Chapter 2: Stuck

Jasper POV

I was sitting around flipping through my old photo album, missing home, when Carlisle walked in from his day at the hospital. I quickly put my album away before he could see it.

"Hey Jasper, could you please get the family?" Carlisle asked.

"Sure Carlisle," I replied. "Hey Family Carlisle needs to talk to us."

"We heard the 1st time Jasper." Edward stated haughtily.

"Sorry Moody, I just wanted to make sure everybody heard."

"Don't call me Moody."

"I would, but Esme told me to always tell the truth."

Edward was about to reply when Alice cut in.

"You 2 stop arguing and Jasper stop antagonizing Edward." She said defending Edward like every other time me and Edward argue. Why did I marry her?

"Fine, because my momma raised me right, I will TRY and stop irritating and/or arguing with Edwier- I mean Edward." I said putting a big emphasis on try.

"Okay then, let's get right to it, I found a note from Bella to us. Here it is:

Dear Cullens,

Bye to you all, I want you to I've left. I also want you to know that I'm a vampire. On an individual addressing note:

Carlisle: You've been like father to me so don't blame yourself. I don't blame you.

Esme: You've been like a mother to me so you also don't blame yourself. I don't blame you either.

Edward: I'm breaking up with you you're an obsessive crazy stalker freak. Sorry, but it's not me it's you.

Alice: you are no longer my best friend. I just want you to know that I've never really liked your fashion sense. I think you need Hot Topic.

Rosalie: Your awesome don't ever change. (Ha-ha Vamp. Humor) you've been like a sister to me.

Emmett: Please pull all the pranks you can on Alice and Edward. You've been like my big brother.

Jasper: It's 50 years.

-Bella (Izzy)

I had been smiling through this whole letter to the end. Then I stopped smiling. Did I hear him correctly did he just say 50 years.

"Um… Carlisle did you just say 50 as in five zero or 15 as in one five" I asked very confused.

"I said 50 as in five zero.' He said confused by my question and my note.

"Ooh that's what I thought you said." I pulled out my cell phone and I dialed a very familiar number. On the fifth ring she picked up. She probably did that on purpose.

"Hello," She answered.

"Hi Izz," I replied through my teeth.

"Hey Jazz what's up"

"Nothing. Nothing. We read the letter."

"Oh how it go."

"Carlisle was happy and relieved. Esme was the same. Edward was ticked, it was very funny. Alice was ticked but a little less than Edward. I'm guessing this is her fault." I paused to let her answer to that when she didn't I kept going." Rosalie was happy, a little confused, and sad. Emmett was joyful, mischievous, an sad."

"Ooh. Can you explain the emotions please?" She stalling I can tell.

"Well Carlisle's and Esme's emotions can be explained like this: they were happy you thought of them as parents, relieved you didn't blame them, and sad because you're gone. Edward's is because you left, broke up with him, and told Emmett to prank-to-fy him. Alice's is because you don't like her fashion sense and because you told Emmett to prank-to-fy her. Rosalie was happy because you thought of her like a sister, confused why you thought that since she was always so mean and rude to you, and sad you were gone. Emmett was joyful that you thought of him as a brother mischievous because he was thinking of ways to get back at Alice and Edward. Because he knew for sure that it was their fault. Which I agree with. And he was sad because you were gone."

"Interesting, and I know your goanna ask so I'm going to tell you, yes, it is Alice's fault."

"Thanks for stating the obvious. Now stop stalling and let's get to the real reason I called. 50 years doesn't that seem harsh?"

"No it could be 100 years."

"Please Izz at least make it 25."

"fine, but only because we can't play Rock band without you."

"Thank you. You are so nice, so kind, so sweet, and so considering."

"I know and don't try to butter me up Jasper we've known each other to long for me to fall for that."

"I know but it was worth a shot."

"Bye Jazz"

"Bye Izz"

After that she hung up the phone and I was alone to face the Cullens and their confusion/anger.

"Here's the deal I know you all have questions, but I don't feel like answering them. But since I'm a nice person I'm going to allow you each 1 question. I'm allowed to answer the question any way I want as long as I answer the question. "I said leaving no room for discussion in my voice. When no one objected I went on. "Okay Carlisle you first."

"Okay my question is: What does the 50 years, 25 years thing you and Bella were speaking of mean?" He asked curious about why I sounded so desperate.

"Oh it means that I have to stay here for 25 years. No offense, but I want to go home. I really don't mean to offend you guys. I don't hate any of you, well except Alice and Edward. It's just I miss my family. Okay next up Esme."

"Is Bella okay?" I knew this was coming. Esme is always the parent.

"Yes, she's probably happier than she's been in a long time." I answered.

"Well okay then, if she's happy." Esme replied happy that Izz is happy, but sad that her family made Izz sad.

"Okay next up Edward."

"Where is Bella?" He asked. He must think he's so clever. Ha, who does he think he is.

"A place I can't go for 25 years" I answered with a smug smile on my face. "Okay next up Alice."

"How long have you known Bella?" She asked. There was jealousy rolling off her in waves. Wow this chick is bipolar. Guess I owe Izz 50 bucks.

"A long time." I answered ready to move on. She's very annoying. "Okay Rose please ask your question."

"Why didn't you tell us or at least me that you knew Bella?"

"She didn't want me to." I said with a shrug. "Emmett it's your turn."

"My question is: Are you and Bella related?"

"In blood. No. In venom. Yes." I answered thinking about it. "Well that's it I guess." I sat down on the couch and prepared myself for the long 25 years ahead of me.