Chapter 45

Jake kept looking out the window. He was leaving and Sam hadn't shown up to see him off.

"I'm sure she just got delayed or something," Maxine told him.

"Uh huh," Jake murmured. He replayed the day before in his head and didn't remember any reason why she wouldn't be there.

"Just stop at River Bend on the way and make sure she's all right," Maxine suggested giving him one last hug.

Jake nodded, tolerating his mother's hug but already thinking ahead to stopping at River Bend.

"Bye everyone," Jake called as he grabbed his bags and headed out.

"Be careful, honey," Maxine told him.

"Why do you think she didn't show up?" Luke asked as they watched him walk towards his truck.

"I don't know," Maxine responded. "I'm going to call though and talk to Grace."

She did just that.

"Oh hi Maxine," Gram greeted her friend.

"Is Samantha there?" Maxine wondered.

"No, isn't she there?" Gram sounded confused.

"She never showed up and Jake's a bit upset," Maxine said.

"Lands, I hope nothing has happened to her," Gram murmured with concern.

"If she shows up I'll have her call you, Grace," Maxine promised.

"Thanks Maxine," Gram said, hanging up.

"She left, huh?" Luke surmised.

"Yes," Maxine nodded. "I hope she got sidetracked by wild horses or something and she's all right."

"Jake will be crushed if she breaks it off with him," Luke mused.

Maxine nodded again, worried for both Sam and Jake.

Jake saw the truck parked on the side of the road when he had gone about a mile. At first he was concerned as he pulled up behind the truck.

Sam got out just as Jake did.

"Are you o…oomph," Jake grunted as Sam launched herself at him. He caught her in his arms. Their lips met and held, Jake backed against his truck and brought her with him.

Her hands tangled in his black Shoshone hair as her mouth moved over his. Jake groaned as his tongue touched hers.

They were soon gasping as their emotions spun out of control.

"I was afraid something happened to you," Jake said against her lips.

"I couldn't stand there and not kiss you," Sam told him, nibbling his bottom lip.

"I'm glad you did this," Jake murmured.

Their kiss heated up again quickly as they stood in the cold, not feeling it, not feeling the wind coming off the Calico Mountains behind them. All they felt was the other. All they cared about was the other.

Jake pulled his head back after a few minutes, worried that someone would come by and see them this way.

"My gosh I love you," Sam nuzzled into his neck.

"I love you, baby," Jake said.

She slid down his body until her feet were on the ground. He steadied her bringing her up against his chest.

"I can't stay," Jake sighed.

"I miss you," Sam sighed along with him.

"I miss you too," Jake kissed her forehead. "I'll call you later."

"You'll let me know you're okay?" Sam asked, not wanting to let him go.

"Yes," he promised.

"When will you be home again?" Sam hated to know the answer knowing it would be awhile.

"Not until April," Jake told her.

Sam groaned.

"It's not that long," Jake said.

"Four months," Sam whimpered.

"Four months that will pass quickly," Jake reseponded.

"Four months that will drag," Sam corrected.

Jake chuckled.

Sam lifted her head from his chest and her mouth met his again. She stood on her tiptoes to reach him more fully. Their lips fused, neither wanting to let the other go.

Finally Jake put her down.

"You have to go," Sam said.

"Yeah," Jake nodded, wiping a tear from her eye with his thumb. "Don't cry baby, I love you."

"I love you too," Sam kissed his jaw.

"You'll remember me?" Jake asked.

"Jake, you branded me," Sam reminded him.

Jake chuckled.

"Even if you hadn't, my heart only beats with yours," Sam went on. "Jake I love you so much."

"I love you," Jake murmured against her mouth.

Then he sighed again and Sam couldn't help the smile.

"Listen to the two of us," Sam giggled and Jake chuckled.

"I'm going to hold you to wanting to marry me," Sam continued.

"You do that," Jake was suddenly very serious again. "I do have to go."

"Call me," Sam said.

"As soon as I can," Jake promised, giving her a quick kiss.

She leaned against Dad's truck as she watched him get into his Avalanche. With a last look at her and a soft smile, he drove off.

This time there was no cowgirl yell. Just sadness that he was gone and it would be months before she saw him again.

© 2008 - LB

Characters © - Terri Farley