Disclaimer: I don't own JL. I only own Amy (Pink Ray), and Raven (Phoenix) belongs to FirearmPrime.

*Raven's POV*

BACON! That's the reaction I used to have as a kid when Alfred would serve us breakfast. I was cooking the bacon and eating it all at the same time. I felt arms wrap around my waist, I turned back to see J'onn.

I smiled and kissed him, he said, "You taste like bacon."

I smiled, I heard Wally say, "I thought I smelled bacon. Raven, you better bring some in here and I expect more than one piece."

I said, "You keep bossing me around and I promise you, you won't get one piece, maybe a half a piece."

Wally was silent, I assumed he was pouting. Amy must've been deep in thought because if she wasn't she would have been in the kitchen with me fighting over who gets the bacon. I smiled and J'onn kissed me cheek.

*Amy's POV*

'How to get out of being queen... how can I do that?' I wondered. 'Mom only gave birth to Eri and I, and Eri is in jail, so... that only leaves me.'

I resisted the urge to bang my head against the table. This was so hard! At this rate, I'm not gonna find a way to not be queen. I held in a sigh. 'My life is here on Earth. I can't leave... but... Soran needs a queen. And I'm next in line. The only other way to get out of being queen is if I had a kid...'

I trailed off at that thought. I'm only 18! I shouldn't be thinking that kind of thing! 'Besides... even if I had a kid, they wouldn't be old enough to ascend the throne yet.' I barely held in a growl. 'I hate being royalty!'

*Raven's POV*

With the help of J'onn I grabbed all of the food I made and carried it over to the table. I noticed Amy didn't move when I put it on the table. I said, "Amy, breakfast."

She didn't move she just sat there. I resisted using my mind reading powers on her. I grabbed a piece of bacon and waved it in her face, "Look Amy...bacon..."

She didn't move her head or eyes or anything but her hand came up and grabbed the bacon before putting it in her mouth. I sighed, so she's not nice enough to answer me but she took the bacon.

Bacon thief.

*Amy's POV*

It was a reflex. If there is bacon, I will take it. But that didn't really matter to me right now. I was still focused on figuring out how to not become queen.

'Think, Amy, think! There has to be a way out of it!'

I let my gaze shift to the three beings at the table with me. 'Maybe I should tell them...'

I mentally slapped myself. 'What am I thinking? Raven will go nuts on me if I say anything. Wait... she could be reading my mind now for all I know.'

I chanced a glance at her. 'If she reads my mind... I'm in trouble.'

*Raven's POV*

I didn't see it but I felt that Amy was looking at me. I put down my fork and knife, "Seriously Amy."

She jumped, "What?"

I looked at her, "I don't care what you think my reaction will be, you need to tell us whatever it is your thinking about and if you don't, so help me, I will read your mind and then beat the snot out of you whether it's good or bad or in the middle. Do you understand me?"

She looked a little nervous but nodded. I smiled like nothing had happened and said, "Now, what were you thinking about?"

*Amy's POV*

I began to twirl a strand of hair around my finger and fidgeted in my chair. "Umm, well... how should I put this?" I paused, thinking of how to word this. "Brokk killed my mom... and she was the queen of Soran." I said slowly.

Raven nodded, her way of telling me to continue. I gulped. "Well... since Mom is dead... someone else has to take the throne and become Soran's queen. And since Eri is evil and in jail... I'm next in line."

I stopped talking, glancing at Raven. She was frozen in place. That was never a good sign. I bit my lip. 'I'm so dead... and I just came back from the other side...'

*Raven's POV*

I stood up from my chair, "I'm going to go outside for a second. Excuse me."

I walked to the glass back door. I could hear Wally inside, "I think she's taking it rather well."

That's when all hell broke loose, cuss words were going, my power was sky-rocketing, I was throwing things into the pool. J'onn said in a nervous voice, "I think you stand corrected."

After a minute of this I walked back into the house completely calm. I sat down beside J'onn like nothing had happened. I asked, "So what are we going to do?"

I moved a strand of hair out of my face.

*Amy's POV*

I glanced at Raven nervously. "Well... I've been thinking about that. I'm sure by now the council knows I'm alive again. So that means they'll be sending someone to retrieve me."

I paused before continuing. "And... I don't know how to get out of this. There's no one else in the royal family that can take the throne. I'm the only one left."

*Raven's POV*

I leaned back in the chair, "There has got to be a way we can get you to stay here."

J'onn looked at me before looking back at Amy and back to me. He said, "You could be a decoy."

We all turned to him, "What?"

He cleared his throat, "Raven could be a decoy. I mean, you borrow one of Amy's outfits and don't let them look at your eyes and you have a version of Amy."

I looked at him and said, "That wouldn't work. They would realize the difference because of our powers. Her's is so much different than mine because mine is...changing, I guess you could say."

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Okay, well...I tried."

*Amy's POV*

I sighed. "I honestly think there is no way out of this. It's not like we can just conjure up another royal family member..." I trailed off, an idea coming to mind.

I abruptly stood, the tattoo on my back glowing and my wings coming out. I spread them, hurriedly flying up to my room. I frantically began searching for the item in mind.

"Where is it? I know it's in here somewhere." I mumbled, heading for my closet. I paid no attention to the three beings gathered outside my room. I flung open a small box, shouting in triumph when I found the communicator. I turned it on, and the screen came to life.

A familiar face appeared. "Hey princess! What's up?"

I smiled. "Flare, I have something to ask you."

She blinked in curiosity. "Sure. What is it?" she asked.

"You care for Soran, right? You'd be willing to do anything to help the planet and its people?"

She nodded slowly. "Yeah..." she answered.

"Look Flare... I love Soran, but I love Earth more. It's my home. But the council is probably going to send someone to retrieve me and make me Soran's queen. So I need to ask you this. Would you be willing to be queen if I adopted you into the royal family?"

Flare seemed unsure. "I don't know..."

I smiled softly. "Flare, I know you can do it. You know politics. You know the people. I believe you can do this. You can be queen. Please, Flare! I don't want to leave my life on Earth. I have friends and family here. People that I love and care about. I can't leave them."

Flare smiled at me. "I'll do it. But you need to come to Soran and talk to the council. This plan won't work unless you can convince them to let me be adopted into the royal family."

I smirked. "Don't worry. If I'm anything like my mother, I'll be able to convince them. See ya then."

I turned off the communicator, putting it back in the box.

*Raven's POV*

"That's not a bad idea Amy."

She smiled as she stood up, "Yea but I still need to go to Soran."

I said, "Let me go with you. I promise to be on my best behavior."

She looked at me and said, "Fine. I guess you can go. But J'onn and Wally will have to stay here, I'm not dealing with you guys again on Soran."

They looked a little sadden but nodded, "Alright. Just be careful."

I smiled, "When have we not."

They both looked like they were going to say something, I interrupted them, "Hey, let's go finish breakfast before it gets cold."

*Amy's POV*

I shook my head. "You guys go on ahead. I still have some things to take care of."

They left the room, Raven glancing back at me one last time. I sighed when they left, going over to my dresser. I opened the top drawer, pulling out a music box. I lifted the lid and took out the white stone inside. "Easier to get there by using the stone."

I went back over to my closet, taking out the blue dress I'd brought home with me last time. I made my way over to the vanity, picking up the circlet lying there. "Have to look formal if I'm going to appear before the council."

I slowly slipped the circlet on my head. I took a deep breath and took one last glance at my appearance before heading out of the room.

*Raven's POV*

Amy came down the stairs in a blue dress. I had just finished breakfast so I stood up and said, "I guess I have to go put on a dress too."

Amy nodded with a small smirk on her face. I sighed and went up the stairs into my room.

I went into my closet looking for any dress that I wore on Soran. I found the red dress that I wore once before, it was a red halter top with matching red heels. I brushed my hair and pulled it back in a loose ponytail. I looked in the full length mirror and sighed, I said I was going to be there for Amy and I meant that...even if that means wearing a dress.

I walked out of the room, down the stairs, into the kitchen/dining room.

*Amy's POV*

I walked over to Raven as she came into the kitchen/dining room. I smirked. "Nice dress."

She said nothing, sending a glare in my direction. I heaved out a sigh, clutching the white stone in my hand while taking Raven's hand with the other. I looked over at out boyfriends. "See ya later, guys."

I closed my eyes and began to speak. "Take us to Soran."

In a flash of white light, we had vanished into thin air. When I opened my eyes, I glanced up at the palace before me.


I tore my gaze from the palace, looking behind me. I smiled at the red-head. "Flare!"

*Raven's POV*

I smiled as Amy hugged Flare. I looked around, it's been a while since I've been on Soran. I heard Amy talking to Flare but nothing was making clear words or sentences, I was too distracted.

I felt a hand on my arm and I turned to Amy, "Let's go."

I nodded and followed her to the palace.

*Amy's POV*

As we entered the palace, I made sure I held myself regally. I nodded at servants and maids as we passed by them. Being who I was, they bowed respectfully. We came upon the double doors that led to the council chambers. I stopped before them and took a deep breath. "Showtime ladies."

I pushed the doors open, making my way in. The council members stood from their seats at the table and bowed to me.

An elder man made his way over. "Princess Amelia. Welcome home."

I smiled kindly at the council's oldest and most trusted advisor. "Thank you, William. It's wonderful to see you again."

I made my way to the head of the table and sat down. I gestured for Flare and Raven to stand on either side of me. I clasped my hands together on the table. "Now, onto business."

*Raven's POV*

Glancing around the room I saw that the room was very formal. It kind of reminded me of dad's office, being very professional.

I looked at all the people sitting at the table, they were all older than us, at least a couple of them were close to the same age. I looked to Flare and down at Amy, hoping this plan would work.

*Amy's POV*

"As you all know, Queen Alina, my mother, is dead. Brokk is dead as well and my twin sister, Eri, is in jail for life. That leaves me as the only royal family member to ascend the throne. But… I'm not going to."

After I said this, the council immediately began to object. I abruptly stood, slamming my hands down on the table. "SILENCE!"

*Raven's POV*

I even jumped a couple steps back, at the least. I quickly stepped back up and looked at the shocked faces of the council members. I couldn't tell if it was from what Amy had told them about her taking the throne or if it was her sudden personality change.

She sat down very calm, fixing the top of her dress and looking at the both of us before continuing.

*Amy's POV*

William spoke up from next to me. "Princess, could you please explain why you refuse to ascend the throne?"

I smiled softly at the older man. "I may have been born on this planet, but I lived my life on Earth. I have family and friends back there, people I love and care about. I can't leave them. Which is why I wish to adopt my dear friend, Flare, into the royal family."

The council began to object again but William held up a hand to silence them. He spoke again. "If I may, the rulers of this planet have all been of royal blood. They were raised in a way so that they'd be prepared to ascend the throne one day."

I nodded. "That is correct. But I wasn't raised here. I may be of royal blood, but I don't know all of the teachings. Flare, on the other hand, knows more than I do. She knows politics, she knows the people, and she deeply cares about this planet." I turned to her with a smile. "I think she's much more qualified to be queen. But she cannot become queen unless I adopt her into the royal family. So I'm begging you. Please consider my proposal."

I stood from my seat and began to make my way to the door. "I'll give you time to think."

*Raven's POV*

Flare and I followed Amy to the doors. We walked through and when they closed I said, "Nice. I think we might actually have this one in the bag."

Amy turned to me, "There is no reason to get cocky yet. We have to wait and give them some time to think; they may take or dismiss the proposal."

I nodded, "I know, I'm just itching to get out of this dress and go home and see J'onn."

I went to walk and ended up tripping over the dress. I spread my wings and caught myself quickly. Amy and Flare laughed at me, "Smooth."

I turned to them and stuck my tongue out, "Well excuse me. I haven't worn a dress since last time I was on Soran, which was almost a year ago."

They both smiled, I rolled my eyes.

This was going to be a long day.