Hello all! After taking a huge break and trying to regain focus, I have decided to start on this story again, for those of you who are still waiting around. I hope it's enjoyable.

The format is a little off, and I'm very, very sorry!


We walked into my kitchen, where she stood by the counter and I opened the fridge. I looked at her over my shoulder, grinning because I was excited she actually came over. "What would you like?"

"Do you have any pop?" she replied, and I raised an eyebrow.


"You know, like, soda, I guess. Coke? Sprite? Fizzy, unhealthy, flavored water?"

"Oh, yeah. Soda. We have coke, if you like that."

"I'll take that, then." I smiled as I handed her the red can. "Did you really not know what pop was when I asked?" she grinned, popping open the can.

"No, I've never heard that before," I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. She giggled, which made me kind of jittery inside. "Why is that so funny?"

"I don't know. That's just what we call it back in Boston." She shrugged her shoulders, tossing her dark hair over one shoulder.

"Do you miss Boston?" I asked, hopping up on the counter beside where she was leaning. I was praying she wouldn't bring up that we were supposed to be bringing back drinks downstairs. Bella pulled a section of her hair close to her eyes and didn't say anything. After what seemed like forever, she sighed.

"What do you think? I left all my friends, the only house I've ever lived in, the only town I've ever lived in. Boston's my home. Of course I miss it." I was kind of taken aback. I didn't think I was prying or asking a stupid question. I just wanted to get to know her more.

"Sorry. I was just trying to make conversation. I guess it's not something I really know about." Bella still wasn't looking at me and the tension was really starting to fill the air. "Let's go back downstairs."

"Actually, if you don't mind, do you think we could stay up here for a while? No offence, but I don't think I can handle too much more of Jay. He's higher strung than Sebastian." I laughed.

"I get it. Yeah, we can stay up here. But we should probably get the others their drinks before the come looking for us. I'll just go give everyone everything." I left Bella leaning against the counter in the kitchen. We ended up in the living room while she picked out a movie she wanted to watch. Bella picked out X:Men: First Class. I have to admit, I was super psyched; it was one of my favorite movies.

While I put the movie in the player, I debated myself on whether I could get away with sitting directly next to her. I didn't want to seem too needy, but I was pretty sure she was into me. Alright, maybe I wasn't so sure, but I had a feeling she was. And I could definitely see myself being into her. She was pretty, gorgeous, even, and while she wasn't the usual type I went for, I decided I could branch out. If I could only get passed her semi-icy exterior! Hopefully she wouldn't shoot me down, but even if she did, I figured 'you're seventeen, the world won't end if she does…' No, maybe not the world, but my ego would.

Grabbing the remotes, I settled so our legs were about two inches apart. Bella didn't move away, but she did look down and back up without looking at me. I felt like I was in one of those 80's cheesy teen movies! I mean, I was Jasper Hale! And not to sound like a jerk, but I had game! Plenty of girls wanted me, and I had girlfriends before that hadn't made me nervous so why was this specific girl making me second guess every move I made?

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded and tucked her feet under her. This made our legs touch, and I felt her tense up, but after a few seconds, she relaxed.


I was not good with flirting. I was awkward when it came to that, and being that I was attracted to Jasper, I reallyawkward, so I tried to fix it, but I was just coming off as icy. When he asked about Boston, I lost my head a little bit. I'm not really one to open up, and especially not to someone I've only known for a few days, if even that. While it wasn't a super deep question, it required me to remember my home. As far as I was concerned, I would never consider Charleston my home. Ever. So the first emotion that came to my mind was sadness, and I didn't want to show that to Jasper. I felt like that would make me weak. So, I, of course, lashed out. Jasper was nice enough not to be rude back. He actually apologized for asking. After that, I talked myself into calming down. Jasper wasn't out to hurt me.

As the movie went on, he and I ended up closer together on the couch. I felt his hand on my thigh before I saw it, and felt him take my hand. He laced our fingers together and I heard him exhale.

"Is this alright?"

"Yes," I answered, flexing my fingers around his. Maybe Charleston would end up being alright. This is the night where we ended up where we are now.

I am pressed against my bed, Jasper holding himself on top of me, but his forearms holding his weight. He kisses my neck and I try not to giggle because he has found that perfect spot. I move my head to catch his lips and I feel him grin against them. It's been about a month and a half since that night at his house, and while we're not officially a couple, we're everything a couple is without the tag of dating. Him and I spend almost all of our spare time together, but I'm not sure I'm ready for a full blown relationship. I just moved here and did break off a serious relationship back in Massachusetts. I think Jasper can tell my mind has wondered because I feel his lips on my temple.

"Are you still here?" he asks me, pushing the stray hairs off my face. I smile at him, of course I'm still here.

"Sorry. I was thinking about something."

"Am I that bad of a kisser? I thought I was pretty good." He smirks at me and it takes everything I have not to push him down on the bed and show him what a good kisser is.

"Well, I mean, I guess not…" I'm smirking now and I feel his fingers relentlessly start tickling my sides. I'm laughing so hard I start crying and I'm trying to overpower him and I can't. He's just too strong. Just as he begins to relent, I hear a shout from my doorway and it can only belong to one person.

"God, Bella! You could at least shut your door!" Sebastian yells and Jasper is off of me faster than I can blink.

"You weren't here! No one was!" I reply, straightening out my hair.

"Well, we're home now, and you better be glad it wasn't Mom or Dad that caught you guys."

"Sorry, Sebastian," Jasper replies, sitting in the chair in the corner of my room. "We'll be more careful next time." Sebastian shrugs his shoulders and shudders as he rolls his eyes. He moves down the hall to his room.

"I should be getting home, anyway. It's getting close to dinner." Jasper says while he crosses my room to where I'm sitting on the edge of my bed. He kisses my forehead. "Are you coming over later?"

"Sure, what time?"

"Around 8?"

"I'll be there." I say, looking up at him. He turns and leaves. I lay back on my bed, and try and wipe off the grin on my face.

"You know, Bells," Sebastian says, jumping on my bed, "you should totally pay me for not ratting you out to Mom and Dad!" I hit him with my pillow as hard as I can.

"Get out, you slime ball! I'm not paying you!"

After a few minutes after eight, I head next door to Jasper's house. His mom answers the door and smiles widely at me.

"Bella! It's so nice to see you. Jasper's up in his room." She walks me to the stairs, where I can hear a guitar being played. I smile to myself and watch Jasper play for a few minutes before I interrupt him.

"You play so well." He turns around, momentarily shocked and then a wide smile spreads across his face.

"Thanks. I was starting to think you weren't coming."

"Sorry, dinner ran a little late. I'm here now." He sets his guitar in its stand in the corner. We decide to go swimming in his pool.

"Hey, Bella," he begins, while I'm seated on the diving board. "I have something to ask you." I can feel my heart rate pick up exponentially and I feel my stomach turn, and definitely not in a good way. "So we've been talking for a while now and I really like you." He puts his hands on either side of me on the diving board and he pulls himself up slightly. "Do you think we could make it official? Will you be my girlfriend?" He's blushing a little bit and I know I am too, but my stomach is still twisting in all the wrong ways. I know I really like him too, but like I felt this afternoon, I don't think I'm ready for this. Not yet, maybe not ever. What is wrong with me! I feel the diving board lose the tension and I see Jasper has sunk back into the water. Oh, god, I have to answer. I bite my lip and prepare for what I'm about to say.

"I…I…I'm just…just not ready. I'm sorry."


"Just…not right now. It's not what I want." I pull my feet up and stand up, walking off to get my towel.

"Where are you going?" he asks, not quite shouting, but speaking louder than usual.

"Home. I'll see you soon." He says something as I leave through the gate but I don't catch what it is.

Thanks so much for reading! Reviews are always wonderful, but no flames please!