This story is in Ducky's point of view. He tells us about his unusual family.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own this show. If i did you already know what I would do.

Read on!

I was thinking today, about my family. It is a very unusual family, I must say. I'll start with the basics.

First, there's my mother. She died not too long ago. She had Alzheimer's. I will miss her dearly.

Then we have my corgis. They are wonderful dogs. Hope they live for a while.

That's my real family. Now when I describe these next people, you will see why I say they are unusual.

Jethro. He's been like a son to me for a long time now. It was forever ago when we first met. He has always been a good friend. He finally gave in to rule #12 when he found out about his team.

Jenny. Like a daughter to me, starting when she and Jethro got married. I was fortunate enough to be the one to walk her down the aisle. That was a happy day.

Tony. Like a son to Gibbs, meaning a grandson to me. He would always flirt with Ziva before they got married. I always knew they liked each other. Even when he had a relationship with Jeanne.

Ziva. Like my oldest granddaughter, tough as she is, she can be as sweet as can be. She's told me things she has told no other. And I nearly cried the day Jethro and her father, Eli, walked her down the aisle.

Tim. Always a target of Tony's jokes, but still very intelligent and computer-savvy. I always thought him and Abby were adorable together. I was very happy the day they got together. The youngest grandson in my point of view.

Abby. Always full of energy and loves to give hugs. She loves black, Caf-Pow!, and her hippo Bert. My youngest granddaughter, so I say. Always favorited by Jethro. That's probably why she too was walked down the aisle by Jethro, leading her to live her life with Tim.

Jimmy. Like my odd nephew, always there for me to tell him stories. Although I was quite surprised when he got married to Michelle.

Michelle. She is now like my niece, a very much liked one in fact. I got to know her after she got married to Jimmy and she is very kind and compassionate. Now she too, is there to listen to my stories along with Jimmy.

Well that's the next part of my family. But, I still have more, the new additions that have been coming in recently.

Annabelle Hailey DiNozzo, who is 5 and Devon Jacob DiNozzo who is 4. The two oldest of my "great-grandchildren."

Kayla Elizabeth McGee, now 4 and Trey Cameron McGee, now 3. Kayla being born a month after Devon and Trey being a month younger than Zoe.

Zoe Amanda Gibbs, 3 and Patrick Jonathan Gibbs, 2. Zoe has fire red hair like her mum and Patrick has silvery-gray hair like his father.

Meghan Alexandra Palmer and Matthew Howard Palmer are twins and they are 2. I can already tell they are going to be like their parents.

Ohh! I almost forgot Caitlin and Ari. They got married a couple of years ago and have 1 kid and another on the way.

Carrie Maria Haswari is 1 and is the youngest of my "great-grandchildren", but not for long! Robert Alexander Haswari is on the way!

I spend my days watching over my family, for I am the oldest and I am their protector. I will continue to watch over them for the rest of my days, and even when I have passed away. Right now I am watching them from the top of the stairs. They don't know I'm here. Tony and Ziva are dancing, Abby and Tim are playing on Tim's computer, Jethro and Jenny are sharing a cup of coffee, Jimmy and Michelle are talking quietly amongst themselves, Ari and Caitlin are sitting peacefully and thinking, and the kids are all running around playing. What a lovely picture. If only I had a camera.

Well that's seems to be it. So don't I have the most unusual family?

Did you like it? I JUST finished it. I came up with the idea an hour ago!

Thanks for reading!
