Chapter 1: Chased Away

Bella POV

I was driving to the Cullen's house, getting ready to see the idiot of my life: Edward Mason Anthony Cullen (EMAC). It's been three weeks since we've gotten back from Volterra.

I pulled up into the Cullen's driveway and took in there house: It was huge, white and mostly glass not exactly my style but still beautiful.

I walked inside and was heading to Edward's room when Alice grabbed me and dragged me to her room.

When we got there I mentally puked I've been in Alice's room thousands of times but I can never get used to all the pink. Alice had sat me in a chair when we had got in her room. (Ugh it was pink.) I expected her to Bella-Barbie me, (Ha, one of Edward's lame excuses for not turning me was the unbearable fire, but if I think if I can sit through Bella-Barbie time then I can sit through anything.) but instead of taking out her varieties of make-up, hair care products, and clothes, (I mean really how does she fit them all in her room and still have space.) she turned my chair around.

"Bella, I need to tell you something you something." She stated like she had rehearsed this many times. (Okay she has just done 3 of the most annoying things ever:

She said she was going to tell me something, you just did

She didn't ask me if I wanted to be told anything, I mean how rude is that, drag somebody to your room just to force them to listen to you say something, what if they don't want to hear it

She rehearsed it I mean come on that's just sad, your not giving speech.)

Of course I couldn't say any of these things because that's not something 'Bella' I mentally sneered the name would say.)

"What Alice?" I asked annoyed.

"You are going to stay away from Edward." What is this chic talking about?

"What? No. Why?" Yeah I threw in the no for good measure. I know my character from back to front.

"Because he loves me now." Good riddance. I wanted to drop it and leave but Bella would never would never do that. She's so stupid about that stupid sparkly tooth-fairy. (My nickname for Edward awesome right.) You know in hindsight I could have made somebody better but no I just had to make a stupid character. Well I better reply to Alice soon or she'll get suspicious.

"No, he would never do that." Yes he would. Guess what Alice your not the first person he cheated on me with. I saw him and Tanya making out a week ago. The only reason I keep him around is to:

Annoy Charlie

Annoy Renee

Have easy access to thing to make fun of him about

Of course I couldn't say any of this out loud, so I just waited for Alice to reply, because knowing Alice she would.

"That's not what he said when he was kissing me." Of course he didn't stupid, he probably didn't say that to Tanya either. Again couldn't say that so I decided to keep up my charade.

"He kissed you?" Cue fake shock.

"Yes several times." Cue fake sadness. I've really been getting good at fake sadness. During that period when Edward left. But you know what really is sad:

You try to commit suicide for a girl then cheat on her with your sister

I saved Edward

I didn't join the Volturi

I let Edward 'accidentally' break my musical instruments

I let Edward back into my life

The first one I don't want to hear any comments on that one is not up for debate. We all know I'm right, so why argue.

The second one may sound mean but so is leaving a chick and cheating on her twice.

The third one is really sad. I know to other people they may seem sadistic, but I think there awesome. Why I didn't join them: because Bella wouldn't have the guts to do something like that.

The fourth one is again Bella's fault. Why did I have to think of someone so stupid.

The fifth one is just sad. I could have made Bella new and improved and let charlie blame Edward for the change, but then I wouldn't get to talk to the Cullen's so sacrifice right.

I think I should reply to Alice if I don't she'll be suspicious. I decided to say something clever:

"Why?" Genius right.

"It's obvious your just a petty little human." Ha sister you wish. I was getting suspicious of her so I decided to wedge s bit deeper.

"Why are you telling me this."

"Because, Bella I care about you and I want you to get out before Edward kills you, or we tell the family about how Edward doesn't love you anymore. They'll kill you, so I'd go while I had the chance." I ran out before she could say anymore. Of course I knew she was lying through her teeth, but I saw this as an opportunity to leave.

I ran out of the Cullen's house and got in my truck. Before I drove off I looked back at Alice's window and I saw her smiling. I stomped on the pedal of my stupid, old, rusty, and most irritating slow truck.

When I got to Charlie's house I ran up in my room. I grabbed my laptop, cell phone, wallet, ipod, and stuffed then into my red and black bag. I grabbed a toothbrush, a hair brush, some clothes, and stuffed them into my suitcase.

I grabbed 2 sheets of paper and a pen from my crappy desk. On the first sheet of paper I wrote:

Dear Charlie,

I'm sorry I did this and I love you. I didn't want to hurt you but I need to see the world. Don't look for me no one knows where I've gone. I'm really sorry for running away.


On the second sheet I wrote a note to the Cullen's.

I put the first note on the counter. I got in my truck and drove to the Cullen's house. I put their note on their doorstep and drove to the airport.

When I got their I got a 1st class flight to Volterra.

When I got in my seat I got out my ipod, put my headphones on, and fell asleep to the music.