Chapter 5 Back talk

Eli and Clare get a little tongue tied,speaking a whole new langauge to each other.

Eli's POV

I've been stareing Clare down all day,trying to get her to crack...all she does is laugh. "Eli stop stareing..." Nope I'm going to keep stareing until she confesses what she said last night. "Eli seriously... I can't concentrate..." She says. "Making you nervous Edwards?" Adam stands up. I've had enough of this." He takes his sunglasses out of his bag and covers my eyes. "Hey!" "seriously man stop stareing into her're going to make me sick." I chuckle,turning around in my seat. "Next assigment you are to write your feelings down on paper,and derrive a character from those feelings. This character can be anger,this character can be sadness,Rage,Envy...and no Mr Goldsworthy this character may not be a stripper." She has to single me out. I shrugged it off,as the bell rang.

"So Edwards what is your character going to be?" She shyly walked away 'embarrassment' She mumbled. "We'll as you're english partner it's my job then to inspire you..." I followed her.

"Eli you can stop cause I'm never going to tell you.." I wisped past her,whispering in her ear. "I have ways to get you to talk." I smirked leaving her scared in the school parkinglot.

"So my house?" She got in the car. We drove to my house.

Clare's POV

"I'm thinking my character should be lust." My eyes shot open. He must of had a photographic memory,he must of found a translater. "eye yi yi." I'm just going to call Adam...aleveate some of the sexual tension in the room. "Drop the phone Edwards..." I laughed..."and what you going to do about it?" He locked the door. "Hold you hostage in my room..." This can't end well. I ran to the door trying to open it. "That door locks from the outside." He did not just lock me in his room. "Stop stareing into my soul." He's giving me goose bumps.

J'enfoncerai ma langue en bas votre gorge.

I'm going to stick my tongue down your throat.

Non mauvais Edwards qui n'est pas shakesphere

Nope wrong Edwards that's not shakesphere

I'm a bit scared,I'm a bit turned on...and a bit scared that I'm a bit turned on. "We have to do..." He cut my off jaming his tongue into my mouth. My eyes are wide open. I swear it's like he's trying to finish my sentence with 'each other' "Don't give in ...Don't give in..." I started mumbling words. "What's wrong Edwards cat got your tongue?" I can breathe...thank God!

Oh regarder un lit...

Oh look a bed

"Eli I heard that." he smirked. "So that was mysterious something... huh,huh what was that Clare?" I covered my face,shaking my head. "No I'm not telling you..." He looked dissapointed. "We'll I have a french to english dictionary here,so I'm going to go through every word until I find what you said..."

He's very persistant isn't he?
Le temps pour donner un coup de pied ceci sur une encoche...

Time to kick this up a notch.

"Shove!" I felt myself hitting a black fluffy comforter. "How do you expect to get me to talk..." I heard about 4 rips. "Eli that is my blouse." He was kissing me everywhere. "oh my...eli..." "I said...I wanted to make love to you!" I covered my mouth. He was shocked.

J'ai pens exactement vous faites Adam r v lateur un secret d'embarrising.

I thought for sure you were telling Adam an embarrasing secret.

Fichu ! Clare Edwards veut m'avoir ma fa on avec elle. ..Damn n'a pas vu que venant. ..think Eli pense...

Damn! Clare Edwards wants me to have my way with her...Damn didn't see that coming...think Eli think...

"Eli in english please..." I got up tyeing my blouse. "I have to sew new buttons thanks a lot." He didn't say anything.

He thinks I'm a whore,great... "I can't believe I'm doing this..."

Je suis d sol , vous devez penser que je suis prostitu e...

I'm sorry you must think I'm a whore.

le discours me salit en fran ais talk dirty to me in french Je veux vous voir nu, apr s que vous m' tes parti nu dans un herse.

I want to see you naked,payback for leaving me naked in a herse.

Vous allready a obtenu un d but de t te sur cela, donc pourquoi vous ne finissez pas cela ?

You allready got a head start on that,so why don't you finish that?

"Would that embarress you?" I got up quick. "Eli I can't believe you thought I was serious..." I pulled my blouse on,getting off his bed.
J'attends avec impatience plus de jeux

Edwards I'm looking forward to more games Edwards...
I walked towards the door with a blush on my face...
Vous vous tes d gonfl .
You chickened out.

"Did not...just" She isn't going to finish that sentence. "It's just awkward that I know now what you were saying to me.""saying to me..."saying to me..."

"Wake up Edwards..." I felt someone shake me. "What happened?" "You fell asleep...did I tell you something completely embarrising?" He smirked. "No,but you sleep

talk a lot..." "Eli oh Eli...oh my Eli..."

"We have an english assignment to do..." I stood up ."fully clothed." He smirked. "yah cause clothes are optional in english..."

"Must of been a good dream..." I felt myself blush... "embarrassed are we?"
"Your not planning on locking me in your room,speaking dirty french to me,and getting me naked are you?' His eyebrows raised. "Now that's an idea if I've heard

one..." Oh no I planted that idea in his head...

Eli's POV

"So do you want me to?" She smiled. "you can talk all you want,just as long as you don't do."
"Really Edwards?" She nodded..."but one condition... Adam has to translate..."

I'm trying not to laugh.

"Adam my man!

you better pay me more than 5 bucks for this.
Vous me payez mieux plus de 5 dollars pour ceci..

Je suis content votre accord avec ce Edwards. ..Are vous approuvez dites avec beaucoup de pudding, et vous luttant un ami dans lui ?

"Adam?" He rolled his eyes..."
I'm glad your okay with this Edwards...Are you okay say with lots of pudding,and you wrestling a friend in it?

Clare laughed.

Pas l'Adam de projet...
Not the plan Adam...

Sont un de ces gens qui ont un monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday et si sur la collection de sous-v tements... oon pantse Are one of those people who has a monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday and so on underwear collection... cause I want to be in your pants every day of the week then.

Clare whispered in Adam's ear...repeating the question. "No my underwear is all victoria secret..." Adam shook his head. "Why can't you just talk to her in english?" I

Alors je ne pourrais pas rester de ce que j'ai dit...
Then I couldn't lie about what I said.

Puis-je prendre ce couteau beurre et cette gel e vous aimez un g teau de noce ?

Can I take this butter knife and frost you like a wedding cake?
Si je dis que quelque chose salit vous fera exceptionnellement me fesse Edwards ?

If I say something exceptionally dirty will you spank me Edwards?

Adam rolled his eyes,repeating what I said to Clare.
"How do you say bend over emo boy?" Clare asked... Adam gulped.
"Pencher le emo gar on."
Seriez-vous en le col re contre moi si j'ai tomb un c ne de neige dans votre soutien-gorge et ai entr votre soutien-gorge pour le manger ?
Would you be mad at me if I dropped a snow cone in your bra and went in your bra to eat it?

"Adam..translate." He shook his head.

Adam bon vous pouvez rester commencer maintenant...
Okay Adam you can lie starting now...

Edwards ma vie serait compl te si vous avez saut d'un g teau d'anniversaire nu avec rien mais gla ant pour vous couvrir.
Edwards my life would be complete if you jumped out of a birthday cake naked with nothing but icing to cover you.

"What did he say?" Adam cringed. "He really loves birthdays!" Clare shook her head.

En fait sa cause j'ai ignor le d jeuner. chaque d sert est sur mon esprit maintenant. un clare de chocolat. ...oh...yah un clare de chocolat. ..i'm a allum si

Actually its cause I skipped every desert is on my mind right a chocolate clare...oh...yah a chocolate clare...i'm so turned on right now..

le garder dans vos pantalons

keep it in your pants

D sol que le gar on a un esprit lui. En bas le gar on !
sorry that boy has a mind of his own. "Down boy!"

Edwards quel est sur votre esprit quand je parle comme ceci...

Edwards what is on your mind when I'm talking like this...

Je veux passer la nuit dans votre droor de sous-v tements.
I want to spend the night in your underwear droor.

J'ai des menottes dans mon droor de commode.
I have handcuffs in my dresser droor

J'ai des menottes dans ma commode

I just want to put my hands all over you

D boutonner votre chemisier pendant que je l che mes l vres.

unbutton your blouse while I lick my lips.

"What did he say?" Adam whisperered in Clares ear. "oh you do,do you?"

Adam and Clare went up the stairs. Clare came back with the handcuffs twirling them around her fingers.

"Haha Clare dit votre un gar on sale."

Haha Clare says you are a dirty boy.

Clare grabbed my wrists,handcuffing me. This is really sexy. I don't care that Adam told her what I said...

She smiled,seductively touching my neck,pulling me into the bathroom. Then 'click' Damn! She handcuffed me to the toilet.

"Edwards ! ! I thought we were past this." She laughed. "Next time don't try to get Adam to lie for you."

"I will get free,these are fuzzy and plastic." She shook her head,closing the door behind her. I'm locked to a toilet,and in the bathroom...didn't see that coming...
next time... I'll get Fitz to translate,not like he knows french.

xoxoxo that's what you get for being a dirty boy Eli roflol.