This is something new I wanted to start.

I was inspired by this youtube videos I watched, if you want to know, I'll post them later.

Hope you enjoy

A New Start

Chapter 1

They say it's not easy when you move out of your home town but when your forced to leave, it's hard. It started off as your typical normal Sunday the only thing weird about this Sunday was I wasn't sitting down on the couch, reading my magazine on my bight oragne couch like I always do. No, on this Sunday, I was pakcing. Upstairs in my room, I was packing my suite case with Harper. My Suite Case open on the bed in front of me while Harper was by my dresser picking out the clothes I should bring with my to Virginia. Yeah, you heard me, Virginia.

"Alex," Harper said while taking out the multicolour tank top from my door and placing in my suite case. "I don't understand why you have to leave"

"Harper," I said while folding my chocolate sweater and placing it in my suite case were it laid right at the top. "They made it clear that I wasn't allowed to come back to the school after the summer. I've been kicked out, where else am I suppose to go?"

"You could be home schooled" She said with a big smile on her face.

I shook my head with a smile.

"Ha ha, very funny. Harper my parents made it clear that I have to go. If I don't go, then I have no future. This is only in case I lose in the Wizard Competition. I don't want to be left the Sub Station," I said as I kept transporting clothes and jewellery from my dresser to my suite case. "There, done" I said with I smile. I jumped on the suite case as Harper tried zipping it up.

"Alex!" Mom called from downstairs.

"Yes!" I called back.

"You have to hurray up of your going to miss your flight!"

"Alright coming!"

I lifted my heavy purple suite case off of my bed and grabbed the other brown suite case that was outside the bedroom and started carrying both down the stairs. I was as the bottem where Dad stopped me from going any further.

"It's alright honey," he said as her grabbed both suite cases from my hands. "I got it"

"Thanks dad" I said.

I walk up to the mirror and fixed my self up for the flight. I wanted to look good in case I saw any cuties. I smiled at the thoguth. I fixed my clothes before turning around and saying, "Perfect"

Justin came around the coner, with his suite cases, down the stairs and walked over to the front door where Dad was just coming back in from putting my suite case in the Taxi, which was just outside our house at the time.

"Now," Justin said in an angrey tone. "I don't understand why I have to go too?" he asked.

"Because, you have you make sure Alex stays out of trouble" Dad said as he shook his index fingure at Justin as he did all the me.

I rolled my eyes at Justin, ignoring his wining and walked over to Harper who was standing by the stairs with a tear rolling down her eye.

"Aw, Alex," Harper said as he leaned in a hugged me "I'm going to miss you so much"

I leaned back in and hugged her back. "I'll miss you too, Harper" I said.

"Promise me you'll call me everyday"

"I promise"

I unwraped my arms around Harper's neck, backed up and walked over to Mom.

"Oh, Miha" Mom said as she did the same. She leaned in and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Have fun in Mystic Falls and phone me when you get there"

"I will mom" i unwraped my arms around her and walked over to Dad.

"Alright Alex," he said sternly. "I want you to stay out of trouble and listen to what your brother and Aunt Jenna says. I don't want her phoning us that you got kicked out of this school again"

"Alright Dad," I said as I rolled my eyes. "I promise,"

"That's my girl" he said with a smle.

I smiled back ang gave him a big hug around the stomach. After a couple of minutes, I let go of him and walked walked up to Max

"Well," I said as I slapped both of my thighs. "until next time little bro"

"I'm gonna miss you Alex and I'll miss you too Justin" Max said.

Justin and I both gave Max a hug. After saying good by to everybody, Justin and I walked down the spiral stairs to the Sub Station and took one last look of the Sub Station.

"Well," Justin said. "This is good bye"

"Not for long," I said. "Your done this year. At the end of the year, you can come back"

Justin didn't respond. He turned around and walked out of the restaurant.

The flight to Virginia felt long. We got to the airport and went to the plane right away getting seats way in the back. Justin barley even talked to me because he was so mad at me. He hated being the one to watch out for me. When we got to the airport in Virginia, Justin and I existed the plane, got our bag and waited downstairs in front of the airport where we were instructed to go and wait for Aunt Jenna.

"So, what does Aunt Jenna look like? I have never met her" I said as I pulled my feet up on the bench we were sitting on.

"Me either," Justin said. "I understood why dad didn't tell us about Aunt Megan but why did he never tell us about Aunt Miranda?"

"Well, what did Dad say about her?"

"He said that Aunt Miranda gave up on magic a long time ago. She never wanted her husband or her children to know about it. Our Aunt Jenna does know about magic but never really cared of studying it. She told Grandpa and Grandma she had no interest"

I was shocked. Who wouldn't want to be a wizard? All the cool spells and potions you can learn. We sat down talking until a woman with strawberry blonde hair walked up to us.

"Hi," She said. We stared at her for a couple of seconds. We had no idea who she was. "I'm your Aunt Jenna. You guys don't remember me? We only met a few months ago"

"Um" was the only thing that came out of my mouth. Justin stepped in, literally, and tried to help me out.

"Hi Aunt Jenna," he said as he let out his hand for a shake. She smiled and shook it back. "I'm sorry but we never got to see you at...the funeral so we never officially met"

She gave him a smile

"That's ok and it's great to officially met you Justin," She leaned over to look at my face. "And Alex," I gave her a wave with a smile. "Come on. Let's take your things to your car"

Justin and I sat up and grabbed our suite cases and followed her to her car. We put both suite cases in the trunk and took our seats in the car, Justin taking the back seat while I bet him to the passenger side and sat beside Aunt Jenna.

The hour ride to Mystic Falls was the worst hour of my life. Nobody talked at all. Aunt Jenna would ask the usual questions that any aunt, uncle, grandpa or grandma would as. 'Hows Max?', 'Hows New York?', 'What do you want to be when your done high school?', 'Got a boyfriend/girlfriend?'. The last one was the hardest question that both Justin and I kept quite on but our usually responses would be, 'He's great', New York's ok, Artist/Teacher.

As we pulled into Mystic Falls, there was a big sign that read

Mystic Falls, VA

est. 1860

Mystic Falls was a small but yet, beautiful town. The trees where big and green and the air smelt so fresh and clean unlike New York . The smell of Mystic Falls reminded me of those pine air smelling car fresheners.

We pulled up into the drive way of a big two story house that was white with tan shingles and a green line around that roof that just gave it that finishing touch.

Justin and I got out of the car and grabbed our suite cases from the trunk and followed Aunt Jenna inside.

"Guys!" She called out as she placed her car keys on the landing beside the door. "Alex and Justin are her!"

In the opening in front of us, a girl, around my age, with straight brunette hair popped her head out from the side and smiled. She then relived her full body, wearing a green sweater and dark blue jeans and walked up to us.

"Hi," she said as she came up to me, took me by surprise, and hugged me. "I'm your cousin, Elena"

"Oh, hey," I said as I shook her hand. "I'm Alex"

She laughed.

"I know," Elena then walked up to Justin. "And you must be Justin," she said as she gave him a hug. "My older cousin"

Justin laughed.

"Yup, that's me" Justin said.

Elena let go of Justin and walked to the base of the stairs.

"Jeremy!" She called. "Come downstairs!"

A minute later, a boy with the same brunette hair as Elena's came down the stairs and stood beside Elena.

"Jeremy," Elena said. "These are our cousins Alex," I gave him a smile and a wave. "and Justin" Justin did the.

Jeremy examined us with his red blochy eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept for days. With a hit to his arm by Elena's shoulder, he finally said a word to us.

"Hey" he said to both of us with a nod.

"Hey" Justin and I both said back.

Jeremy then turned around and walked back upstairs. Elena rolled her eyes and gave us an apologetic look.

"I'm so sorry you guys" She said. "He's just...hasn't been the same since-" She then looked to the ground

Just walked up to her and put his arm on her shoulder. She looked up with a tear rolling down her eye.

"It's ok," he said. "We under stand. If it makes you feel better, I can talk to him. Hang out with him while were here. I mean, I'm the only other male in this house"

A big smile appeared on Elena as she jumped in and hugged Justin.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much" She said.

Justin hugged her back.

"Your welcome"

"So," Aunt Jenna said as she placed her purse on the landing beside her keys. "Justin, we have a room downstairs for you and Alex, you'll be staying in the guest room"

I gave her a smile with a nod.

"Great" I said.

"Justin, I'll show you to your room downstairs," Jenna said. "and Elena can show you to your room upstairs. It's beside her's"

Justin grabbed his suite cases and followed Jenna to the kitchen. When they were out of site, Elena showed me to my room upstairs.

My room was small but had a lot of space for me to roam around in. There was a big queen bed that sat in the middle of the room. A wooden dresser stood across from the bed. The walls were baby blue with royal navy blue curtains with hardwood floors but the bed had a beige rug underneath it.

I took both of my suite cases and placed them beside the bed.

"Do you need help unpacking?" She asked still standing in front of the door.

"If you want" I said as I placed my purple suite case flat on the floor and unzipped it. Elena walked into the room and did the same to the brown suite case.

We were almost done unpacking. I let Elena put all my jewelry away in my jewelry box while I took the folded clothes that we unpacked earlier and put them in the dresser. I stopped half way threw the unpacking. There was something really bothering me that I had to get off my chest. I turned around and looked at Elena, who was trying carefully to untangle one of my necklaces

"Hey," I said. She looked up from the necklace in her hand. "I couldn't find you during the funeral but I wanted the chance to tell you that…I'm sorry for what happened to your parents"

Elena formed a broken smile

"Thank you" she said

"Um…you were there when it happened, right?"

"Ah…yeah. I was in the car with them"

"Again, I'm sorry"

"It's okay"

When we finished unpacking, we went downstairs where Elena showed me the rest of the house. The living room and the kitchen where Aunt Jenna was making a salad.

"Hey, guys" she said as she was tossing the salad in the bowl. "How did the unpacking go?"

"Great" I said.

"That perfect"

"Hey, where's the basement? I want to see how Justin's doing"

"Oh, Elena will show you"

"Okay" Elena said. She showed me the door that just stood right beside the fridge. She walked up to it and opened the door for me.

"Do you want me to come down with you?" Elena asked.

"Uh...No. I think I'll be ok"

Elena gave me nod as I took my first step down the stairs. When I got down there, there were two doors. I didn't know which to go threw so I picked the first one. I opened it and saw Justin unpacking his clothes from his brown suite case. Justin gave me a broken smile

"Hey Alex" He said

"Still unpacking?" I asked as I slowly walked in.

"Yup. Since I had to come with you here"

"Justin, do you really think I wanted you to come? You could of stayed home"

"I couldn't because Dad said I had to come and watch you"

Then a sudden knock came to the door.

"Come in" Justin said as he glared at me. The door swung open and Aunt Jenna walked in

"Hey, Aunt Jenna" I said.

"Hey guys," she said. "So listen, your dad said that you two are still learning magic," We both nodded. "Well your dad still wants you to study and since he can't come here, I set up a room next yours Justin. You can decorate it however you want but, you leave the portal the way it is and how it is. You can use that to transport from here to New York. Understand?"

Justin and I both nodded.

"Great" Aunt Jenna said. "Where having pizza and salad for supper so, I'll call you when it's ready"

"Ok, thank you" Justin and I both said.

Aunt Jenna gave us a smile and a nod and walked up the stairs.

When supper was ready, Justin and I walked back upstairs and sat at the dinner table in the kitchen. Elena was telling us about Mystic Falls High and telling us all about her friends. She was explaining about all the school activities there and encouraged me to try out for cheerleading. The whole time she was talking about it I was screaming inside 'No!'. I did join cheerleading back in New York but that was because of Justin's stupid monster made me.

"I'll think about it" Was my answer.

"I hope you join" She said with a smile.

When we finished supper, Justin and I decided to help Aunt Jenna clean up. Elena was helping us but then her friend, Bonnie called her and she left the room to go talk to her. I was drying them and Justin was putting them away and Aunt Jenna was putting the leftovers away. In the middle of cleaning, I finally popped the question.

"So," I said. "Elena and Jeremy don't know about…magic?"

Jenna stopped doing what she was doing and turned her head to me.

"No," she said. "And they aren't going to know"

"Why?" Justin asked.

"Miranda didn't want them involved in magic. I'm going by her ways, okay"

Justin and I nodded.

"Good, " She then looked at the watch on her wrist. "It's late. You guys should probity get to bed. School starts tomorrow"

"What about our school supplies?" Justin asked.

"Already got it for ya"

"Thank you" I said.

"You welcome"

After we finished cleaning, Justin and went our separate ways to our rooms and went to bed. Mystic Falls. Get ready. The new girl is in town. Just hope you're ready for her or if I'm ready for you.

So, what do you guys think? Should I continue? Let me know in the reviews. Review if you like it!