Important authors note.

Hey fan fiction universe i have a special announcement if you live in Ohio near the lake county area or even if you don't a very dear friend of mine recently lost everything in a house fire her and her three kids have nothing. but whatever we have been able to acquire so far. I can't stress enough how much it would mean if you made some kind of donation whether it be clothing toys or simple houses hold items. or to just wish us luck and hope that the news interview done on channel five news will help us to get what we need. If you want to know more or wish to ask questions please send me a pm. it would mean so much.

Sincerely Sam

Also I apologize for not updating in so long between school and my family I haven't had much time to focus on my writing but I promise that updates for all of my stories will be coming as soon as I can get them put up. I'm working hard at everything and I hope to update within the next week. To all of you reading this I can't express how much it means to me that you care enough to read my stuff and that you want more. So from the bottom of my heart thank you to all of my readers. An as an act of good faith here is a sneak peek at the next chapter of My Middle Name is Death

Sneak peak

Chapter 4

The next few days after that were uneventful, Edward called to see how things were going and once more I lied to him telling him that I would be here longer than expected. I hated lying to him. He was everything to me, but I couldn't risk him getting involved with Killer. There was no doubt in my mind that they were now aware of my attack in Mexico. It had also been on every international news station. None of them had been able to get video of me. Most were calling it an act of terrorism. At that I had to laugh. Yeah I m a big bad terrorist all right, a terrorist who blew up a drug lord. Yes, it is certainly laughable.

A small smile crept across my face I was currently in my rented loft. In the middle of downtown New York City, the loft was bare really it was one large spacious room, with a small bathroom and kitchen off to the side. The walls were bare and derelict. I wasn't going to be here long at least I hoped I wouldn't be. I sighed and rolled off of my leather sofa. My computer was beeping alerting me to the fact that someone was trying to contact me. It was most likely my sister Kaylynn. I clicked on the link that would allow for us to IM each other without risk of being traced. An electronic voice began reading the email to me as I walked around stripping off my night cloths and getting dressed for the day.

"They know it was you. They have agent's searching for you, and Daniel is in charge of the search." I smiled so I was right.

"Do they have any leads as to where I might be located?" I asked knowing that the computer would transfer my spoken words into written ones. The voice spoke again.

"No they are clueless." I laughed.

"Good. Do you have anything else for me?" I asked.

"yes." Was her reply.

"and?" I questioned simply.

"Killer is targeting a family of seven members last name Cullen."

OK so there you have it.