A/N: So today in my AP History class our teacher gave us this test that he thought would take us the entire period to finish, turns out it took like half an hour... so we spent the rest of the period doing whatever work we wanted to do, and I just started to write this! Even though as my friend kept reminding me, I have tons of homework to do this weekend *looks at large pile of homework guiltily* Anyways... As always I love reviews :)

*Disclaimer* While I highly doubt I'd be writing fanfiction if I owned N2N, you never know, so I'm still going to say it... I don't own it sadly.

"Help." The words fall hopelessly from my lips. I look for him. Everything's a blur; bright lights hurt my eyes and loud music pounds in my head with a pulsating beat. Why isn't he here? He's always here. I pull out my cell phone Can you come get me? I text. No reply. He always replies. Always. Why isn't he replying? My heart races as I think of last night.

I was dancing, high, as usual. Henry had come, nagging me about how this was getting crazy. I couldn't be doing this. He couldn't be doing this. "Fuck off then" I tell him carelessly joining a guy on the dance floor.

"Stop," I say later as the same guy takes me into the alley behind the club "Stop!" I tell him and I push him away harder. He shoves me against the wall. Tears start to burn my face as he pushes himself onto me. He keeps shoving and kicking me. I give up, surrendering as he begins to kiss me "Help" I call softly into emptiness.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Henry says walking into the alley looking for me. I look up at him still crying "Help." I say pathetically to him. He grabs the guy by his collar.

"Get the fuck off her or I'll kill you. If you so much as lay another hand on her you're dead."

"Okay dude, chill." The guy says frightened "If she wasn't such a tease it wouldn't be an issue in the first place." He spits at me before leaving. I look up at Henry.

"I'm sorry," The words fall out of my mouth in a slur.

"Do you need a ride?" He sighs.

"Yes." I say simply as I grab his hand to help steady myself "You didn't ask if I'm okay." I look at him, hurt.

"Well you're completely out of it." He grumbles helping me to his car "So much so you almost just got yourself raped. It's kind of obvious you aren't okay."

We don't say anything the entire ride home. He helps me inside and past my parents; both asleep thank God, and quietly helps me clean myself up.

"Thank you." I say as I find my way to my bed, collapsing on top of it. My face still burns, but there isn't any bruising and the cuts aren't that noticeable. Hopefully my parents won't notice in the morning.

"Well don't expect it anymore." He says, the words hit me cold and unforgiving.

"Bye," I say expecting a kiss goodnight like always. Usually I don't like it, but tonight I need it.

"Goodbye Natalie." He says still coldly turning to leave, no kiss, nothing. He doesn't even call me Nat, like he always does. He closes the door gently behind him.

"Come on Henry," I mutter as the phone rings. And rings. And rings. His voicemail "Goddamn it." I mutter under my breath as I stomp my foot. I see my breath in the cool air. It starts to snow. It is the end of January I realize. Isn't it? I've lost track of time lately. I stick my tongue out as snow falls on my tongue relieving my pain. For this one moment I'm a little kid again, playing in the snow. Life is carefree and simple. My phone vibrates and I'm shocked back into reality. I look down, he replied! We need to talk. I'll pick you up, but no more clubs. No more drugs. I consider, for a millisecond, agreeing to this. Then I think I'll just humor him for a ride home. But I can't. How did I get here? I can't remember. "Need a ride?" A voice asks from behind me, I turn and see some guy I recognize from the club, I smile and turn back down to my phone quickly typing Forget it. Goodbye Henry. I follow the guy to his car. What's his name? I know him from somewhere. I don't care. Screw Henry.

A/N: Reviews? Please?