I can't believe this is the last chapter! Sorry for the wait, I had wayyyyy too much to do. Thanks for reading and for all the amazing reviews :-) I think I know what I'm doing next; it's a bit farfetched though oh well ;-) Hope you enjoy the final chapter xxxxx :-D

P.S. Ashes To Ashes does not belong to me, neither does the bit at the end (I got the idea from EastEnders Top 40 Wedding Moments [Or something like that, I can't remember exactly])

Chapter 7 - The End

"I bought you some chocolates," Gene says, placing them on the bedside table. She smiles at him. "Thanks," she says, sitting up in the hospital bed. "Um... Gene, there letting me go home tomorrow."

"That's good," he smiles, sitting down on the chair next to the bed.

"Yeah, but they say I need to be supervised... 24/7 really. So... I was wondering... can you...?" She trails off, looking down at her hands.

"Can I what, Bolls?" He asks, confused.

"Can you come and stay with me? Just until I'm feeling better, of course," she looks up at him and sees him smiling, so smiles back.

"Sure," he says, grinning. "Mind you, I do snore so you might have to kick me onto the sofa 'til you get used to it."

"Cheeky bastard," she laughs. "You'll be on the sofa anyway."

He pretends to look hurt. "Well that's not very nice. There are people who would pay billions to share a bed with me!"

"Yeah right," she says, reaching over for the box of chocolates. He smiles as she offers him one and takes a whiskey barrel.

"I knew you'd take that one," she smiles, picking a strawberry one.

"Best one," he says with his mouth full. She rolls her eyes turns her attention back to trying to suck the strawberry filling out without damaging the chocolate.

He raises an eyebrow. "Why don't you just eat it?" He asks, taking another whiskey barrel.

"Because the strawberry stuff tastes better on its own," she says, smiling proudly at the now empty chocolate heart before putting it in her mouth. He smiles, shaking his head. Fruitcake, hethinks, shoving the whiskey barrel in his mouth. A nurse comes in.

"Miss Drake, your tablets," she says, giving Alex a small cup containing three pills and a glass of water.

"Thanks," Alex says, smiling and taking her tablets. The nurse goes.

"You got the period pains, Bolls?" Gene asks with a smirk.

"No," she rolls her eyes. "They're antidepressants."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's ok," she smiles.

Ten minutes later the nurse comes in. "Mr Hunt, it's time for you to leave now."

"Yes, I know, you've told me that at the same time of day every day for two weeks now. I think I know what time to go home."

The nurse just sighs and walks away.

"Well, I'd best be off then," Gene says, standing up. "I'll see you tomorrow."


"Your appointment is at 4pm tomorrow, don't miss it. And you can bring a friend for support if you like," the doctor looks over at Gene, who is punching the button for oxtail soup on a vending machine and swearing loudly, and shakes his head. "You'll need to be comfortable talking about how you feel in front of them, though."

"Ok, thanks doctor," Alex says, shaking his hand and getting her tablets then walking over to Gene.

"Bastard machine!" He kicks it leaving a small dent. "Alright Bolls?"

She presses a button on the machine and it starts to make his oxtail soup. He looks at her in amazement. "Yeah, you ready to go?" She says, smirking.

He takes the cup of oxtail. "Yeah," he says, beginning to walk with her to the exit, still looking shocked.

They walk up the stairs to Alex's flat and she gets the key from under the mat.

"I brought some of my clothes up yesterday," Gene says as she opens the door.

"Ok, I've got a spare closet you can keep them in if you like," she walks in and gasps. "What happened in here?"

He looks around. "Oh, come on, I'm not that bad at housework!" She looks at him, her mouth hanging open.

"You did this?" She asks.

"Um... well... I, er... did it the other week, didn't want you coming back to a dirty flat," he looks around nervously.

She smiles. "Thank you, I didn't even think you knew what housework was," she laughs softly, walking into the kitchen and filling up the kettle. "Do you want a cuppa?"

"Yeah, seven sugars," he says, taking off his jacket and sitting on the sofa. She rolls her eyes. Seven sugars! He won't be able to taste the tea; it'll be like having a mug of sugar and water!

"Alex Drake," the receptionist called.

"Yes," Alex says, looking up.

"You can go through now, it's in room 2."


Gene gets up. "Are you sure you want e to come in with you?" He asks.

"Yes, please Gene," she looks up at him and he smiles at her.

"Come on, then," he says, walking with her to room 2. They knock on the door.

"Come in!"

They go inside and sit down. The room is small with light blue walls, no windows and a small electronic heater in one corner. The doctor is quite young with black, curly hair and very red cheeks. Looks like a poofter, Gene thinks, shuffling about on the small sofa to get comfortable. The doctor begins talking to Alex, asking her loads of question he doesn't even understand, and Gene drifts off into a random daydream where he is Gary Cooper saving Alex from a gang of cowboys.

"...Do you have any experience with this sort of thing, Mr Hunt?"

He snaps out of his fantasy. "Sorry, what?"

"Do you have any experience with depression?"

He looks down at his hands then at Alex, thinking of what to say. "I... I dunno really. I didn't have a good childhood if that's what you mean. I guess I thought about doing what Alex did, but I couldn't leave my old mum, my dad would kill her."

"I see," the doctor says, writing something down on his notepad. "Would you feel able to tell me more?"

He nods. "There isn't really much to tell. My dad was an alcoholic, my brother was addicted to drugs and my mum was too soft to stand up to either of them. My brother died a long time ago, overdosed, and my dad, well, I don't really give a shit what happened to him."

"You say you thought about suicide, did you ever act on these thoughts?"

"No. Well, a couple of times, never tried to kill myself but cut my legs a bit," he looks down at the floor, avoiding looking at Alex.

"How did this make you feel?"

"I don't know... like a bloody big poofter! I... I don't remember," he says, looking up at Alex. She looks concerned, but smiles kindly at him. The doctor nods and starts talking to Alex again.

Six Months Later

"There you go, Bolls," Gene says, handing her a glass of champagne. "Here's to you getting off them antidepressants."

"Cheers," she smiles. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, you saved my life."

"All in a day's work," he smirks, sipping his drink and placing it on the table. He looks dow at his plate. All set. I hope this works, he thinks. He had offered to cook dinner for Alex tonight. Alphabetti Spaghetti; it was the only thing he could cook. He gets up to clear their plates away. He put his plate on top of hers.

"I'm just going to the bathroom."

He runs off to the bathroom. Oh, I hope he isn't ill, Alex thinks, picking up the plates and walking into the kitchen. She looks down at the plate and stops. No, he can't have done this, she thinks, can he? She looks at it again and it clearly reads "I LOVE YOU. MARRY ME."


She turns around to see Gene standing there nervously and runs up to his, dropping the plates on the floor and capturing his lips with her own.

"I'll take that as a yes then," Gene says breathlessly when she finally pulls away.

"Yes, Gene."


I know it was a shit ending but PLEASE REVIEW! I worked really hard on this :-D

Thanks for reading and all the amazing reviews :-D

My next story will be up soon :-D

Naat xxx :-)