Glancing quickly at him from a distance, I couldn't help but want to hold him. I think it was now that I was actually taking the time to notice how remarkable he looked. His red hair shaped perfectly around his small face. His green orbs were so filled with life and welcoming.

How was this the first time I noticed?

I figured that I might as well go over and sit with him. It probably would have been rude not to. I took a few steps closer to him from behind, trying to see how long it would take before he noticed me.

Stepping on some crunchy snow immediately got his attention. He turned back and gave a half smile, motioning for me to come nearer to him. As I walked at a faster pace, I was anxious to be close to someone in this frigid weather. My damp shoes brought me to him.

Climbing up the ladder of the playground that he and I hadn't been on in years, it brought back some old memories. I held back a smile, gripping onto the last icy support beam, and pulling myself up. I scooted myself next to him, our bodies no farther than an inch away from each other.

"What are you doing up here Kyle, still play on this old thing sometimes?" I joked, trying to bring some enlightenment to the mood that obviously wasn't there. He didn't seem too happy out here alone in the middle of winter.

Kyle coldly laughed and looked up towards the sky, wind brushing against the cheeks of his face. It pushed some hair back and Kyle closed his eyes.

I didn't know what would get him to talk. Maybe he and I could just stay quiet like this for a while. As long as his eyes were closed, I had infinite time to stare.

As another gust of wind came upon us, his lids remained down. Closer to him, I had an even better view. His head was back, Kyle's perfect jaw line pointing outwards. The boy's flawless skin was as pale as the moon above us itself.

I wanted to reach my hand out and run my fingers against him, just to see what he felt like. It's too bad that would have no doubt disturbed him, ruining up my fun and bringing questions I couldn't answer.

For now, all I could do was ogle.

Staring at him for even longer, I was just realizing something else. Maybe I knew this all along, but I was in love with him.

Thinking about that, it made me gay, I thought. Kyle was a dude. I was a dude. That wasn't right. Kyle wouldn't want anything to do with that anyway, but for now, it didn't matter. I couldn't focus on that.

The corner of his lips curved into a smile, and he slowly blinked his eyes open.

I noticed some tears beginning to brim in his eyes. He shut them again, and looked away from me. I knew something was the matter, so I brought my sleeved jacket up to his face, and wiped them away.

He turned back to me, thanking me, and looking as if he needed to tell me something. I waited on my own, not wanting to seem too persistent.

When he didn't say anything after a few minutes, I decided I had to be the braver person, and start up a conversation.

"I know something's been going on lately," I looked away, my serious expression kept intact, "And I think you need someone to talk to about it."

He nodded in agreement with my statement and looked down at his shoes. I brought my finger to his chin, and tilted his head upwards. Our faces, less than half an inch apart, only needed one gentle push to get closer. The chilling wind showed up at the right time, pushing my lips against his, and connecting us.

Kyle didn't pull back or resist, a reaction I could have most likely determined would happen, but instead, he kissed me back. It seemed so much warmer with our bodies pressed up against each others, the heat making a noticeable difference.

After a few longer seconds, we both pulled away simultaneously, at loss of words.

Breaking the silence, I spoke for the last time, "Kyle, I'm always going to be here for you."