"As children grow into adults, so do their imaginations dissappear..."-Annonymous

A tree... a simple tree standing in the park they were well known.

'S + F = 4EVA'

It was etched in the old trunk, and it had been there for quite a while now. Sam was really a hopeless romantic but just appeared to be tough on the outside.

Wasn't just her though. Freddie also helped her etch out the heart around it, him too a hopeless romantic, but not afraid to show it, unlike her.

They were sixteen, and he went over to Spain for some school thing. She visited their tree, tracing her fingers along the deeply cut letters, expecially stopping on the 'F' sending her thoughts to him.

They were seventeen, and she moved away with her mother because she had a new man in her life. He visted their tree, absently touching the etched heart and wishing that she would one day return.

They were eighteen and he had just been dumped by Carly again. Once again, he visited their tree because it seemed to send him comforting thoughts that 'she' was safe.

They were nineteen and she had finally sent him a letter. It requested he go and visit their tree, so she could speak through her mind and he would understand. The wind rustled the leaves that night, letting him know everything was going to be fine, everything was going to be okay.

They were twenty and he hadn't given up hope that she was returning to him. He visited their tree, noticing some moss growing through the letters, etched in that old trunk. Getting a stick, he cleared most of it.

They were twenty one and she came home. Not before stopping at their tree, half praying that he hadn't moved on already. Her fingers traced the heart.

They were twenty two and he visited their tree, asking for guidance. Asking for help.

They were twenty three and she was feeling lonely, so she visited their tree and found him sitting at the bottom of the old trunk. She smiled, he smiled back.

They were twenty four and he was desperate. Holding a box he had kept safe for a little while now, he told their tree, told the world that it was going to be done.

They were twenty five and she visited their tree, again, noticing the etchings still apparent from all those years ago. She traced both the 'S' and the 'F' inside that heart.

They were twenty six and he took her by the hand, leading her to their tree, bending on one knee and producing the small box in front of her. As soon as she accepted, the leaves in the tree rustled with glee.

They were twenty seven and she was expecting her baby any day now but she needed to visit their tree just to show it the result of its standing.

They were twenty eight and he was a father to a beautiful baby boy. Visiting their tree, he thanked it and it responded with a quiet rustling of its leaves.

They were twenty nine, it was a lovely spring day, and they all went for a picnic-right by their tree. Both of them lightly traced that etched heart-their child giggled happily.

They were thirty

They were fourty

They were fifty

They were sixty

They were seventy and he was in the hospital, his heart was failing. Still, he demanded to be brought to their tree. Looking at it's markings and up at his wife he smiled softly, grasping her hand. Her eyes were filling with tears but something in his face told her not to be sad. He would always be with her.

She was eighty and she recalled all those years ago when her husband was still here with her. She requested his ashes to be spread around their tree, and she would do it. Afterwards, her children and grandchildren left her to be alone for a little while. With one shaking hand, she placed it on the 'F' and smiled weakly. He was still here. He was with her. A loose branch brushed against her back, as if in comfort.

She was ninety and she knew that it wasn't long before the time came. One last time she visited their tree, one last breath she took was by their tree. Their tree rustled its leaves in mourning.

That tree, their tree is still standing there, waiting for the next two children to come along at etch their initials in a heart.

Much like the one that's already etched in that old trunk:


They still visit their tree, together, because that's how it was ought to be, forever. The tree knew that and still welcomes them with open branches.

"Some adults keep their immaginations... this is a choice not a fault..."-Annonymous