Final Chapter oh noes! And since my beta has gone missing off the face of the earth I'm betaing this one.

And so I don't confuse you all this takes place six years later.

Enough rambling and on the final chapta!

Chapter 11~ I choose to die.

Lovino's POV

I lean against the railings at the front of the ship, gazing out at the sea. Footsteps sound behind me and I slowly turn. Feliks shiver involuntarily as my gaze falls on him. "Like, we'll be pulling into port soon captain. Just, like, wanted to let you know." I nod and look over at the harbor the ship was soon to pull in. Feliks coughs behind me and I turn back to him again.

"I know I haven't, like, totally said anything, but sir you seriously need to shave that thing off." He motions to his face and I twist the end of the mustache I had grown over the years. He shrinks away a little and Arthur pulls him away.

"Come on Feliks, the toad wanted to speak to you about something." As they walk away Arthur asks him why he was afraid of me in a hushed whisper. Feliks said something about a dead look in my eyes, like looking into the eyes of a ghost and Arthur told him he spoke nonsense.

I look back at the port that I hadn't been in for six years. It was true. Every time I passed a group of people they would shy away, clearly afraid. That had started six years ago. I hum a Spanish lullaby as I fiddle with a golden rosary in my hands. A piece left over from a broken life. A piece that resembled what had made me the way I was. It had killed my beloved.

"Hola father! You're looking like your usual self today." Santo says, sitting next to me and hanging his legs over the rails. He had grown up to look just like Antonio but with completely black hair. He flicks his green eyes over to me and smirks. "So, what's the business today?"

I leave the question hanging in the air as the gulls around the ship call out softly. "Santo, if there was anything you wanted to be, job wise, what would you be?" Out of the corner of my eye I see Santo's grip on the rails tightening. It was a bad subject to bring up. "Well?"

"…I want… to be a priest…" I chuckle softly. It had been a question I knew the answer to already. Santo kept a bible under his bunk, locked in a chest. Yong Soo had seen him reading it and reported it to me. I had never brought it up in conversation though. Pulling the chain off my neck I let the gold rosary dangle in the wind.

"Have I ever told you what I was before I was a pirate?" I ask, polishing the gold.


"I was the king's personal priest. Then your father kidnapped me and showed me his world. It was one much more preferable to my tastes. If I had never known him I would have never learned to love." I stretch out my hand to Santo, the cross glittering in the palm of my hand. "I never knew why I had never gotten rid of this. Maybe just a piece of my old life I could never chuck on the pillage pile." Santo picks it up carefully so as not to drop it and flips it under the warm sun.

"If priesthood is really the path you wish to choose than take it. Think of it as my final gift." Santo's eyes shoot back up to mine, filling with alarm.

"What do you mean father? It's not like we won't see each other anymore right?" I let his question hang again and a cautionary cough sounds behind me. Turning, I notice Arthur standing there, shifting from foot to foot.

"The dingy has been prepared." He says, looking at me with his one toxic green eye. Alfred, Arthur's ever present shadow was pointedly looking away. Out of the whole crew I had only told them of my plans for this day. I had to seeing as Alfred wouldn't leave Arthur and Arthur was the first mate.

As I walk past, great coat dragging behind me slightly, I stop next to the older man. "I know since you are a former captain that you will treat this crew fairly. Six years ago I would never have imagined this turn of events. I'll see you on the other side then." Shedding the great coat and hat of my office I stalk over to the dingy and jump in, Santo calling for me to stop.

I gaze back to see him fighting against Alfred's embrace, struggling blindly to get to me. Touching my fingers to my lips I blow a farewell kiss in his direction and slice the ropes holding the dingy in place. Francis sat at the oars, waiting for my directions.

The last six years had not been kind to the French man. His once laughing blue eyes had gone as hollow as mine and he was always gazing into the distance. I direct him to an area a short walk away from the port and I hop out onto the sand, the light breeze catching my sleeves.

Walking over to the nearest guard I gently poke on his shoulder. He turns toward me with a questioning gaze. Then recognition lit his eyes and he raised his weapon. I hold up my hands in surrender. "I have business with father Raivis. It comes in accordance with my surrendering of my life."

~Several Hours Later~

"You don't have to do this." Raivis says insistently next to me.

"You and I both know you can not so easily disregard your position. No one is above the law. As a king killer, thief, and heretic an execution is the best I can hope for." I shrug off Raivis and step toward the pyre that had been erected for my execution. Out of the two deaths for heretics I had gone with being burned at the stake. Call it a whim of mine.

As I stand there patiently I realize the gathered crowd was eerily silent. Usually when a burning occurred the assembled crowd jeered and called for it to happen faster. Looking up at the sky I notice all the stars twinkling out of the clear skies. As they tied me to the post a woman ran forward, tearing at the leather ties, tears streaming down her face.

"Let me go!" She screamed as the guards grabbed hold of her. "I can't let you do this! He's a hero!" Alice screams as her brother tries to pull her back.

Giving up on grabbing the ties she wraps her arms around my waist and sobs into your shirt. "Alice, let go. I chose this path." I whisper into her blonde tresses. She lifts her head to look at me and her arms loosen.

"Please Lovi, don't do this." She presses her forehead to my chest, quietly wetting my shirt. I bend my head down and rest my chin on her head.

"Alice, you have to leave or they'll burn you to." She nods sullenly at my words and gently lets go, her brother leading her off the platform.

A moment later they lit the dry straw. Soon the smoke choked my airways and I watch the flames lick at my feet as I struggle for air. But just as the searing pain lanced up my legs I lost consciousness.

Loud thundering woke me from my feint and I struggle to sit up in the water I was sitting in. As I succeed in sitting up a wave breaks over my head and knocks me under. I hold my breath and break the surface, dragging myself back to shore as the wave pulled out. Looking down I find myself gazing at unfamiliar clothing.

It was tighter fitting than your old clothes with two shirts and something that hung from my neck like a noose. A chuckle from up a hill makes me look up to see someone sitting under a tree wearing something similar in clothing.

Two emerald green eyes gaze at me from under curly chocolate bangs. A bright smile was set on a tan face that was directed at me.

"Good morning Romano. My name is Spain. Or would you rather call me Antonio and I call you Lovino?" I stand dumbfounded in the sand as Antonio lopes down the hill to stand in front of me. His smile falls slowly. "You do remember me right?"

He takes hold of my hands and places them on his chest. He opens his mouth again to say something when I grab hold of the front of his shirt, pull him forward, and give him a long, drawn out, passionate kiss. After a few seconds of kissing him he grabs my waist and tries to pull me closer, twining his tongue with mine.

As I break the kiss only one thing runs through my mind. "Promise we'll stay like this forever?"



Guess what? Due to a request from LaLaCookieChan on deviantart I have decided to write a smutty omake just for you guys.

But guess what? I have FAN ART! Here's da link.


Thanks go to:

















Pocky Antics



Neko Matty



Myriad Lapse (hey bruder!)





Rainbow world

Split Personality R and T



Demo Kitty

Selene of the Pure Moon (Tell your boyfriend I'm sorry for making you cry and creepin him out.)
