There was a loud caw from a flock of yatagarasu, an avian demon that could be best described as a three-legged crow, perched on the roof of a castle. They each cawed at each other before they flew off together in search of food. As they did every 'morning'.

In the demon realm, unlike with other worlds, there was no such thing as day or night. For their realm was in a constant state of twilight. The sky was a diffused mixture of purple, pink, orange, and blue. For in this world, time worked in a very different way. Hours here could be mere seconds in the mortal world. However, the denizens of this realm had evolved and adapted to the environment and their internal clocks had developed so that they could have an internal sense of 'day' and 'night'.

After a good amount of sleep, a very satisfied woman rose from her bed and stretched virtually every muscle in her body, enjoying the lingering glow from her rest and 'relaxation'.

"C'mon dear, no need to get vertical just yet." The man in the bed told her.

She smiled to him. "We've been at it for… long enough for me to forget why I was keeping track in the first place. I think you can pause for a moment to do something that doesn't involve me on my back or my knees. And no, that's not a request for you to think of other positions."

He chuckled and gave a sarcastic snap of his fingers. "Damn, well if you're going to be up anyway could you get me a drink?"

She nodded and leaned in to kissed his deeply. "Don't forget the other Lords are coming here later, Aru."

"Yeah but they'll be coming for you more than me Lilith." He said as he took her hand and kissed it.

"Oh hush, I am just the eye candy that draws them in are still lord and master of this domain and the one they listen to." Lilith said as she pulled open the heavy curtains of the room to let the 'light' in. Aru took a moment to appreciate the perfection of his mate's heart shaped rear.

"Barely." Aru said with some resentment. It was true that to other members of the Incubi and Succubi race he was the lord and undisputed master of this realm, his every word law and his gaze alone could cow any to submission. But to the other demon lords, he was little more than an upstart that they tolerated. They had never truly been able to accept that a lowly 'Incubus' could be counted among their ranks. They begrudged him every right and privilege that belonged to him as a Demon Lord, but there was a clear subtext that said they thought he was unworthy to receive it.

Every month the demon lords gathered, alternating between each of the 9 demonic realms as the site for each meeting. This month it was to be held at in Aru's realm. They would sit at a long table, discussing various matters, accomplishing little as they spent more time arguing and grandstanding. But Aru knew the true reason they behooved themselves to appear in his realm, to gawk at his mate. To gaze at her with their lust-filled eyes, fantasizing about bedding her, the queen of and the most beautiful of all the Succubus race. It took every ounce of control that he had to not rip their throats out.

"Well if I am to deal with the other demon lords, than I will definitely need that drink." Liquor would dull the rage he felt towards his fellow Lords.

Nodding, Lilith walked out of the room and into the hall, not bothering to cover herself. Succubi and Incubi were up more open and accepting of their bodies than modern humans were. To them the naked body was a thing of beauty and pride, with clothes something to wear either for deception or out of shame. Maybe as a courtesy to others who were less comfortable with such brazenness, but in general a succubus would walk around in broad daylight stark naked and not think twice about it. So naturally the servants attending to the castle grounds didn't pay her lack of dress any mind.

She reached the kitchen and found a bottle of brandy that she knew Aru was fond of. A human might make note of selecting alcohol so early after waking up, but sex demons were always in favor of what made them feel good. And if some brandy made Aru feel good, then that's what he was going to get.

Just like he did when he returned 3 days ago...


The great double doors of the palace were burst open with a loud bang, all heads in the great hall at the time turned and stared at the sight that stood before them.

Aru, Demon Lord of the Incubi and the First Circle of Makai, stood at the entryway. His face looked like it could have been carved from stone, it was cold and stoic. But his eyes, his fierce draconian eyes, burned brightly with an inner fire.

All of the lesser demons in the hall dropped to their knees and kowtowed to the Incubus King. However, a few of Aru's children who were present simply bowed in his presence.

Taking a deep inhale through his nostrils, Aru suddenly strode forward.

An Incubus with blue-black hair and bright silver eyes came forward. "Father-" He began with a smile as he approached the elder demon. "It is so good to have you return to us. We were beginning to-" But the boy stopped as Aru strode right past him, not breaking his stride or even acknowledging him. Instead the Incubus King left the great hall and moved up the stairs to the higher levels of the palace. He moved through the winding corridors like a silent shadow. Until finally he seemed to have reached his destination.

A closed door.

He stood outside it for a moment as if preparing himself. Then slowly he reached out and pulled the latch, opening the door with a creak. Sitting on a plush feather bed, wearing on silk robe that did nothing to conceal her impressive figure, was Lilith.

Both of them looked at each other, neither of them said nothing.

Then Aru moved towards the bed, his steps were slow but deliberate. When he reached the bed, he towered over Lilith who continued to stare at Aru with a calm and passive manner.

Then suddenly, he got down on a knee before Succubus Queen. "My lady… I have returned." He said solemnly. "Forgive my tardiness."

Lilith then offered the Demon Lord her hand, which he took. He inhaled the subtle scent of her skin for a brief moment and then kissed her hand gently.

"Welcome home, my love." Lilith said with a smile on her face. "It has been far too long."

"Then let our reunion be far too long as well." Aru replied, taking her face gently into his eyes and planting the first of many kisses to come on her lips.

(End Flashback)

After that it had been an intense three days of passionate lovemaking that slowly devolved in animalistic mating and then went further into what could best be described as a two-person orgy. Neither of them had left the room the entire time and none dared to enter it out of fear of what would happen if they interrupted their Lord and Lady.

Lilith blushed at the memories of feeling Aru inside of her and filling her with his-

"Hi Mom."

Lilith suppressing her surprise in not being alone, turned and saw two women seated at a table. One had tan skin and white hair with pitch black eyes, the other had green hair and golden eyes along with some tribal-looking tattoos decorating her arms, thighs, and around her right eye. Both were naked too, though the tattooed one sported a silver bracelet on each wrist. The white-haired one was eating a large fish raw and the green-haired one was dining on a fruit salad, eating a banana slowly.

Lilith smiled. "Hello Yui, Kashima. Are any of your siblings still here?"

"After the family reunion most of them went back home, though if you want them back I'm sure they'll come rushing if you ask Mom." The green-haired one, Kashima, replied.

"Except for Riku and Touma. They're busy at the moment." Yui added, smiling in a devious way.

"Touma busy? Doing what?" Lilith asked.

Yui practically purred. "Oh, getting a little payback at that Hinata girl you told us about."

Lilith blinked and nearly dropped the bottle of brandy in her hands. She caught it, but set it on a shelf. "What did you say?"

"Well me, Riku, and Touma went to the human world and found this pigpen of a village and long story short lots of dead people feeding the worms and living people kept caged up waiting to become the next main course. That is unless this Hinata comes there quickly."

"Why are you and your brothers doing this?" Lilith demanded, looking rather annoyed.

Yui was surprised by this. "I thought you'd be happy Mom. That human had the audacity to keep you and Dad apart. She needs to pay. Now you know where she's going to be so we can get her."

"'We can get her'? Since when were you a part of this Yui?" Lilith challenged.


"No, what happened between me and Hinata is between me and Hinata and none of you have the right to impose yourself on that." The Succubus Queen proclaimed. "Besides, I already know where she lives and have a way to get to her myself when I choose to do so. Did either of you three bother to think of that?"

Yui had the good grace to look embarrassed, while Kashima chuckled.

"I told you that Mom had a plan. But nooo, you and our brothers just had to do it your way didn't you?"

"Well it's already happening, Riku and Touma aren't going to stop until they got what they went there for." Yui said. "Do you think telling them to just stop is going to work? Touma's practically as disobedient as Rimona."

"Rimona was not a bad child. She just… didn't understand how things work. Your brother is simply irresponsible. It's not the same." Lilith stated with a roll of her eyes. There still had been no luck in tracking down Rimona. Even the hellhounds that Aru used couldn't find her. A true testament to the ingenuity and abilities of her wayward daughter. And though she loved all of her children, Rimona had always been the brightest, but that did not make her any less misguided.

Then with a heavy sigh she continued to speak. "But you're right, Riku and Touma have already gotten this stupid thing of theirs started, might as well let them see if it works out. But rest assured, Hinata is my problem to deal with and I will see to her on my terms, not yours. Is that clear children?"

"Yes Mom." Both Yui and Kashima replied.

"Good, now finish up and find something to keep yourselves busy. We are having guests over later and I'd prefer you not impose yourselves on them as well." As she shooed off her daughters. The succubus sisters bowed and turned to leave, but suddenly Lilith called out. "And Yui!" The aforementioned one turned and looked at her mother. "You may return to the mortal world tomorrow and rejoin your brothers in this little plan of yours. Keep me up to date on any progress."

The young succubus gave a catlike smile and bowed her head.

It was then Lilith retrieved two glasses from a shelf and filled herself a finger from the bottle she had selected. She brought it up to her nose and took an inhale of it before quickly gulping it down, feeling the fiery taste of it hit the back of her throat and burn down her esophagus. She let out a satisfied sigh. "Suffer the little children and deny them not."

She then took both the glasses and the bottle and hurried to rejoin Aru.

"You okay Shishou?"

Sakura was currently in Tsunade's office assisting her with some work, as Shizune was required to attend to a case of food poisoning at the hospital and Sakura was not scheduled for a shift anyway. It was the day after Naruto's proposal to Hinata and the reveal of his hidden heritage, and so far no one had seen Naruto or Hinata since the council meeting. Though that was more out of courtesy, people were giving them space rather than being incapable of finding them.

Tsunade herself looked like her mind refused to be focused. Like it wanted to think about anything and everything except the one thing she needed to at the moment. Just ten minutes ago Tsunade had given a mission to Asuma's team to investigate an Akatsuki sighting, but it took her a little longer than normal to give them the specs on the job. She admitted her disorientation and apologized for it, but assured everyone that alcohol had nothing to do with it.

So to Sakura, that meant something else was bothering the Godaime, and she had a good idea regarding what it involved to some degree.

Tsunade sighed and leaned in her chair. "Sakura, as someone with no stakes in the matter, tell me, just how much have I screwed up with Naruto."

Sakura blinked. "What do you mean? You-"

"Don't say I haven't done anything wrong Sakura, you're smarter than that." Tsunade cut her off. "I could have told him about his parents at any time but I didn't. When I finally told him about his heritage, it was only because some jerk challenged it. If it was you, how offended would you be?"

Sakura thought it over. "I want to say that Naruto doesn't get offended, but I've seen otherwise. But surely you had your reasons to keep quiet. After all, Naruto didn't tell me about the Kyuubi until recently."

"That's different Sakura. He was discouraged from telling you by adults he trusted, and you have to admit that back when you were younger you didn't give him sufficient reason to believe you'd take the news well if he had told you from the beginning."

The pinkette mentally grimaced but nodded nonetheless. Had her teammate made such a revelation back during their early days, she could have had any number of reactions and virtually none of them as civil as the one she actually did have when he finally confessed.

"Shishou, the important thing is you admit you made a mistake and that you owe it to him to make it up to him. So you haven't screwed up to the point of no return from where I'm standing." Sakura started. "But if you're worried that Naruto won't forgive you or look at you the same way again, you're going to have to get him to understand your choices. What were your reasons for staying silent? If I was Naruto, how would you explain yourself to me?"

Tsunade leaned back. "In the beginning it was mostly ignorance on my part. I didn't really know who exactly Naruto was until Jiraiya told me, and even then he left things out. Considering the circumstances I can't blame him. But he did tell me who his parents were and what they had done to him before we got back to Konoha. He told me that the boy didn't know and our sensei had wanted it to be kept a secret for the time being." She paused for a moment like a bad thought had just come to her. "Looking back on it, I don't think he ever actually said I was forbidden from telling Naruto the truth."

"He more inferred it, didn't he?" Sakura tested.

Tsunade nodded. "Still, that just means I chose to go along with it. Besides, as Hokage I was under no orders to remain silent, and it makes it worse that Naruto and I are kin. My grandmother was an Uzumaki, so I was effectively denying my own connection to him this entire time I kept my silence."

Sakura tried to see some kind of familial resemblance between her sensei and Naruto, and she was drawing a complete blank. Sure they were blonde and headstrong, but that could easily be seen as coincidence. Even now, if Tsunade hadn't admitted it Sakura still wouldn't believe that she was related to Naruto.

Tsunade sighed and shook her head. "The only excuse I have left is that Naruto has enough enemies to worry about, he didn't need more."

"And if I were Naruto, I'd probably say something like 'What was your plan for if Iwa found out before I did?'." Sakura remarked.

Tsunade sighed, looking like she needed a very stiff drink. "That's the problem, aside from normal defense methods, there wasn't one. I sure didn't have one, I doubt Jiraiya did, and I don't want to think about what the council intended if it had been anyone but me spilling the beans. I think we all just assumed that if Naruto didn't know about the danger, then it just wouldn't be real anymore."

"Shishou, like I said the important thing is you admit you made some bad choices and you're willing to make it up to him. I don't think Naruto will expect too much, but let me tell you something my mother once told me." Sakura stated. "There are two types of apologizers. Those that want forgiveness, and those that want to be let off the hook. If you want forgiveness, you're going to have to face the shame regardless. And if you just want everything to go back to normal, then you aren't really sorry, you just don't want to be held accountable for your actions or lack thereof."

Tsunade closed her eyes and nodded. "You're right, there's no way to avoid it, might as well work through it. Just like ripping off a band-"

The intercom buzzed. "Hokage-sama, there's a child here saying he needs to speak with you. Something about a massacre and..." The voice on the other end paused. "And about Hyuuga Hinata?"

With wide eyes, Tsunade and Sakura looked at each other. Acting quickly, Tsunade pressed a button. "Send him in at once."

Despite being a member of the Main House, Kariya rarely had personal interaction with Hiashi. It wasn't like they were closely related or even friends to each other. Off the top of their heads if asked they'd say they were cousins but couldn't go into any specifics on the connection. And even then that was just to end the discussion rather than answer the question. So when Hiashi told Kariya they would be having words in the morning, the latter knew this wasn't going to be a typical discussion.

Hiashi had arranged for the two to be outside, in one of the training areas that his children often used when supervised and close to some flowers that had been tended to by his late wife. Now Hinata and Hanabi carried on that task, Hanabi more than Hinata lately. The setting put Hiashi into a sense of comfort and control while allowing Kariya to avoid feeling sequestered, albeit still exposed.

Bowing his head low to the patriarch of the Hyuuga clan, Kariya spoke in a typical sycophantic grovel of apology. "Hiashi-sama, I'm sure you have some negative feelings towards my-"

"Be thankful that is all I have Kariya." Hiashi cut in. "My daughter and future son-in-law surely have more than just 'some' negative feelings. Out of everyone in this clan, you more than anyone owe restitution towards them regarding the fiasco your actions resulted in. I am tempted to offer you up to them as a practice dummy in whatever training either may partake in."

Kariya gulped. While he was no stranger to withstanding the juuken, since no proper Hyuuga learned their taijutsu without ever being on the receiving end of it more than once, he could easily imagine that Hinata would discard several reservations in a scenario where his sole role was to stand there and take her hits. And in regards to what Naruto could do... he'd sleep better not letting his mind go down that route.

"But I am going to give you a chance to convince me otherwise. Kariya, what possessed you to denounce my daughter's fiancee in such a way? If your claim of his heritage being inferior was just a cover to avoid breaking the Sandaime's law, I'll be more tempted to pretend you broke said law than to give you over to my daughter." Hiashi continued with an iron look in his eyes.

Seeing a chance, Kariya cleared his throat. "No Hiashi-sama, my words and actions at the time were aimed solely at the preservation and dignity of the Hyuuga clan. I can assure you that at the time my thoughts did not involve the fox in any way. That matter was irrelevant to my objections."

"So you were being literal? You were genuinely calling Uzumaki Naruto an inferior lifeform simply because he had no obvious parentage?" Hiashi summarized. "Then why is it when his parentage was revealed you were in denial? I believe you said something along the lines of 'it shouldn't be possible' for him to be the son of the Yondaime."

"My Lord, your words are blunt and cut to the truth, but can you blame me? We, who boast one of the oldest and purest bloodlines in the shinobi world have taken great pride in preserving it. For does the blood not always tell in the end the measure of a person?"

"Then my future son-in-law's selfless actions over the years to protect this ungrateful village should be proof of his heritage." Hiashi countered. "If blood reveals measure, then the reverse is just as true and measure reveals blood. All of Uzumaki's accomplishments should have indicated that he had a noble albeit hidden heritage."

Kariya grimaced. "Another point my lord, but who would have thought it was possible all these years for that the Yellow Flash could have been married or to let alone to have had a son and no one know of it?"

Hiashi leaned forward slightly, crossing his arms. "I don't think it's the Yondaime having a son that you were in denial about. I think it was Uzumaki Naruto being that son that you were refusing to believe."

"Is my reaction not understandable then my lord? He doesn't act anything like the Yondaime. The Yondaime was noble, humble, and collected in both mind and deed. This boy who you are so eager to take into your family is a troublemaker, impulsive, and uncouth."

"Perhaps I should arrange a visit for you with an eye specialist, for it may have escaped your notice that he's not the Yondaime. He's the son of the Yondaime. They're two separate people, Kariya. Born and raised in different ways."

"But the blood always triumphs. That's the rule." Kariya insisted with a firm tone.

"Rule?" Hiashi repeated, confused. "Are you saying that because two people are related to each other they have to be nearly identical? Are you telling me that you take the Clan of Hats theory seriously?"

"There is credibility to it, have you truly never noticed?"

Hiashi sighed and closed his eyes, feeling very frustrated. The Clan of Hats theory was an idea created by a civilian teacher in the Academy back during the Sandaime's first reign as Hokage, though he claimed the idea was older than even Konoha itself, going as far back as the Sage of Six Paths. The civilian taught students that every member of a ninja clan was essentially the same person, just with a different face and name. While little signs of individuality showed up here and there, in the long run everyone in a clan could be seen as the same. They all fought the same, talked the same, dressed the same, etc. That way if you knew how to fight against one, you knew how to fight against them all, making enemy clans appear less threatening.

When the theory had spread outside the academy, it had been adopted by many of the older clans, especially those who possessed a kekkei genkai, as they believed that it helped bolster the superiority of their families. Some even believed that the theory contributed to the Yondaime Mizukage's decision to exterminate kekkei genkai in Kiri. However, it's popularity was short-lived, as many ninja started taking offense to being treated as beings lacking individuality. It was almost like the whole village was giving them the Root treatment.

"Kariya, there's a reason that the Clan of Hats theory isn't taught anymore. It's because it's inaccurate and highly generalized." Hiashi started. "While living together and learning the same things can create a sense of commonality among people, we are not clones. I mean, for Kami-sama's sake Hinata alone should be proof enough of that."

"Surely there are bound to be exceptions once in a while." Kariya justified.

"Then why can't Naruto be one as well?" Hiashi challenged.

Kariya blinked, having never thought of that.

"And even if the theory was true, which it isn't, Naruto wasn't raised by the Namikaze or the Uzumaki. You're telling me you expect him to copy people he didn't even know existed just because he's genetically linked to them?"

This time Kariya looked firm. "If he was truly their son he would. Which is why I'm still not convinced he really-"

"Finish that sentence Kariya and the only Hyuuga you'll be the same as will be the dead ones." Hiashi warned, uncrossing his arms and clenching his fists.

Kariya looked unintimidated, at least on the outside. "You can't kill me just for having an opinion. You forget yourself my lord, I am still an elder of this Clan."

Hiashi stepped closer and glared down at the pompous fool before him. "It is you who is forgetting yourself. You may be an elder, but I am still head of this clan. I speak for the Hyuuga, not you. Your duty as an elder is to advise, not to control. Well I reject your advice as it is idiotic and undeserving of the status you claim to hold."

Before Kariya had a chance to speak Hiashi gave a flick of his hand. "Enough, I wish to hear no more nonsense spew from your mouth. Remove yourself from my sight."

His face flushing a shade of red then purple in a mixture of anger and humiliation, Kariya bowed his head and then got up to leave. But as he reached the door, Hiashi's voice stopped him. "And be warned, I will tolerate no more slander towards my daughter or her husband-to-be. Should even a single word of it each my ears, I will seek out the source and silence it...permanently."

Hiashi let his threat hang in the air, Kariya stood there, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, then silently he exited the yard and went inside. Once alone, Hiashi remained standing and looking at the flowers for a moment longer before with a heavy sigh he sat down on a large decorative. Deep down, he knew that this would not be the end of the matter. In fact he feared that it was just the beginning.

"What is it now Hokage-sama?" Naruto asked when he and Hinata were brought into Tsunade's office. Sakura had been the one sent to find them both, and she did so rather easily. She just checked Naruto's apartment, being careful to knock this time, and when they answered, fully clothed to her relief, she told them both to get there as soon as humanly possible.

Tsunade internally grimaced at his formal addressing towards her instead of his normal 'Baa-chan' but chose to ignore it. "Naruto, Hinata, I've just been informed of something that you both may find unsettling."

"Oh really? What is that? Do I have some secret twin that was kept hidden from me as well?" Naruto asked sarcastically.

Tsunade, once again ignored the comment "Actually Naruto, this does not have anything to do with you, This has more to do with Hinata. But out of respect, I'm not going to exclude you. To the point though, someone is threatening the lives of everyone in a small village within the Land of Fire. They have threatened to murder all of the villagers... unless Hinata comes to them."

To their credit Naruto and Hinata maintained a professional demeanor to this. "Why would they want Hinata?" Naruto asked, unconsciously reaching over and grabbing the hand of the Hyuuga princess.

"We're not sure. According to the witness, a child, a few nights ago some people just showed up in the middle of the night and started causing trouble. Apparently this group captured and incapacitated an entire village in the span of a few hours."

"Could it be a group of missing-nin?" Hinata asked

"Again, we are unsure, the witness was unable to give much details on the people who attacked. He simply said that he was told by one of them to deliver the message that Hinata was to come or else it would mean the death of the villagers. And even if we don't know who is is responsible, we still need to check it out. You two are a given, since Hinata might be able to identify these people and Naruto wouldn't let her go without him anyway. Any suggestions on who else to accompany?"

Naruto and Hinata looked to each other before Hinata looked back to the hokage. "Kurenai-sensei would be beneficial if we need to deceive them. Sakura could help if either of us gets hurt. And while I hesitate to say this, Kakashi-sensei could prove useful if a fight breaks out."

Tsunade nodded, having had similar thoughts. "That might not be enough though. Because, considering the timing and recent events, I can think of only one group in particular that would have an interest in Hinata."

The young couple tensed and looked at each other again. "Could it really be them?" Naruto asked.

"It's very probable. And if it is, things are going to be worse than the last time." Rimona answered, the situation that Tsunade described definitely sounded like something one of her siblings would do, but then again humans could be just as cruel as any demon.

"To be safe you'd be better with having Jiraiya go along as well." Tsunade added.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "You really trust a 'super pervert' with this kind of enemy?"

The Godaime closed her eyes for a brief moment, she did not know whether to sigh or to laugh. "Point taken. Still, we need someone with his kind of power against this kind of enemy. You got lucky because Aru didn't take you seriously even with Kyuubi's power. You saw what he did to Kiba. If this is him, hell even if it's just someone like him, then you can't count on that advantage again."

Naruto conceded a nod.

"Find the others and head out as soon as possible. I'll get Jiraiya to catch up. Return alive, you did not make a big scene like that just to not live long enough to actually have the damn wedding."

Naruto and Hinata nodded, then gestured for Sakura to follow them which she did. When she was alone, Tsunade turned and looked out the window. She had long ago abandoned the idea of there being any kind of benevolent God, after the death of her brother and Dan. But still for a moment, she allowed herself a prayer towards the kami. "If there's any justice in this world, you'll let those two have their happiness once this is over."