Hello everyone. I have no idea where I found the time to write this, but you know. I got up three times at approximately 1:30 am because I kept getting ideas for oneshots (don't ask) so in the end I just plugged in the old iPod (with the song She Is Love by Parachute on repeat, of course) to keep myself from concentrating and fell asleep without turning it off. I'm guessing She Is Love will come up as 300 plays on iTunes if I ever check. *coughs* Anyway, I FINALLY FOUND OUT HOW TO PUT THAT BAR IN IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF THESE ARROWS! ^^^

Disclaimer: I do not own Selena Gomez, Dream Out Loud, Wite-Out, Staples, or anything SWAC related (except for my stories :D). Confused? You should be. You'll understand in a minute (:

Dear Sonny,

I am writing to you today because...


Aww, heck. I don't even know why I'm writing to you. Why am I writing to you?

Okay. So maybe I do know why I'm writing to you. Maybe I'm just, um, skirting around it. Avoiding the topic.

Maybe I like you.

Oh, Jesus. Did I just write that out loud? Wait does that even make sense? Writing stuff OUT LOUD? (But then again, Selena Gomez Dreams Out Loud, so what are you gonna do about it, huh?)

Nothing, obviously. I mean, this is a letter.

You know, you really annoy me sometimes. Your stupid laugh. Your (pretty) stupid hair. The stupid way your brown eyes sparkle. Yeah, mine aren't the only ones that do.

(But don't tell anyone I said that.)

You're actually a pretty good actress.

I actually watch your show.

Oh jeez, did I just write that? Curse you, writing hand.

I was too lazy to go to Staples and buy some Wite-Out.

I'd cross it out, but I don't feel like it.

(Plus, I'm too lazy.)

Anyway, it would mean I made a mistake.

And Chad Dylan Cooper doesn't do mistakes.

Cause he doesn't make them.

So I'm just going to write something next to whatever I don't want you to read to let you know that I don't want you to read it.

What was I saying?

Oh, right.

You're funny, too.

I have to admit it. You're funny.

But you're funny not because you're funny.

You're funny because you AREN'T funny.

You tell jokes you think are funny, but actually aren't. Then you burst out laughing in that cute way of yours, until you realize no one is laughing along with you. Now, before you start to pout, I actually think it's cute. Stupid cute.


I guess that's all there is to say.


Love, (Ignore that please)


TV's Chad Dylan Cooper.

Well anyway. Did you like it? Tell me what you think in a review!

Again, some words are meant to have that line-cross-out thing through them, but Fanfiction won't let me D: Sort of ruins the effect, eh?

Oh and by the way. Check out my other oneshots-slash-stories (:

And credit goes to xxHeadInTheStarsxx for a line I borrowed from her oneshot Love, TV's CDC. It's somewhere in there. Just one line, though. LOL. I am quite thorough (:
