
It has been a little over two years since I completed this little story of mine. It was such a love affair for me and was such a joy to share it with everyone. Thanks to lovely readers recommending this story on Facebook pages there has been a renewal in readers and followers to Bridges in the past few weeks which in and of itself has made me feel the love all over again.

That feeling grew by leaps and bounds when I found out last night that Bridges was recommend for Fic of the Week over at The Lemonade Stand. After doing a serious happy dance, I was greatly humbled by the honor of this.

Thank you to the reader or readers who rec'ed this story for such an honor and for all of my readers new and old who are still supporting one of my babies!

If you have a moment to head over to tehlemonadestand. net and vote for Bridges I would be even more humbled and honored than I already am.

Thank you all so much and much much love and chocolate mousse hugs and kisses to you all!