"John! JOHN!"

The sound was reverberating through the entire flat and John sighed into the pages of his book. Footsteps were hammering wildly up the stairs to his quite seperate room - thank you very much - and it was only a matter of seconds before the door slammed open.

In the doorway, holding a calculator aloft was a certain Sherlock Holmes. John groaned.

"What, Sherlock, was so important that you interrupted Rankin? Please enlighten me as soon as you can before this book-" he gestured "- hits that face."

Sherlock huffed, puffed and threw a calculator at him.

"What the - Sherlock!"

"It doesn't divide John!" He glared contemptuously at the calculator which was now cushioned on the duvet next to John.

"Please don't tell me you tried. Just please don't-" Sherlock held his hand up and scowled.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Are you telling me that you actually believed him? You believed Lestrade?" John asked incredulously, glancing back down at the screen of the calculator. And moaned disappointedly.

"Why did he lie to me, John?" Sherlock actually looked sorrowful for a second and John tracked back, counting to ten.

Which apparently was more than Sherlock could do.

After sniggering inwardly for a second he looked up.

"Surely you knew. It was the first thing I learnt in the maths course. The whole point of it is it's a mathematical impossibility. At least in real number mathematics."

"Don't start spouting-"

"Sherlock! It's normal to know this! Why don't you?"

"Deleted. I didn't finish my A Level anyway. If you remember our conversation from Tuesday morning..." Sherlock sniffed and turned around.

"If you can count three minutes of you ranting about the school system nowadays and then going on to finish with 'Well I didn't finish school anyway' as a conversation. Sherlock I really actually can't believe this. This is almost on Solar System level in my eyes -"

"In your eyes! Yes! In your eyes. Not everyone elses'. So I won't really be ridiculed by everyone because Lestrade distracted me by..."

"By?" John prompted, his eyes glistening with mirth.

"By making me try to - to-"

"Sherlock. Just say it. It's not that bad. Really." John bit the inside of his lip and hoped that he didn't look as fit to burst as he felt.

"To divide by zero! Okay? To divide. By. Naught. There you go. I said it."

And John had the decency to wait until the door was locked and Sherlock was downstairs before bursting into fits of uncontrollable giggles.

May bit a bit crackish but I laugh every time I look at my calculator now since my friend tried to do 360/0. Not a good thing for a Gifted & Talented maths set from someone who got an A at A Level...

Anyway, like? Dislike? Apathetic?