neck while slowly making the blade follow the path. "But do you know what I love most about swans?" he turned my face back to him with the tip of the blade. The moment our eyes connected I swallowed thickly, he looked utterly dangerous, possessiveness rolled off him in waves as he stared me down with serious eyes. "They mate for life. If their mate dies they find no other. Bear that in mind my Swan. It's me or no one! For I will never replace you. And I will never let you be with another. You are mine! And without me you will not last a day here."

I stared at him in shock, words beyond me in that moment. I couldn't look away, it was like through his eyes alone his hold on me was unbreakable. His emerald eyes had darkened immeasurably, to the point that they now looked black with only a ring of blazing green outlining them. In one swift motion his lips crashed down on mine in a searing kiss. His lips dominated mine, demanding entrance that I all too willingly gave to him. I opened my mouth and his moist tongue darted in seeking out mine and they duelled relentlessly. He furiously explored every millimetre of my mouth, almost as if he were trying to memorize it. I moaned into his mouth as his grip on me tightened. Moulding myself to him, I felt his throbbing erection press hard on my stomach. My breaths were becoming ragged and I was desperate for more. My fingers worked their way into his hair and I tugged tightly trying to get him closer. A deep growl rumbled from his chest and he bit down on my bruised lip.

"I ordered you to wear the frocks not my shirt." His voice was throaty and deep. I was in too much of a haze to do anything else but stare at him as he tried hard to disguise from me his want with anger. His eyes never leaving mine, in one swift motion he ran his knife straight down my chest slitting his shirt clean in two at the middle. Cold chilled my skin where it was exposed. shaking me from my lust induced haze but I had little time to react because he tightened his grip around my waist and hoisted me up to him like I weighed nothing. My body collided with his solid delicious hot skin. Instinctively my legs wrapped tightly around his hips. I could feel his rippling muscles flex under me as they came into contact with my skin. I could feel his breath hot on my neck. One arm securely around me his other worked its way between us pulling aside the material of his now scrapped shirt. Like a viper his head descended on my left breast closest to my heart and I threw my head back and gripped onto his head tighter fisting my hand through his hair, to both help me keep balance and out of pure lust. He pulled, licked and sucked so expertly as he re-marked me almost like he had a strange obsession with my heart more than my body. Friction became a problem again and my hips rolled of its own accord on his abs and this time I knew he could feel me soaking against him. He growled frustrated, kissing me hard on the side of my breast one more time he took a deep breath breathing me in, sucking firmly on the skin once again before letting it go and relinquishing his hold on me.

I was both disappointed and confused as to why he did it. Most guys found me appealing… Every guy found me appealing back at school. All of them plotting to get into my pants. And here he had come closest to it and he stopped. Wasn't a guy supposed to ravish a girl when she seemed as willing as I had been and especially when she was as exposed to him as I was? Didn't he want me?... Embarrassment burned in me at both my behaviour and his rejection.

"Treasure I need you to put something on. I'm taking you on deck, I'm sure you've had enough of this place." He kissed me chastely on the forehead and handed me the blue frock. It was hard to understand the way he looked at me. He looked almost apologetic and sweet but was trying hard to remain aloof as he turned and grabbed a shirt out one of the other chests pulling it swiftly over his head. His hair ran off in different directions.

He turned to face me. I didn't realize I hadn't moved. His expression softened slightly and he walked over to me placing a finger under my chin and lifting my gaze to him. "What's wrong?" he asked in a soft voice, a frown creasing his forehead as he took in my reddened eyes.

"Nothing." I spat.

"Isabella I-" he tried to speak. His voice laced with apology. I cut him off not wanting to hear him say that he's sorry that he doesn't want me that way.

"Don't say anything." I tugged the frock over my head covering myself sufficiently before slipping his shirt out and putting my arms through the dress sleeves. I ran my hand quickly along my neck pulling free my hair, glad when it came free and covered my face from his view.

"Look at me!" he pulled on my arm spinning me towards him. My hair fanned out settling on my left shoulder leaving my humiliated expression exposed to him. "You are not beyond punishment Bella but I am sorry if I was rough with you. You're completely intoxicating and I am but a man. Nevertheless I told you I would not steal away your dignity and I will keep to my word."

I stared at him mutely. He stopped because he didn't want to take advantage of me… That was by far the most amazing thing a guy could've ever done for me. The kindest thing. He did want me, he just simply stopped because he thought I didn't know what I was doing. Something churned inside of me, something more than gratitude, something dangerously close to affection. But that was something I had to kill and fast! He mistook my humiliation at being rejected for me feeling that he was going to take advantage of me, then so be it! I have to stay focussed on escaping so rationally falling for him would be a train smash! I can even utilize this flicker of guilt he's feeling, for my own benefit. Just focus on hating him Bella!

"It's fine, you can make it up to me by getting me out this room. I'm going crazy." I faked a small smile, taking this slow, knowing that I had to be believable. If my behaviour towards him changed too suddenly he'd get suspicious. I was going to get off this ship and when I did he was going to pay and my first step towards that goal was walking through that door that he was holding open for me.

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