This is just a super-short one-shot written for the fairy tale challenge. I hope you like it.

"Once upon a time there was a strange little town. To the rest of the world, it didn't exist, but to the people living there, it was their home. Most of them loved it and respected the peace, but a few troublemakers always tried to upset the balance."

"Well, it wasn't always on purpose…"

"Shhh," Jo hushed, shaking her head at Zane. She turned back to the bed and continued.

"Because of the trouble makers, the town had two people who were charged with maintaining order. The man and the woman worked hard to keep the town safe. But no matter how hard they worked or how much help they got, there was always another disaster lurking right around the corner. Then, one day, a man-"

"A very handsome and smart man," Zane corrected.

Jo rolled her eyes. "Until, one day, a very handsome and smart man was brought to the town work there. At first, he caused trouble and upset the harmony in the town. He was almost kicked out because of his actions…" Jo glanced down and checked her watch. It was nearly nine. "It's getting late. We can finish tomorrow night."

"What? No! I want to know what happens to the man." A small voice shouted indignantly from under the covers on the bed. The child quickly emerged with her face screwed into a frown and her arms crossed. "Please, Mommy? Tell me what happens to the man."

Zane grinned at Jo and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Don't worry. Your mother forgot to mention the beautiful princess."

"There was no princ-"

"Of course there was. This is a fairy tale, after all," Zane said, silencing Jo.

"Anyway, when the smart and handsome man came to the small town, he met the beautiful princess. She was smart, and strong, and prettiest woman he had ever met. He fell madly in love with her the first time he saw her. Whenever the man made trouble, the princess got angry. Soon, the man learned that when he made trouble, it made the princess sad."

"It mostly made her angry, though," Jo cut in.

Zane shrugged and turned his attention back toward the child. "So, one day, the man told the princess that he loved her. To his surprise, she told him that she loved him too."

"Oooh. What happened next?" The little voice squealed.

Zane smiled down at her. "The man never caused any trouble again, and he and the princess lived happily ever after."

"Than what?"

"Nothing. They're still living their happy ending," Zane said, squeezing Jo's waist. He leaned forward and kissed his daughter's forehead. "'Night, sweetie."

The little girl yawned and snuggled down further under her blanket. "'Night Daddy. 'Night Mommy. Thanks for the story."

Jo turned off the lights and slipped out the door, waiting for Zane to follow her.

"'And the man never caused any trouble again'?" She snorted softly.

"Of course not," Zane replied, reaching for her hand. "He loved the princess too much to make her sad."

"Mmm-hhmmmm, sure," Jo grinned, slipping her fingers between his. "Somehow, I don't remember it being quite that easy. We weren't exactly living in a fairy tale."

Zane smiled and kissed her softly."At least we got the ending right."

Jo smiled back and leaned against him. "We did, didn't we. And that's what really matters-how much the man and the princess loved each other. As long as they did, their story was bound to have a happy ending. I love you and your troublemaking, you smart, handsome man."

Zane chuckled softly and pulled her closer. "I love you too, Princess Jo-Jo."