Last Chapter Summary: Grimmjow awaits Kiyori's return from her Inferno training until a Vasto Lorde recruit of Las Noches, sworn to create a coup, hypnotizes him. Grimmjow's faith to Kiyori is compromised.

I do not own Bleach or any of their characters. All props go to Tite Kubo.

I do, however, own my characters, territories, ideas, and everything else that is not originally included in the Bleach story.


Fierce cold winds slashed the stone of Sancre Tor one afternoon. The New Year had come, and January's unrelenting weather raked across the Northern Territory of Hueco Mundo. But on this morning, Sancre Tor had appeared to be empty.

Teijo stood alone in the Central Plaza, visibly shaken. His hands grasped his brown hair near his temples and his blue eyes glossed over with tears. His vision was directed to the ground, where several bodies of his comrades lied, dead. All around him – on bridges, indoors, at his feet and in the sand below – dead bodies.

"It's only an awful sight if you think of it as an awful thing." Sounded a voice behind him. Teijo couldn't move as his boots and uniform were soaked in blood.

"You are immensely powerful." The voice said, "I'm so glad you're on my team."

"Why?" Teijo muttered.

"I need someone with your abilities to help me face the rest."

Teijo's brows furrowed and he lowered his hands, clenching his fists. He turned his head to his left, seeing Sylus. Sylus smiled wildly.

"You're a monster." Teijo growled.

Sylus's smile went away slowly, and he began to tread closer to Teijo. "My mother used to say that to me. She told me that I was just like my father – but my father and I are very different. I am just like her."

Teijo watched Sylus reminisce over his past while maintaining the willpower to not tear apart the man in front of him.

"She – never realized that I did so many things for her to love me. But I only became a monster because of her." Sylus said. "My vocal cords were sliced open and dusted with a curse that I made into a gift, and her enemies cradled me into the vision I hold today."

"That's why you whisper curses into the ears of the unsuspecting?" Teijo asked.

Sylus laughed, his eyes closing for a short period of time. He opened his pale eyes before he looked at the angry man before him. "Oh Teijo, your desires led you into this fate in the first place."

Teijo snarled before he lunged at Sylus with his Zanpakutou.

Sylus chuckled before whispering, "Sleep."

Suddenly, Teijo's movements stopped, and the large man fell forward into a deep sleep on top of a dead body. Sylus laughed, "You made me feel beautiful."

He stepped over the many bodies that littered the ground into the Central Building while humming a high tune. Soon, Sylus stepped in front of a group of Vasto Lordes that faced him. Sylus looked into their eyes, seeing a faded gold ring within them. He smirked, "Clean up that mess out there. And bring Teijo to my bedroom."

"Yes sir." The Vasto Lordes replied in unison.

Sylus traveled to the large table where the other elders sat. They stared at him, a slight speck of fear in their eyes. Sylus smiled largely at them while he placed his hands on the table. "The promised day is coming gentlemen."

"It has already been fifteen years, and she has not returned." One elder spoke after a few seconds.

Sylus's smile then disappeared, "She will come. I have worked tirelessly for over a hundred years for this day." He stood up straight and held his hands up in the air before turning on one of his heels, "I have acquired a tireless army who is ready to take her down at my command." He looked out to the hundreds of Vasto Lordes that stood in formation, unmoving.

"And they will not defy you?" Another asked.

Sylus's hands closed and they retracted towards his ribs. He looked over his right shoulder at the table, "Would any of you like to test it out for yourself?"

The table was silent.

"Have any of you toured my fortress?" He asked, "Would any of you like to see the beautiful flowers of my garden?"

Again, they were silent. Sylus blinked before he began to laugh again, moving away from the elders. "I didn't think any of you would want to see the world a different way."

Teijo groggily opened his eyes, seeing he lied in a large bed. He had been in a very neat bedroom, the light from the crescent moon outside flooding in from the window directly in front of him. Teijo's eyes widened once he had realized he had been completely naked and tied to the bed.

His eyes traveled up to the end of the room toward his feet, seeing Sylus standing, staring and smiling at him. Teijo growled, now noticing that his mouth had also been bound shut.

"I didn't want to you interrupt me." Sylus spoke, "Now isn't this familiar?"

Teijo's eyes changed from anger to confusion.

"Perhaps you don't recognize me." Sylus said, turning around. He began to unbutton his haori, allowing his clothing to drop, revealing a very thin and weak torso before removing the rest of his clothing. Teijo closed his eyes to save himself from gagging at the sight.

Sylus hummed his high tune again before stepping toward Teijo. He saw that Teijo's eyes were closed and sighed, "I spent a bit of my life in the Under World before I came here. I was a child when I was banished by my mother, so I went to the Seventh Torture District where I learned a lot of wonderful things and tricks."

Teijo opened his eyes slightly a bit before cringing.

"My friends taught me how to pretend I was someone else." He said, "So before I came here, I decided I wanted to look like my father just as he was murdered by my mother."

Sylus still held his haori in hand before he snapped his eyes to Teijo's. "Would you like to see a magic trick?"

Teijo's eyes narrowed before he turned his head away.

"No, I insist." Sylus said. "I'll even remove your bindings if you'd just watch."

Teijo then shifted his eyes to Sylus, making the old man smile. He spun around, quickly gathering a folding room divider from the corner of the room and placing it a few meters in front of the bed. Sylus then walked toward Teijo's left foot.

"I've always wanted an audience." He spoke before removing the binds of his feet. Sylus moved to his front before removing the binding of Teijo's mouth.

Teijo frowned, "You evil son of a bitch."

"Evil." Sylus repeated, "I don't think I'll undo your hands just yet."

"What do you plan to do?" Teijo asked. Sylus stared before an evil smile curled on his lips and he grew close to Teijo's ear, making Teijo attempt but fail in jolting away.

"We're going to make passionate love." Sylus whispered, watching Teijo's eyes glow gold. He quickly shut his eyes tightly.

"I'm most impressed with you Teijo." Sylus said, moving toward the screen, "You're the only one I've ever whispered to that is able to slightly resist."

"I'm going to kill you." Teijo replied.

Sylus smiled again before he walked behind the screen slowly, his silhouette only visible to Teijo. Sylus tossed the haori onto the screen and on the right side, Sylus walked out, with the body of a pale naked woman with mid-length black hair and the same pale eyes. Teijo's eyes widened completely as he stared at the woman before him.

"What the hell?" Teijo asked.

"What's the matter?" She asked, "You still don't recognize me?"

Teijo didn't respond, so she lifted her right hand high above her head and powered a bright blue Cero, lighting up her face and the room. She had been smiling at the light before her eyes shifted to Teijo who stared in fear.

"Have you seen the flowers of my garden?" She asked.

Teijo's breath came short as he recognized her from many years ago, hunting for women for the Jin Bloodline, stumbling across a large patch of white gardenias. He had seen her alone in the center of the flower field, naked and afraid. But it was all a ploy, and as Teijo had grown close to her to help her stand, her dainty arms wrapped around his neck and she whispered in his ear.

"I will use your power whenever I want."

After he heard her whisper into his ear, his vision went black and he woke to her on top of him, studying his body. She looked into his eyes with a stunned expression – as if she didn't think he'd wake. Teijo had shot up to where their faces were only inches apart. His expression was of anger, but it disappeared as she grasped his face and studied him before she leaned in and kissed his lips. Teijo's cheeks were flushed and she removed her mouth from his. She got off him and stood, grinning at him. He looked up at her, confused, and she began to run away from him through the flowers.

"Wait!" He called, standing and running after her.

She stopped and turned around; an evil smile curled on her lips. "Sleep." She whispered, and as she spoke, Teijo's vision went black again, and he fell forward while reaching out to her. She watched him collapse into the flowers before her grin shortened, and she continued to run away.

"You're… Her." Teijo spoke, watching the woman holding the cero in front of him.

She let the cero extinguish, "Correct. My name is Sylvia – not too different than the name I had been using."

"But how – and why?"

Sylvia stepped towards Teijo's left side and undid the bindings at his wrist before reaching over to undo the other. She hoisted herself onto Teijo's body, straddling him. He sat up slightly, watching her every move.

"When I was a little girl, my mother killed my father and the Fiery Phoenix. She had abilities far beyond our comprehension, so she brought the Titan back to life as a Vasto Lorde and married him. I pleaded for her to do the same for my father, but she refused and left me to rot. I had always wanted to convince my mother to save him – to love me." Sylvia said, tracing her hands along Teijo's torso.

"And so one day, I went to Rasajouji. He sensed the agony in my voice and the desire to let my words reach to my targets. He cut into me and painted my throat gold. All I could do was whisper, and when I spoke to my mother, she sensed that I was attempting to curse her. It almost worked, but there was another force out there preventing it, I'm sure it was Kokuryu. It took years of confinement to learn how to talk again."

"Your mother…" Teijo started, "She is – Hakubi-sama?"

Sylvia's eyes closed tightly at the sound of her mother's name, "She is. And she will pay for what she has done to my father and me. For abandoning me and proceeding to have four sons with Yusamujin – for that, the Jin Bloodline will perish. The Titans she serves will all cease to exist as well."

"Ketsujin's wife – was that you?" Teijo asked her.

She smirked a bit, "She killed herself."

"You witch." Teijo growled.

Sylvia leaned forward and kissed him. His brows furrowed, and he pushed her back from him.

"I require a child from you Teijo." Sylvia spoke slowly, making his eyes grow wide. "I've been observing you for many years, and you are my chosen candidate."

"I will not-"

"You don't have a choice." She said, "As much as you are able to resist my words, your body and mind will fail you."

He frowned before his eyes snapped wide, noticing his hands were holding the woman's hips, "Why do you do this?"

She ignored him, "And to think that I would have never felt beautiful had it not been for you."

Fifteen years of intensive training came and passed for Kiyori Kurotsuchi, and finally she would soon leave the Inferno. Each year that went by, Kiyori had mastered a new skill, whether that be swordsmanship, Sonido, or even hand-to-hand combat. She was designated to fifteen of her ancestors to assist with her training, including her father, Tokijin – whom she'd grown very close to during this time. Tokijin had the ability to manifest himself out of Kiyori's body without completely separating them, though it was apparent that merging together came with a price. Due to Tokijin's epileptic background from being a Second Born Jin heir, his childhood visions carried over to Kiyori when they merged, affecting her training greatly.

She was going to finish on time, thankfully, but her graduation was pushed back a couple weeks. Kiyori was now going to have to wait until she was able to leave, and thus, she now sat a lengthy white table in a huge corridor, where the seats lined both sides of the table from one end of the room to the other.

In front of Kiyori sat a woman, but this was no ordinary woman – Hakubi-sama, the Great Mother sat in front of her. Kiyori stared at the table nervously in front of Hakubi, while Hakubi stared at Kiyori, fascinated. This was the first time they had met, and Hakubi had felt so giddy to meet Kiyori, the first woman born of Jin Blood. The only strange piece was that Kiyori had been the mirror image of Hakubi, and the Great Mother studied her entirely.

"Do I make you nervous?" Hakubi asked, her lips curled up.

"No," Kiyori replied, "This is just weird, I feel like I'm staring at myself."

Hakubi nodded, "I will say, this is quite surprising."

"There has to be a reason why." Kiyori mumbled.

"My dear," Hakubi began, "I have waited centuries for a second born in the Jin Bloodline, one who will produce a Positive child for me. My husband has only allowed for one child per Successor to safeguard the level of responsibility within one person."

"Isn't that dangerous because there's a single point of failure?" Kiyori asked.

Hakubi laughed and nodded, "That's why it's very important to ensure you find a mate."

"A mate?"

"Yes, to produce the next heir to the Inferno."

"I don't know if I'm ready yet."

Hakubi smiled and stared for a few short moments, "Perhaps your father should let you know who he has planned for you."

Kiyori's mind darted to Grimmjow. She thought about him often and missed him dearly. How had he been after all these years? She sighed, assuring herself he was busy getting stronger to fulfill the role as an Espada. It wouldn't be too long before she saw him again, as she would make it a task to see him once more to continue their budding relationship.

Mating with Grimmjow? Would that even be logical?

Kiyori never thought herself to have any children, but if it was her duty to do so, then she would have to produce at least one. Would that scare Grimmjow off? She shrugged it off, surely it wouldn't. Grimmjow said she was his, after all – which would encompass the responsibility to support the Jin Bloodline's survival.

But what if he said no?

"Old man?" Kiyori asked later that day while she shared a meal with her father.

"Yes Kiyori?" Tokijin asked, holding a bowl of rice.

The two sat in large chairs in a spacious dining room where the entire length of one of the walls had been a window, exposing the blazing Inferno walls that slowly turned.

Kiyori's face was slightly flushed with embarrassment, "I met our Great Mother today, and she spoke about me needing to produce an heir."

Tokijin froze. Damn that woman.

"Yes." He replied slowly, "You have enough years ahead of you to place that on the back burner for now."

"I was just asking because she told me to talk to you about it." Kiyori said, fiddling her thumbs, "She said you had someone planned for me already."

Tokijin chuckled nervously, "I don't think this is the time to talk about it."

"So, you do have someone planned for me?"

"Well of course I have my own opinions." Tokijin said.

"Is it Grimmjow?"

"No." Tokijin replied sternly, but paused to stop himself, "Kiyori, you must understand."

"Is there a problem?" Kiyori asked.

Tokijin sighed loudly, "Kiyori it's just that Grimmjow.. He's an Arrancar. He's an abnormal Hollow and it makes me nervous for the bloodline and what complications he could pose."

Kiyori crossed her arms and turned her head away, "You've never liked Grimmjow and you won't admit it to me."

Tokijin remained silent.

"I get it that he's not what you imagined I'd want to pursue, but I-"

"Could you picture yourself marrying him and having a family with him?" Tokijin interrupted.

"I-I, well-" Kiyori began, but Tokijin spoke once again.

"Do you think that a man like Grimmjow would actually want something like that from you?" He asked.

"I don't know." Kiyori said quietly after a few seconds.

"Kiyori. I don't mean to sound harsh – it's just something to think about." He said, "You're going to want someone who will protect this bloodline and your heir at all costs – someone who you actually love."

Kiyori's mouth opened and she inhaled as if to speak, but no words left her throat. She shortened her expression to a frown and looked downwards, failing to notice her fists had been clenched. She didn't want to rely on someone to protect her. Almost instantly, Kiyori thought to Hakubi again.

"I look at you and I have a warm feeling that builds within me that I have not felt before." Hakubi had said.

Kiyori didn't respond, but watched as the mirror-image of herself studied her, traveling in a small circle around Kiyori as she stood. Each step Hakubi took was calculated and silent, but beneath her long white haori, Kiyori heard the quiet jingle of bells. Hakubi eventually stopped and stood in front of her and grinned widely.

"You're full of doubt." Hakubi said, "Have you not grown confident in your strength through your many years of training?"

"I-well, I do feel stronger, but it's hard to tell when I haven't put it to the test." Kiyori mumbled.

Hakubi chuckled and grew close to Kiyori where their bodies nearly touched, "My sweet child, though many have doubted the strength of a Vasto Lorde woman, they fail to realize that women are of the strongest forces. Some of the foes I've fought, that were most challenging, were women."

Kiyori grinned a bit and Hakubi continued, "This is because most weak women do not survive, and those that do are very strong, so when they eventually reproduce, their daughters are also very strong."

Kiyori met the eyes of Hakubi and was a bit startled by their intensity. Almost immediately Hakubi's eyes cooled and she smiled again, opening up her arms, reminding Kiyori of the columns of women that bordered the outer wall of Sancre Tor. Hakubi's haori opened, revealing a large red circular marking of two dragon heads swirling around each other and lettering around the circle. At Hakubi's waist was a Zanpakutou and tied to the end of the scarlet hilt were 6 gold bells.

She caught Kiyori staring at her marking, and she smirked. "Want one?"

"What?" Kiyori asked, now startled.

Hakubi laughed, "Oh nothing dear."

"Kiyori." Tokijin spoke, a worried look present on his face. Kiyori's eyes went to him, confused. He grasped her shoulder lightly, "Are you alright? You're not having visions, are you?"

"No." Kiyori replied, "I was just thinking."

"Your eyes were blackening." He asked, "What were you thinking of?"

"I was only thinking of Hakubi-sama and what she had talked to me earlier about." She said, shaking her head. He squeezed her left hand and sighed.

"I know I've never asked," Tokijin began, "But what is it that comes to visit you?"

Kiyori blinked before she relaxed in her chair a bit to think. "Sometimes I see fire, other times I see Sylus. A lot of the time I see old memories that make no real sense to why they return to me. Especially about my mother."

As Kiyori mentioned her mother, Tokijin's eyes traveled to the floor in despair.

"But on rare occasions I've seen the guy with the same eyes as us, or even a warrior in feudal armor and a mask with long teeth and white eyes." As Kiyori spoke, Tokijin's eyes shot up in surprise. "What?" She asked after his sudden movement.

He shook his head before averting his gaze, "Nothing. Just a random vision."

"Oh okay." She replied.

"Your mother, she –" Tokijin paused, "I know she was angry with me when I had last visited her before you were born. How was she?"

Kiyori saw the sadness in his eyes but noticed his eyes had sparkled when she began to speak of her mother Mao. She could tell that he was still very much in love with her mother, even after all these years.

"Growing up she was extremely strict." Kiyori said, "She was very particular about everything, and I knew that when she had looked at me, she saw you. Sometimes it seemed like she was spontaneously emotional when I was young, but I never really understood the burden I was creating for her and how much she fought to keep me from the harmful public eye."

"My home was a huge target because of my Hollow side attracting the evil undead and Shinigami." Kiyori continued, "Luckily my older brother was able to work something out with the Seireitei to keep my home under protection for a few years. When I was born, I was labeled as a child of the Gods because I guess I wasn't breathing when I first arrived into this world, and twelve hours later I opened my eyes. The caveat to that had been that my mother was labeled as a witch."

She watched her father's brows furrow as she spoke, and he interrupted, "Your mother is no witch. She is the kindest and gentlest woman I have ever met."

"I do believe my birth caused her demeanor to change because of so many contributing factors." Kiyori said, "If I hadn't known any better and you told me that, I would have laughed in your face."

"Did she ever speak of me to you?" Tokijin asked quietly.

"I think she feared if she told me your name, I would try and find you. Any time I showed any inhuman ability, she got very angry and anxious and I had to hide it as I grew stronger. She would just mention that I 'looked like my father'. On occasions when I would ask about you, she would say that you had abandoned me just like the rest of her children's fathers."

"The last time I saw your mother, I sensed that she had been in trouble, so I went to aid her. Our visits had to be minimal due to the Council looking over my shoulder any time I disappeared, but I could not shake the sense of danger she was in. When I arrived at her hidden home, I had heard her screams and discovered a Vasto Lorde named Kizoku holding your mother by her hair in front of the Council Members. They had waited for me to arrive so they could attempt to kill her on the spot." Tokijin said, "The Council claimed if I had attempted to protect the woman I had impregnated, they would ensure the termination of the Jin Bloodline by not only killing me but destroying the statues of our Ancestors beneath Sancre Tor because of my treason."

"But why was it such a serious thing?" Kiyori asked.

"At the time I assumed it was because your mother was human." Tokijin replied, "But I later realized that the Jin Bloodline was being threatened entirely, even if I hadn't met your mother."

"What happened when you went to my mom?" Kiyori then asked.

"Kizoku had stabbed your mother multiple times in her pregnant stomach in an attempt to end your life. I erupted in anger and engaged him in battle while the Councilmembers swore me into exile, and before our eyes, we watched the blood of your mother return to her, and her wounds completely gone, and her life returned to her. I know now that it was you and your gift that saved your mother's life." Tokijin said to her.

"The Councilman Sylus then moved to sever the head of Mao, but Jashatirou had arrived in time to stop him. When your mother regained consciousness, she was in the safe arms of Jashatirou and we fled just for long enough for me to tell your mother to protect our child at all costs and to say nothing of me or your destiny, and that I would return to her soon unless I were killed. I then instructed Jashatirou to take her and keep moving away from where the others were."

"That's when you lost your Garganta powers?" Kiyori asked.

"Shortly after yes." Tokijin replied, "I'm sure you've heard this part before – that I killed thousands."

"Yeah." Kiyori mumbled.

"Those people who were killed were under a spell." Tokijin said, "I believe it was due to Sylus and what ever trick he pulled to hypnotize our people. The way they charged at me wasn't as if they were fighting for a cause. It was completely mindless, and the moment I pieced that it had been Sylus's doing, I charged at him – and MiroTano, Umino and Teijo had stopped me. There was a flicker of gold in Teijo's eyes that I could not forget, and that's how I knew that Teijo wasn't entirely in control of himself."

"MiroTano said that Sylus got to Teijo before I had left to the Inferno." Kiyori replied.

"I do believe Teijo is strong enough to resist, and that is why I said it is possible to not have to kill him. Sylus must die first." Tokijin said.

Kiyori nodded and looked to her left out the large window to observe the massive swirling Inferno. She felt Tokijin grab her left hand with his right and squeeze. He knew that she felt nervous about the inevitable fight that quickly approached.

"I wonder what it's like at Sancre Tor." Kiyori said softly.

"We will find out soon." Tokijin said.

In front of them at the other end of the room, two large doors opened and Yusamujin entered the room with his wife, Hakubi. Moments later, fifteen of Kiyori and Tokijin's ancestors stepped through the doors to join their Great Father and Mother. Kiyori looked to Tokijin and he nodded to her, ushering her to stand with him. The two traveled toward the opposite end of the room before they were only a few feet in front of Yusamujin and Hakubi.

"Kiyori Kurotsuchi," Yusamujin spoke, "Your training has concluded on this day, the 14th of January. You are now the Jin Bloodline's Newest Successor, ready to carry the power of the flame on your shoulders and carry on the generations to come."

Kiyori grinned a bit and clasped her hands together in front of her. Her father wrapped his left arm around her and squeezed her slightly, "Congratulations." He said softly.

Kiyori bowed to Yusamujin after Tokijin let her go.

"You are free to leave our home to fulfill your duties. Honor us and represent us fully for the good of all worlds." Yusamujin spoke.

Kiyori nodded. "I will."

"Good." Yusamujin responded, "Oh… and Rasajouji-sama wishes for you to make a presence in the Nightshade District."

"Rasajouji-sama?" Kiyori asked quietly, receiving no response from her Great Father. He turned away and headed towards the exit with the past Successors that assisted in Kiyori's training, however, Hakubi remained.

She glided towards Kiyori and Tokijin with a proud smile on her face. "Congratulations Kiyori."

"Thank you, Hakubi-sama." She replied.

Hakubi chuckled, "You don't have to be so formal."

Kiyori nodded and Hakubi continued, "I sense a great disturbance within Sancre Tor."

"Another attack?" Tokijin asked, visibly concerned.

"Possibly." She replied, "Many lives have been lost."

"What?" Kiyori asked, panic present in her tone, "When did this happen?"

"A few hours ago, after our meeting. The tensions of Sancre Tor have been rising for years since you began your training." Hakubi replied.

"We have to go there now!" Kiyori said to Tokijin.

"You must first speak to Rasajouji. Perhaps he'll grant you a gift." Hakubi said, "Take care child. We will see each other again. Your role is far too important to the world to neglect."

Kiyori batted her eyes in confusion but nodded anyway before bowing. "Thank you."

Hakubi then Sonidoed elsewhere, leaving Kiyori and Tokijin alone. They connected eyes before nodding to each other. Tokijin then grasped her hand and led her towards the exit via Sonido.

Tomi Umino stared ahead at the dunes of Northern Hueco Mundo, listening to the loud winds that scraped the surface of Sancre Tor's outer walls. He was inside one of the many watch towers placed along the giant walls, and two Vasto Lordes stood beside him.

The two men were tall but frail, which was strange to Umino. They had decreased to that size over time, when before, they were muscular and healthy. He noticed this trend among all his men.

They weren't what he had remembered them to be. They were silent when they had never been before. Men who stood watch needed to stay awake, so they spoke – though these and the rest of his watchmen watched intently, growing skinnier as they failed to take time to take in Spirit Particles.

Umino faced the two to his right before speaking, "Inspection."

Neither said a word, even while Umino stood in front of them. He inspected the Vasto Lordes from head to toe, stopping at their eyes, noticing a small yellow ring around their irises. Umino narrowed his eyes at them, "You're losing weight, both of you."

"Apologies, sir."

"I don't know what has gotten into the lot of you, but a weak Vasto Lorde standing watch may as well not stand watch at all." Umino replied. "Do not forget to take care of yourselves."

A small wave of silence hushed over them while Umino continued to study them.

"Ahead!" The one to the right shouted, pointing ahead.

Umino snapped his eyes toward the small dot on the dunes. Was it Kiyori Kurotsuchi?

"Halt." He said to the men, activating his Presquisa. Umino focused on the Reiatsu of the presence ahead, closing his eyes before the opened. "That's not Kiyori Kurotsuchi."

"She's expected to return soon." One of the men spoke.

"And you know this how?" Umino asked, narrowing his eyes as he faced the two. Simultaneously, their eyebrows rose in surprise before they shook their heads.

"That is not her Reiatsu." Umino said slowly.

"Yes sir."

Umino turned away towards the exit, his cloak trailing behind shortly. As he stepped outside, the strong winds hit him, and he glanced at the force ahead. He stepped down the ladder nearest to reach the level the outer walls stood, seeing other watchmen spot the incoming Reiatsu.


Umino turned toward the voice, "What is it?"

Another frail Vasto Lorde quickly approached, "The perimeter is being surrounded."

"What?" Umino asked, "Prepare for attack!"

The Vasto Lordes all complied, quickly readying their positions. Shortly after, a loud alarm horn sounded, signaling the rest of the fortress for attack. Umino felt the Reiatsu approach very quickly, and just as he turned to face it, he was face to face with a woman who stood on a raised stanchion. She had lengthy burnt orange hair worn in a high braid with a silver headpiece that covered her hairline until the center of her forehead. She wore light armor in a dark color and dawned a silvery-gray fur cloak that reached her ankles.

"What do you want?" Umino asked her over the sounds of horns.

She looked around, seeing the emptiness of Sancre Tor.

"My name is Amaya Yukari. I am Princess of the Sujin capital tribe." She said, holding a heavy accent.

"Sujin, you say?" Umino asked, "The tribe that attacked Sancre Tor, leading to the death of the Jin Bloodline's Successor and his wife."

"Sujin played no part in those attacks. The Hollows that follow Sujin acted on accord of my queen mother another victim of the Dark Woman."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Umino asked.

"I have come to kill your council." She replied.

Beside Umino Sonidoed MiroTano. He studied her before his eyes widened, "Holy shit."

Immediately, MiroTano unsheathed his blade and pointed it at Amaya. She narrowed her eyes at his movements, "You are not my enemy."

"I don't give a shit." MiroTano spoke, "You take your fucking eel and fuck off."

"Do you know this woman MiroTano?" Umino asked.

"I haven't seen her since we were children." MiroTano replied, "She's from a powerful warrior tribe of Originals."

"She doesn't have a mask though." Umino replied, "How can you tell?"

"That headpiece." MiroTano said, "She's the only royal child of Sujin left. She used to have a mask."

"I will speak for myself, traitor." Amaya said, "Once your councilmen are dead, I will leave. Original tribes have no business with the surface-dwelling swine of Sancre Tor."

Umino and MiroTano felt the presence of the many watchmen gather, hearing her desires to kill off the council. The two exchanged glances before Umino spoke, "We will not let you harm Sancre Tor's council. Any steps further will result in your demise."

Amaya's brows furrowed, "It may lead to yours, as I sense Sancre Tor's numbers dwindle. This fortress is weak now. The powers that once walked this stone are gone. There is no Jin Bloodline present to defend you."

"Sancre Tor does not need the Jin Bloodline!" Shouted one of the watchmen.

MiroTano looked to Umino as he unsheathed his Zanpakutou. They connected eyes and MiroTano frowned at him before glancing at Amaya momentarily.

"This is a death wish." MiroTano mumbled.

Amaya stared into the eyes of Umino before she dropped her large fur cloak onto the stanchion and unsheathed two blades. He noticed that along her back was a large silver axe secured within a leather sash. He found himself searching for her Zanpakutou but failed to find it.

"Protect the perimeter. We will not suffer a breach." Umino ordered the men that gathered nearby. Instantly, each of the men complied by taking their positions elsewhere.

"Umino, this isn't the best decision." MiroTano said. "She's got the resources to kill the Council. We should just let her."

"She has the resources the kill what's left of us too, and I won't let that happen." Umino said, "Those men are under some form of hypnosis and they will fight for the Council. If there's a way to break it, it has to be done without the fall of Sancre Tor."

Amaya watched Umino as he spoke, "Hypnosis you say?"

"Yes –" MiroTano began, but was cut off by Amaya's attention turning toward the Central Plaza. She frowned and stepped off the stanchion to the level that Umino and MiroTano stood. Umino swung his blade at her, and she caught the steel with her own weapon.

Her eyes tore away from the Plaza to meet Umino's, "You're in my way. If you do not want to die today, step down."

Umino's eyes narrowed at her before they shortly connected with MiroTano's. MiroTano then swung his blade at her, and she stopped it with her other sword.

"So be it." Amaya growled.

"Wait." MiroTano spoke, causing Umino to snap his attention to his comrade. "We don't have to do this. Maybe there's another way."

"The Council must perish." Amaya spoke, "I will do everything in my power to ensure of that. Whatever it takes!"

"What could they have possibly done to you?" Umino then asked her.

She frowned, "Your Council has been picking apart my village. Killing men and boys, and sacrificing girls and women."


"They have shamed me in the name of Sujin!" She erupted, "My mask was stolen from me and I was left as an offering to the Dark Woman just like my mother before me, but I escaped thanks to my crown. One of your elders speaks words to my comrades and they lose their minds. They become puppets!"

"That sounds like…" MiroTano began.

"… Sylus." Umino finished almost inaudibly.

"His most recent victims were young girls of my tribe, twins named La and Li - the remaining nobles." Amaya then said before looking to MiroTano, "We are now few, and the band of your very own queen stands behind my decision."

"Stand your Hollows down." Umino said, "We may be able to arrange something. Two girls named La and Li are residents here, albeit imprisoned, but they are alive."

She narrowed her eyes and thought for a few moments before backing away from them, lowering her weapons. The men before her mirrored her actions and she spoke again, "My Manyu remains." Amaya then turned to grab her furs before she dawned them. She held her hand out towards the dunes for a few moments. As she did this, Umino turned his Presquisa on once more, detecting the masses of Reiatsu dwindle away until he no longer sensed them except for one that quickly circled Sancre Tor a few miles away. He frowned before looking to MiroTano, "Manyu?"

"A giant eel Hollow." MiroTano replied, "It's a symbol of Sujin."

Amaya turned around, "Take me to the girls."

"With pleasure." Umino spoke.

Kiyori temporarily stood alone in the plaza of a small stone town littered with purple and pink flowers. There were large silver planters full of these plants, many still small black buds on green vines. The town itself was barely populated at this hour in the morning, as the rest of the citizens slept soundly in their beds.

Kiyori was in the Nightshade District of the Underworld, one of the two passive districts that were protected by the Inferno. She followed closely behind her father for a few minutes until his manifestation timer had run out, returning to Kiyori in his blade form. Tokijin had led her to the tallest building that bordered the plaza of the town, though it was only three stories tall, tinted a burnt orange color.

Inside the structure, Kiyori walked along the glossy tan floors, listening closely between the sounds of her heeled boots. Her ears tuned into a faint noise of a piano playing, so she followed the noise, where it led her to a dark staircase covered by a red rug. Kiyori traveled up the stairs to find herself in a pillared ball room, finally spotting the piano – though with no one behind it to play it.

Kiyori crept closer to the piano, and soon she spotted two people dancing. It was a dark-skinned man and woman, dressed in a black tuxedo and lengthy black dress, spinning together to the sound of the piano.

"Darling, we have a visitor." Said the Man.

"How lovely," the Woman spoke, "It appears to be the Phoenix Titan Successor."

Kiyori shrank a bit before she moved a bit forward, "Good morning, I hope I'm not disturbing you two."

They continued to dance, "Hardly dear. What brings you to us?"

"I'm actually looking for Rasajouji-sama." Kiyori said, "Could you help me with this?"

The couple chuckled together, and the Man spoke, "He may not be awake for another hour or so."

Kiyori sighed, "Alright, thank you."

"You're welcome to stay here and chat if you'd like." The Woman replied.

"Alright." Kiyori said, "What are your names?"

"I am Man, and this is my other half, Woman." Man said, "We are entities that embody all living things."

Kiyori was stunned. She sat in the piano bench and watched the couple twirl before her. Woman stared at Kiyori over the wide shoulders of Man with her scarlet studying eyes.

"You look eager, dear." Woman sneered. "Do you have a man waiting for you at home?"

Kiyori gasped slightly at Woman's words, "I guess you could say that." Her hand instinctively went to the two puncture scars on her neck.

"Why are you so nervous?" She asked.

Kiyori shrugged, "Well, I haven't seen him in fifteen years. I was young then and I didn't really know what I was doing. I kind of threw myself at him but part of me still hopes he kept his word."

"Ah, young love." Man said with a sigh and a smile.

"Well I don't know if that's what we had, I mean it's not like I love him, I hardly know him." Kiyori fumbled.

"Have some confidence!" Woman cried, "I'm sure that whoever holds your heart is desperately waiting on you to return so your love can resume."

"That word." Kiyori said while cringing, "I don't mean to sound crass, but I don't know if I'm capable of that."

Suddenly, Man and Woman halted their dancing and faced Kiyori. They offered their hands to Kiyori, gesturing her to stand and walk with them toward the glass-paned door to the balcony. The three stepped outside and looked about to the empty Central Plaza and the red desert, where beyond stood the flaming Inferno.

"That power ahead, the Inferno." Man said, "You are capable of anything."

"You will indeed find love, positive incarnate."

"I don't want to be let down." Kiyori replied with a sigh.

"What is wrong with growth?" Woman asked, "Even if you are, have faith and then grow. Love will find a way to your feet."

"I don't know if my father will want me to pursue an Arrancar." Kiyori said, "That's who waits for me in Hueco Mundo."

"Interesting." Man said, "Tokijin, of all people. The human lover does not approve of a different breed?"

Kiyori blinked, "He told me he worried about the Jin Bloodline, and that Grimmjow was an abnormal Hollow. It could pose a threat to the future heir I may produce."

"Now is not the time to fret over children. Focus on developing your feelings and see if he is truly worthy." Woman told her.

Kiyori swallowed this information and ran her hands along the stone railing of the balcony. She wondered who her father had planned for her to be her mate. She cringed internally at the thought. A lot of girls were married off rather young when Kiyori had lived in the World of the Living, and she even had suitors come to her door. Kiyori's mother wouldn't allow it, making her thankful. Perhaps Tokijin was a bit too traditional?

"You've got a battle to win, so you shouldn't ponder over lesser things." Man said.

"Ah, that's right." Woman noted, "Even some members of the Meido Clan are here to discuss the latest events at Sancre Tor."

"Meido Clan?" Kiyori asked, "Aren't they sister territories with Sancre Tor?"

"Yes dear," Woman continued, "They protect and serve the Titans of the Underworld, and they regulate Transworld trade to Hueco Mundo."

"I'm sure they are worried about their trade deal above anything." Man said, "That Ike, he's no joke."

Kiyori listened intently until her eyes caught sight of a few people dressed in lavender robes moving about the Central Plaza with brooms, sweeping the red sand from the stone and tending to the many flowers that littered the plaza.

"It appears Rasajouji has risen earlier this morning." Man then said with a grin.

Kiyori met his scarlet eyes momentarily before shifting them to Woman's eyes. They grasped her hands again and led her back to the ball room from earlier, letting the noise of the piano enter their ears once more.

"Go on dear, and heed our advice." Woman said, "Don't be afraid."

Kiyori nodded and smiled, "Thank you."

She turned away and exited the way she came, overhearing the couple engage in dancing together once again. Kiyori climbed down the steps and exited the building, and her eyes landed on a large elderly man who sat cross-legged in the center of a raised set of stone decorated with silver planters and flowers. The old man was covered in tattoos of all different colors along his face and hairless head. He wore thick gray robes that covered the rest of his body.

"Come here, child." The Old Man called; his voice withered.

Kiyori stepped to him in surprise before she bowed to him and knelt to listen, staring into his white eyes. His mouth tilted upward slightly, and he spoke, "Miss Kurotsuchi, welcome to the Night Shade District. I am pleased that you have finished your Inferno Training."

"Thank you." Kiyori replied, "I don't know your name."

"Forgive me young girl," He said, "My name is Rasajouji. I am the Ancient Elder of this passive district."

"Oh, so you wanted to see me?" She asked, making him nod.

"I wanted to provide you with wisdom." Rasajouji spoke, "As a blood-born Titan, it is imperative that you understand our history, and the importance of the Nightshade District."

Kiyori watched him reach to a silver planter beside him, retrieving a small black sphere the size of an eyeball. He held it up to her eye level before he beckoned her to take it in her hand. She held her left hand out and he dropped it inside before he took her right hand in his. Shortly after he used a small blade to cut Kiyori's hand, surprising her. Rasajouji tilted her hand so the small amount of blood landed on top of the black orb, and the two watched it bloom into a purple flower with five lengthy pointed petals and an orange center. While it bloomed, it glowed a mint green aura before Kiyori's hand healed and the flower closed back into the black orb.

"The Nightshade District is home to this deathly poisonous plant." Rasajouji said, "And only Titan blood can make it bloom. This one is yours; it has a special ability to undo destruction each time you use it."

"Destruction." Kiyori said to herself while staring at the seed. Her eyes met Rasajouji's and she spoke, "Will I truly cause destruction?"

She felt Rasajouji ponder and he spoke, "Let me see your face."

Kiyori leaned forward and his hands grasped her jaw, pulling her close to his face. She watched as his white eyes turned a mint green momentarily before his eyes returned to normal.

"Yes." He said softly, "But you are not like the one before you. You are a symbolism of life and your core is pure. While destruction and corruption are inevitable to you, the product of your destiny reveals an outcome that differs."

Rasajouji retracted his hands, exposing them to be crystal-like claw-tipped hands that glistened. His fingers were made of different gems, and his claws were golden. Rasajouji then held his hands open, showing her his palms and fingertips before he reached for her face again, gently running his two sapphire thumbs along Kiyori's cheekbones. He pulled his hands away and Kiyori reached to touch where he had marked her with two sharp and short deep blue marks toward the far ends of her eyes.

"What did you do?" Kiyori asked.

"No more weakness, child." Rasajouji said, "No more tears, mercy, or weakness."

Kiyori frowned at his words in confusion, "I don't understand."

Rasajouji sighed, "I looked into your soul and I recognized a woman who serves the Titans, just as every resident of the Meido District does and she will aid you." He looked to his left at a bronze skinned man who also appeared to be old and Rasajouji spoke to him, "Pupil, please gather Ike from the Meido District. I would like to speak to him."

The man nodded and left, returning a few minutes later with a middle-aged man who wore a white armored uniform with silver and red cloth at his shoulders and waist and a white cloak. He had short spiky black hair and dark blue eyes that were wide at the sight of Kiyori. He grew close to the two before him and he studied Kiyori closely. His hand slightly reached forward before he pulled back with a deep frown. Ike's head turned to Rasajouji questioningly before he decided to bow instead.

"How may I serve you?" Ike asked Rasajouji.

"Your First Lieutenant." Rasajouji spoke, "I want her to join Kiyori Kurotsuchi in her endeavors. Kiyori is due to Sancre Tor."

"With all due respect Rasajouji-sama, I cannot agree with this decision." Ike spoke, crossing his arms. "Sancre Tor – that is no place for one of the Meido Clan."

"I sense you care for the girl, and she has climbed the ranks fast among your own." Rasajouji replied, "But her destiny is intertwined with the Newest Successor of the Jin Bloodline. The Meido Clan's responsibility is to serve the Titans, and she will do so."

Ike's brows furrowed, "How long?"

"Permanently." Rasajouji stated.

"Mori has duties she must fulfill within the Meido District, and she is one of the finest members we've recruited." Ike stated, "I would have to consult Hakubi-sama on this matter."

"Mori?" Kiyori chimed, "Is her name… Yumaki Mori?"

Ike narrowed his eyes at Kiyori before he spoke, "Yes. She is one of – "

"I know her!" Kiyori shouted with a big smile, "She was my best friend from the World of the Living!"

Ike gaped at her as Kiyori continued to gleefully express her joy. His eyes traveled to Rasajouji who wore a short grin, making Ike silently scowl. "Mori is like a daughter to me, and she was very scared when we found her. She is lucky to have landed somewhere safe in the Underworld."

"C-Can I see her?" Kiyori squeaked, her hands clasped together.

Ike sighed, "Yes. I will return soon with her."

Ike departed, and Rasajouji grasped Kiyori's hands, gathering her attention again.

"The Nightshade District and the Meido District are home to Titans and those who serve them. The sands of the Nightshade district are colored red from the blood shed by Titans during our war, a time when demons, guardians, and heroes attacked and killed them for superiority. We are separated thanks to the Inferno's impenetrable walls from the other seven Torture Districts – should the Inferno ever fall, the hundreds of thousands of innocent lives will be in danger. Sancre Tor's resources will be depleted as well as the many tribes that count on Sancre Tor beneath the surface."

Kiyori shook her head slightly, "Why would the Inferno fall? My Old Man and I are both Successors now."

"Correct, but should either of you die, the Inferno will fall – albeit temporarily because Yusamujin-sama still lives. The Inferno's absence will open the gates to the Seventh Torture District, and it is a place where there is a plethora of the evilest beings that feed on the life of us." Rasajouji replied.

Kiyori shrank a bit, and an uncomfortable feeling dwelled in her stomach.

"Should the Inferno ever fall completely, I do not believe it is impossible for life to continue after the enemies from the Seventh Torture District are contained." Rasajouji said.

"That will never happen." Kiyori said, "I won't allow it."

Rasajouji blinked once before a small grin began to form on his face.

"Rasajouji-sama, I've brought Yumaki Mori." Ike called from behind the elder.

Kiyori and Rasajouji turned their attention to Ike, who beside him, stood a young, tan-skinned woman with honey-blonde wavy mid length hair and bright blue eyes. She wore a white cropped short sleeved shirt and white short bottoms and was decorated with red and silver cloth that sat at her shoulders connecting to her knee length white cloak. On her feet were silver lined black boots that reached halfway up her calves.

Yumaki froze at the sight of Kiyori sitting with Rasajouji, gasping silently. She watched Kiyori's expression glow, and Ike began to speak, "Mori – this young woman claims that she knows – "

"Kiyori!" Yumaki exclaimed.

"Yuma – " Kiyori began but was cut off by Yumaki speedily Sonidoing to her, mauling her with an embrace. She pulled back and stared into Kiyori's eyes with a large smile.

"Oh Kiyori!" Yumaki said, "This is so amazing! How could this happen? How are you here?"

"It's a really long story." Kiyori said, "When we were in the World of the Living, I was half Vasto Lorde."

"Unbelievable." Yumaki said.

"Yumaki Mori." Rasajouji spoke, "Your destiny is intertwined with Kiyori Kurotsuchi. She has the blood of the Fiery Phoenix Titan, and you will serve her."

"What?" Yumaki squeaked, separating from Kiyori to face the elder entirely. Kiyori looked to her friend's chest, spotting a red marking of two dragons, like Hakubi's chest symbol.

Ike Sonidoed closer to the group with a sigh and spoke, "I'm sorry Mori. Rasajouji-sama wishes that you get reassigned to Sancre Tor."

Yumaki frowned argumentatively for a moment before she turned back to Kiyori, "You're a part of the Jin Bloodline?"

Kiyori nodded, "I just became the Newest Successor."

"Oh Kiyori." Yumaki muttered. She turned back to Rasajouji and bowed, "I will do what I must."

Rasajouji nodded and grinned a bit. "While I'm sure the Meido Clan is aware of Sancre Tor's recent massacre, it could still prove to be very dangerous for you two. I warn both of you to be very cautious."

Yumaki nodded and Kiyori frowned in discomfort at Rasajouji's words.

"When will we leave?" Yumaki asked him.

"Now." Rasajouji replied, causing her eyes to shoot wide.

Yumaki looked to Ike, where he stood with his arms crossed, visibly upset.

"Ike-sama, I'm sorry." She said, moving toward him.

His sapphire eyes met hers and he sighed again, "It's not your fault. I knew from Hakubi-sama's words that you were meant to have a larger role in this world. Now go, and be safe – be quick. Show Sancre Tor what the Meido Clan is made of."

Yumaki nodded and looked to Kiyori again, "It's not safe there. We should mask our Reiatsu before leaving. I can open portals to the Underworld and to Hueco Mundo, so if we should ever have to retreat here, I will open one."

"I hope we don't have to. I will potentially have to face a Vasto Lorde with Crimson Hollowfication." Kiyori shivered.

"Crimson?" Yumaki asked with a confused frown.

"It is a very powerful Vasto Lorde." Ike said to her, "Many factors play a role in that strength. You will not be able to defeat him alone, not even with Inferno training."

Kiyori gulped, "He told me that he may not have a choice in fighting me – he is being controlled by one of the Councilmen named Sylus."

"Sylus?" Rasajouji asked slowly.

"Yes, he's a decrepit man who has brainwashed many of Sancre Tor's residents." Kiyori replied, "I worry that I will not only face Teijo, but have to potentially harm or even have to kill my comrades."

"Very interesting." Rasajouji spoke, "Sancre Tor awaits."

The women nodded and looked to each other before they smiled, grasping hands.

"We have a lot to catch up on." Yumaki said.

"We do." Kiyori replied, "Mask your Reiatsu, we don't want to be seen coming."

Tomi Umino and MiroTano traveled down a thin spiraling staircase that led to a dark wide room where small amounts of light entered through tiny glassless windows. Their footsteps echoed into the cold space, and the two men entered, facing the many small barred prison cells. Umino remained in the center of the room, staring ahead at the middle cell while MiroTano separated toward the cell adjacent to its left.

MiroTano knelt down, looking through the bars, his lips thin with disappointment as he observed the two prisoners. Jashatirou and a very young girl sat together, the girl holding his upper body which had been covered in blood from his many wounds. The girl had pale skin that was also soaked with Jashatirou's blood, and small sections of her bob-length platinum blonde hair had been dirtied as well. Her crimson eyes landed on MiroTano and she frowned at him before she looked away.

"I know I'm not who you'd like to see." MiroTano started, "Your brother hasn't been able to come down here yet."

"Leave us, traitor." She spoke.

"Miss Ego Cascabel." MiroTano said, "How is he?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She responded.

"I'm not well enough to separate from Ego's grasp." Jashatirou sounded, his voice raspy.

"Jashatirou." MiroTano spoke, "Kiyori will be back very soon, just hang in there."

"And where will your loyalty lie when she faces Teijo and the Council?" Jashatirou asked.

"On the side of life." MiroTano replied.

"Pathetic." Jashatirou said.

MiroTano rolled his eyes before he stood, "Can you blame me?"

Umino watched MiroTano briefly before he averted his gaze to the middle cell, containing the twins of Sujin tribe, La and Li. The girls sat side by side on their knees and stared up at him with anger burning on their faces. He ignored them, and his eyes went to the far-right cell, spotting Amaya Yukari, shackled in crystal-like chains at her wrists, the glistening chains poured around her at the cell floor. Amaya's orange hair was released from her braid, and she faced away from the men, looking to the floor.

Umino stepped toward the cell. He placed his hands around the Seki-Seki bars and observed her further before he spoke, "Councilman Sylus will be visiting you soon."

Amaya's eyes opened and they narrowed at his words. She stood slowly, letting the crystal chains move with her hands. She turned to face Umino before striding closely to the cell bars, and she stared up into his blue eyes.

"Even if it takes all of Sujin's Hollows," Amaya spoke, "Your haven will be destroyed."

Umino frowned slightly at her words and watched her move and stand directly in front of him. Amaya then used both of her index fingers to point to her silver headpiece and spoke, "I have the Reiryoku of a million beasts in my crown. The pitiful souls of this fortress will join them."

"We are not your enemy." Umino said, "The lives that are in control of Councilman Sylus do not need to die because of him."

"Yes, you are. I do not trust surface dwellers." Amaya said before she turned away from him.

"No, you're wrong." MiroTano voiced to her, who now stood by Umino.

"Your Councilman wishes that I be shackled in chains before paying a visit to me?" Amaya asked, "And what do you think will happen to me when he finally arrives? My death is certain. And you – you're a traitor to your own kind, you shame Xian."

"Listen here your highness, I never chose to come here or remove my mask. Neither of us are on their side." MiroTano said, "The majority of us that opposed them were killed by Teijo – who is also under the same spell."

"Teijo?" She asked, turning around.

"Yes." Umino spoke, "We can help you, but only if you do not harm the captive minds. Not everyone at Sancre Tor was born here, you know. That includes those who chose to move from Menos Tribes."

"You tell lies." Amaya growled.

MiroTano shook his head before he removed two small charcoal-colored spikes from his pocket. He traveled left to the front of La and Li's cell before he reached his hands between the bars and dropped the spikes onto the floor. The twins stared at the dark objects in surprise, but they did not move.

"It's up to you how soon you wish to remove them." MiroTano said, "Those are Seki Spikes, mining tools from Kuangshi. I'm sure you two can get creative."

The two men looked to each other before they turned away to exit the room, traveling up the stairs, leaving the prisoners alone again. Silence hushed over them, and Amaya turned back to face the small openings that emitted light into each of the cells. She focused her attention toward the dunes beyond the outer walls, spotting a very large, all black length circling the fortress at a quick pace.

Amaya's brows furrowed before her attention went to her wrists, following the crystal-like chains to their source point. She noticed two tan plates in the dark corners of her cell beside the small window openings before she frowned. What purpose did they hold?

"La and Li Tamasine." Amaya spoke.

"What is it, your highness?" The twins responded simultaneously, rushing to their cell bars.

"Free yourselves and break these shackles of mine." Amaya replied.

The two girls looked to each other, then at their own silver shackles. They wiggled their small hands, twisting them to effortlessly remove their shackles and reached for the spikes on the stone floor.

In the next cell over, Jashatirou sighed, pain swallowing him. While Ego Cascabel's healing hands assisted, he was steadily draining her Spirit Energy. She was already rather weak when she arrived at Sancre Tor with her older brother. His eyes traveled to the small windows, looking out to the crescent moon.

'Hurry, Kiyori.'

