Copyright © 2003 by Syvia (Aka Rebecca K. Friedrick). All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: I own them. *points to Adojan & Zofia* Myself. *points to herself* And nothing else.

Author's Notes: The rest of the disclaimer can be found on preceding chapters.

My beta, Ranmyaku, has my gratitude, as always.

Syvia- *turns Chibi Adojan back into regular Adojan* Okay, I'm dipping into that little box of 'scenes that were bound to happen' now. If you hang around vampires long enough- even ooc ones.... *shrugs*

Adojan- *evil grin* I think I'm gonna enjoy this chapter....

Syvia- *grimaces* I hate it when you smile like that.

Hmm... I think I should give kudos to VladimirsAngel here. I can't remember if I was thinking of her Urban Nosgothic when I wrote this chapter longhand- but I can definitely see where I took inspiration from her work. ^_^ Some of the scenes you wrote just stuck in my brain, hon, and I don't think I can give you a better compliment than that.

As for the seriousness of part of the chapter... well, the story was kind of due for another. The last really serious chapter was that one with the Unspoken showing up, and that was a while ago.

..........................................................Reality Bites...........................................................

Syvia grimaced, shaking her head in disgust as the vampires on her couch snickered. Adojan, bored by the conversation, reached over and snagged Marcus by the back of his anti-priest robes. Without an explanation- none was needed- he walked off into the game room. The sofa springs creaked gently.

"Ah, another fine gentleman for the free makeover sessions?" Raziel chuckled darkly.

Umah sighed. "It's such a pity none of them have hair." The Soul Reaver's laughter broke out in full force at that. Adojan came back into the living room, passing Vorador, who was trying to kill Sebastian for the third time.

"Vorador-" Janos motioned for the green-skinned vampire to hand him the game controller.

"Sire, stop trying to help me and let me do it!"

"Use the Rage skill to knock him into the mist."

"I'm trying!"

"Do you know," Sebastian muttered, "I find this somewhat odd...." The usually caped vampire watched his videogame self knock Kain's videogame self across the room. Adojan seemed to ignore him as he reclaimed his seat. Faustus smirked and also watched the television.

"Is it seeing yourself actually defeat Kain, or that they so accurately rendered your voice?"

Sebastian glared at him and refrained from answering, instead, he reached out casually and gave Faustus a jaw-breaking right hook. Syvia jerked out of her chair with a yelp at this new development. Sebastian easily shrugged off the previously restraining bonds. Janos and Vorador were so engrossed in killing videogame Sebastian that they failed to notice the other one stand and run one razor sharp claw over the ropes holding Faustus. Sebastian turned to Adojan and shook his cloven hand.

"Grateful for the help, old boy."

The hybrid smirked. "Bring me back something nice."

The two young vampires, after picking up Sebastian's armor, opened the front door and walked off into the night. The parting leer Faustus gave her finally broke Syvia out of her shock. The girl turned to get help, and found herself trapped as a pale, cloven hand wrapped around her mouth.

God, vampires really are single-minded. There was no help from any quarter, each one was too busy with what they were doing. Vorador and Janos had finally beaten Sebastian and were watching the FMV unfold on television. From the sounds coming out of the game room, Umah and Raziel were finished with the makeovers and busy congratulating each other on a job well done. The power drill had been turned off long ago, but there were still odd noises coming from the basement. Syvia had never been one to believe in the basement monster. The closet monster was another story- but had disappeared long ago, with all the other childhood phobias that people eventually grow out of. This monster hadn't come out of any closet, couldn't be banished as soon as one turned on the light, and it was carrying her upstairs.

Adojan released her just inside the attic doorway. The girl scrambled up the rest of the stairs, flicking on the lights once she had gotten into the main room. A masculine voice chuckled softly and the lights clicked off once again. Syvia clenched her teeth and turned the light on again from upstairs, and Adojan retaliated by clicking the switch on the stairwell.

"Stop doing that!" she screamed.

"Very well," he purred. There was the sound of blunt objects slamming into the wall, then a brief crackling of electricity. The light bulb flickered briefly and winked out. The girl sucked in a breath, flicked the switch on and off a few times. Nothing. She was upstairs in the chill silence of the attic with an entire floor between her and anyone who might have been sympathetic to her problem. Syvia was alone with only Adojan's burning green eyes for company. The girl couldn't see his face, but she knew him well enough to know he was smiling.

"Alone at last."

"God, Adojan- you don't want to do this!"

"What don't I want to do?" The eyes started coming closer. Syvia backed away, eventually coming up against the old trundle bed near the far wall.

"What ever you're about to do- rip my arms off, burn me up with your magic," her voice took on a shrill pitch as the hybrid pressed himself against her. "Flay me alive," she continued, whispering now, "drink my blood-" Adojan took her neck firmly in one hand and lowered his face to it.

"Yes, why thank you for the invitation."

"Zofia won't like it!" she babbled, panicking.

"Zofia wouldn't like several things I've done as a vampire, what's one more?" and his teeth sank into her throat.

Syvia gasped, because she'd never really been one to scream, and her hands scrabbled over his shoulders in an effort to do something- hold on to something instead of hang there, limply, as she began to get dizzy. It had been inevitable, hadn't it? Walk around a house with vampires long enough and at some point, you were going to be bitten- she wasn't exactly surprised at this, still- who ever truly expects, or can prepare, to die?

Adojan had removed his fangs. Now his lips were fixed over the throbbing wound to keep any blood from escaping. He wasn't actually sucking her blood. He was drinking it rightly enough, but only as much as was seeping out by itself. More tears escaped as Syvia realized he was going to kill her slowly- maybe he hadn't made the wound that bad- maybe if he hadn't been planning to drink all her blood, she would be able to bandage it and it would heal without stitches. She wouldn't have the chance to find out.

His hands were loose on her body now, but Syvia's limbs felt too heavy to move- to attempt a struggle. Despair overcame her as she grew dizzy. So this was how she would die...

The hybrid lifted his head, licked the blood from his lips as he looked at her. The wound's pain dulled to an odd, slow burn. Syvia was suddenly aware of her own sobbing.

Adojan smiled and held her, resting his cheek on her hair. "This sound you're making now," he murmured. "That is the sound of absolute hopelessness." His voice was caressingly soft. "That is what I wanted to hear." He drew away and looked at her expression, painful confusion in the darkness.

"What?" she whispered. "I don't-"

"Payback, my dear, is a bitch with sharp teeth and a wickedly long stride. But sometimes she doesn't need to rip out your throat. Sometimes all she wants is to chase you." He slapped her on the ass and pushed her not-unkindly towards the stairs. "Now clean yourself up and go watch the game."

Syvia turned and just stood there, not trusting him. Adojan rolled his eyes. "When I told Moebius I wasn't going to kill you, I was being truthful."

She looked at the vampire who was now perfectly congenial and happier than he had been the rest of the night. Syvia realized that the enmity was gone, and wouldn't be returning any time soon. "You are one sick asshole," she murmured.

He winked. "And proud of it."

Syvia turned, controlling her breathing with an effort, and walked down the stairs.


What was that about, you ask? *shrugs* I'm really not sure.

Drop a review in the box on your way out, please. ^_^

Oh, and one more thing.