A/N: Okay, so first there are some things that need to be said. The typical "sorry i took so long guise i really am writing again loool." And, the typical (as-of-late) thank you to the amazing Molly for pointing out all my fuckups and telling me she loves me. Bahaha. Thanks to you guys for reading, and sorry it's short.
I AM working on Chapter 6 because i'm sick of the same old shit sitting in my 'fics' folder and I want to know what happens next just as much as you do.
I actually quit writing this in the middle anywhere between a few and several months ago, and picked back up the other night. You can probably find the seam in there if you pay close attention.
I actually wrote myself into a corner with this one so i'm having to basically rewrite it, so if at any point it seems inconsistent with the story, that's PROBABLY why.
Anyway i'm done rambling now sorry for the huge ass note now GO!

I heard shuffling in the room just beyond the door, and realized I was supposed to be doing the opposite of spying on Axel and Roxas. Thanks to my quick thinking, I formulated a plan. I tiptoed quietly but quickly to the stairs, crept down them, then stomped back up in a hurried fashion. I ran back up to the yellow door and threw it open, knowing what I'd most likely find.

"What happened?" I yelled. I knew it, Axel was laying on top of Roxas, with messy hair and flushed faces on both. I knew it!

I shoved all of Axel's one-hundred-forty-two pounds off of me and stood up, popping my shoulders and clearing my throat. I just knew this would turn into another accusation. The only thing that had been good about my day was the lack of job I had to go to. I couldn't take everyone I know teasing me at my job all day long. You'd think there would be perks to being a cashier at Taco Bell.

Demyx was smiling with I-told-you-so eyebrows, and Axel was still laying on the floor chuckling through winces of pain. I don't see how he could possibly be so hurt, I was the one on bottom. I brushed past Demyx where he stood in the doorway and took myself downstairs.

Great, I thought to myself and groaned. Everyone was in the living room, chatting and gossiping and looking at me like they knew what happened up there. I blushed. Damn it.

"What?" I scowled at all of the grins on their stupid faces, like I didn't know they were accusing me of doing something with Axel. Even Zexion. The only person I felt like I had on my side anymore (besides Axel.) Even he was looking at me like he expected something. I was honestly confused and a little embarrassed, with no idea what to do or say. I fought with words for a minute or two. I almost stabbed all of them and ran. I would grow a mustache and change my name to Roberto. I absently wondered why I wasn't growing any facial hair at my age.

"Come on Rox, just come out already. We won't judge you," Hayner started the intervention. I was melting him with my eyes. "Besides, even if you don't, I mean... we all heard," Sora grinned. Oh, if looks could kill. I rolled my eyes and stomped through the kitchen, to the back porch, away from the people who were supposed to be my friends. I flopped onto a cushioned wicker chair and sighed, closing my eyes, and wished they would just leave me alone about it. I may or may not have dozed off, but that remains undocumented due to my slight lack of consciousness.

When I came to, I realized Axel was sitting on the porch swing to my left smoking one of his famously well-rolled joints. I crinkled my nose, just 'cause.

"Hey, sleepyhead."

I stretched and groaned. Blinking away sleep really isn't that easy.
"How long was I out?" I asked groggily. Axel took a long hit while I waited for him to answer, I watched how the paper burned while he inhaled.
"About ten minutes. Long enough for everyone in there to shut up, anyway," he said.
I groaned again at the reminder. I fought with myself and tried to stay awake. Then I decided Axel was a much more suitable pillow and abandoned my chair to join him on the swing, dragging myself and almost falling over twice treading the three feet of space from point A to B. I flopped down beside him and he put his arm in an awkward around-me-not-around-me sort of pose. His weed fumes were really getting to me but it was nothing too out of control, I just ignored it the best I could with the small amount of space away from it I got with my head on his shoulder. Damned pothead.

"What am I supposed to do, Ax?" I sighed, putting in a lot of effort to prevent slurring my words. Only about half of it came out right but he knew what I meant. He was putting a lot of work into blowing his smoke away from me.
"Don't worry, Rox," was his reply. I was about to question how I could possibly not worry, but sleep won the battle and the war, and after a few incoherent profanities, I was out again.

When I woke up again, I was laying in the chair in the living room while everyone else was piled up watching TV.
Except for Axel. I looked around but I didn't see him anywhere.
"Your boyfriend went to buy an ice-cream maker. Congratulations, you're dating a genius," Zexion said in a smart-ass tone. I tried to form words but I just can't function when I wake up. After a few seconds of what Zexion said being irrelevant I said "Like you have room to talk," with a somewhat dopey grin.

"Touché" was his response. Then Demyx chimed in knowing he wasn't invited.
"So you're dating?" Again with the smart-assery. I was well aware he thought he was being sly. I replied with a blunt "nope" and hoped that would be the end of it. And it was, until five minutes later.
"Why won't you just admit it? I mean really, as amusing as it is, it's getting old."

I almost punched Demyx in his big attention-deficit mouth.
"Why the fuck won't you just get off my damn back about it?" I asked, sitting forward in my chair hoping that Demyx would understand he just needed to stop before he really pissed me off.
"Because I'm sick of you playing pretend, Roxas. How many years now have you pretended to be someone you're not? I mean at first it was just a joke, but I'm as serious as you are. One of these days you're going to push away the person you're supposed to spend forever with because you're trying to convince yourself that you're straight. What are you so afraid of?" Everyone else sat silently in their seats while Demyx and I stared at each other like we could kill each other any moment. I stood and opened my mouth to speak when Zexion grabbed Demyx' arm and interjected.
"Demyx, I think that's eno-"
"No, apparently it isn't enough. I'm tired of fighting over this. Not everyone is going to hurt you, Roxas." My mouth snapped shut and my face went blank almost instantly. I couldn't believe he had even brought that up, much less that it had worked on me. It all went completely silent. Demyx grabbed Zexion's hand and sat back down beside him. Demyx was staring through me, Olette was staring away from me, Hayner was pretending he hadn't heard any of what was going on, Sora was looking directly at me all too knowingly, and Zexion could have been cross-eyed for all I knew.
After about a minute of standing around feeling awkward, and equally hurt and overwhelmed, and extremely confused, I asked for the time.

"It's 6:30," said Hayner. After another minute or so, Demyx asked me to humor him.
I looked down at the spotty carpet for a moment before climbing the stairs carefully. When I got to my room I opened a window and threw out all the pieces of broken chair in the floor. Anything that didn't fit was forced to fit.

A few minutes after my poor display of cousinly love, chair pieces started falling from the second floor and were landing in the yard.

Maybe I did go a little too far.

When I pulled up with my latest ridiculous purchase, Roxas was sitting on the roof outside his window, and the chair we broke was laying scattered in the yard like it had been hacked to death by a chair-killer. As soon as Roxas noticed my car, he nearly fell back into his room and disappeared.

Huh. Odd.
I should have just bought a carton of ice-cream.

I sighed for 10 seconds straight, then headed toward the house carrying my new ice-cream maker under one arm. It seemed like a good idea when I saw the commercial. As I reached for the doorknob, the door swung open with Roxas on the other side.

I was so nervous and scared, I had knots in my stomach and didn't even want to be doing this, but I figured if I did it and felt nothing Demyx would shut the hell up. That was the best case scenario, anyway.

I grabbed Axel's shirt collar and dragged him down to my face and forced myself to kiss him. It was the shortest, most awkward kiss I'd ever had with anyone. It lasted 2 short seconds. After I let go of him I stood there awkwardly with my hands buried in my front pockets, blushing, of course, because what kind of moment would it have been if I wasn't? Everyone was silent. Nobody moved. At all.
I stomped back into my room and slammed the door behind me, wondering just what the hell I had done.