AN: I'm procrastinating on my homework. Both in school, and in fanfiction. Hey, I'll work on them eventually, but like all the good advice I've been listening to, I need to get my mind off the things I'm doing and started doing other things instead to go through this. I'm trying to get over the Third Chapter syndrome where all of our imaginative ideas get sucked out around the third - fifth chapter where we don't really know where this is going anymore. Or was it just me? :-/ What happened to all of those ending visions I had, then? Oh well, don't worry be happy. Let's just snowballing and eventually, it'll make out into something.

100 Days of Tango


From: Katekyo Hitman Reborn (copyright to Amano Akira)

by Arienna

"From now on, you are husband and wife."

Both Tsuna and his newly wedded wife, Xanxus, walked a ravine apart from each other.

Though now they are joined in holy matrimony, that doesn't mean any of them are willing to share their private space with each other. This marriage was just for camouflage, after all.

Yes, camouflage.

So that Tsuna wouldn't have to bother with all of those women's advances prying to be the next Mrs Vongola Decimo Sawada. Though at a dreary consequence.

But it's okay, Tsuna kept assuring himself. It's worth all of the trouble of marrying a fellow man, and of all people, with Xanxus.

Quick question: why Xanxus, though?

Well, it's easy. Because the man was fearsome to most of the populace, so no one would dare to oppose Xanxus when he was to be Tsuna's wife. Especially those women. They all would be too scared to get killed to even think about stealing that position from him.

And just a couple of hours ago, they were pronounced husband and wife.

And now they are both spending their honeymoon on a small tropical island located right along the equator. It was a bit hotter than their usual climate back home, but the beach is lovely. The water was glass-clear like no other Tsuna had seen and the sands are almost as white as snow.

To put it simply, it was the right place to spend your honeymoon.

To put it not-so simply, neither Tsuna nor Xanxus felt that this is where they would want to be with each other. Especially that now they are expected to act like a real couple on a honeymoon.

But, it will work out... Xanxus and I agreed on just a fake marriage to chase those crazy women away. So it's only temporary. So it's not like they would... uhh, touch each other or something. Hell no, because Xanxus and the whole Varia assasination squad would be after his head if he tainted the pride of the fearsome leader of said assasination squad.

And most likely, Tsuna's guardian would not just stand back either watching their boss got owned by Xanxus or any other Varia member. So there will be a blood bath for sure, if he ever touch a single hair of his wife.

It will... probably... work out.

He stared blankly at the setting sun, Xanxus far behind him.