"Daaaadyy, I wanna a Ice Cweam!" The little girl whined into her father's ear. "You said I could have ooone." He didn't know how much more of this he could take. She had only been talking for about two years and already she talked more than her brother had in five.

"Not now Kaede, after we get to Aunt Jenna's." Her mother scolded. Faux was so thankful for Cassie, she was a great mother to their two children, and a wonderful wife to him. He couldn't help but smile when he thought about his life. He loved every minute of it. Even on days like this when his little princess acted more like a royal pain in his tail end.

"I wanna it now!" She screamed as loud as her little lungs would go, as she kicked her dad right in the throat, which in turn almost caused him to drop her from her position on her shoulders. Luckily Cassie had managed to grab hold her before he let go of her legs.

"No you're not getting one at all." She scolded even more so then the last, and waging her finger right in front of the child's face. "You know better then to act like that." The young girl in turn sat down red faced and began to pout and cry. It took all of Faux's, not so inconsiderable amount, of self control not to pick her up. If he had, Cassie would have snapped at him as well, for babying her. After a good ten minutes of the waterworks, the girl had finally calmed down enough for the family to be on the move once more.

"Daddy." She spoke quietly.

"Hmm?" Faux responded, letting her know that she had his attention.

"I'm sowwy for kicking you, awe you okay?" She said running up and hugging his leg. His heart swelled looking at her small face. He bent down and picked her up.

"I'm fine sweetheart, but please don't kick daddy in the throat again, it really hurts." He said as he pulled her in for a warm hug. He loved both of his children, and he did his best to give them all the attention, and encouragement they deserved.

"Why awe we going to Uncle Tails and Awnt Cweam's House if we awe supposed to go to Awnt Jenna's?" She asked.

"Because your brother is staying the night there again, and we're dropping off some extra stuff for him." Cassie explained. "And because your Uncle Tails has something new he wants to show us." Faux could hear the dismay in her voice. He could blame her, It took a whole three months for his fur to grow back after he was selected to be the guinea pig for Tails last "Great" invention. Cassie couldn't look at him with a straight face for weeks, and he didn't dare walk outside of their house that entire time. He just hoped that his son didn't glow in the dark, or have pink fur, or something stupid like that by the time they arrived.