Rating: NC-17 (M)

Time: Before, during, and after the War of the Rings

Character: Haldir/OFC, Many of the Elves of Middle Earth.

Genres: Romance, Action/Adventure, Angst, General, Supernatural

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the Tolkien estate or New Line Cinemas. All elves and people of Middle Earth belong to Tolkien. Any movie scenes are owned by Peter Jackson and new Line Cinemas. All Original Characters are mine as is the plots and any facts, not in book or movies, are mine and mine alone. This piece is a work of fiction. No money is being made from this work of fiction.

Chapter Forty-Eight: The New Beginning Of Arlothiyenne's Life

The morning after battle came slowly. Haldir still sitting by Arlothiyenne's side looking down at her sleeping form. He noticed she still glowed, but not like she had when her powers first came. A stray honey brown hair laid upon her cheek, her lashes fluttered now and then. His mind wandered, 'What would become of her now? What path would she take?'

He knew she loved him and that they would be together, but how long would it take for her to be ready now? Before her only goal was the destiny she was focused on, now she was free of that task. And he was proud of her. She had been so brave, so cunning and passionate about what she needed to do. His Arlo, so beautiful and meek right now, he could not help but feel the love he had grow more. He closed his eyes and quietly thanked the Valar that his LOVE was safe. He smiled as he heard an echo of the Great Lady Elbereth telling him 'You are most welcomed, my faithful servant.'

Out of his quiet prayer his eyes opened to see small movements in front of him. Arlothiyenne was stirring restlessly. Haldir in his heart knew something was up. Her stirring slowly began to change and he became alert. Was she dreaming? He sat forward, looking at her more intently. Her restless stirring then turned to distress as she was fighting something within her mind. Her head began to thrash from side to side, her breathing labored with a few whimpers escaping her lips though her eyes were closed, they moved rapidly. Soon her breathing became labored. Before Haldir could react by reaching out and grabbing her arms, she began to cry. He grabbed her and shook her gently. "Arlothiyenne! My Love! Awake," he softly commanded.

She did not wake, but kept up the fight.

Shaking her again, Haldir commanded more sternly, "Arlothiyenne, Awake Now!" It was at those words, Arlothiyenne's eyes shot open and she screamed. Hearing her screams across the camp. Those that heard her, and broke into a run toward the screams. Within minutes, Thranduil, Celeborn and many others were at the tent opening.

Panting, her eyes filled with panic, body shaking full of fear, Arlothiyenne sat on the bed. As quickly as her distress came, it stopped. Arlothiyenne sat flush against the headboard of the cot staring out at nothing. Haldir, not understanding what was happening to her, reached out his arms and tried to pull her to him, but she did not respond. Feeling frightened to see her in this state of panic, he looked to Lord Celeborn. "What is wrong with her?" he asked racked with concern.

Celeborn stepped to the other side of the cot and sat on its edge. "Arlothiyenne. Little one? It's Ada. Wake up from your dreams, my sweetling." he spoke so tenderly reaching out and rubbing her arm. Arlothiyenne looked at him blankly for only seconds. Suddenly her expression changed as if she recognized him and the trance of her mind was broken. She burst into tears and jumped into his arms. Holding her tight, he rubbed her back to comfort her. "It is alright, my little one. It's alright. I am here and so is Haldir," he said point to the other side of the cot. She looked up from her father's shoulder over to where Haldir was sitting.

Reaching out her hand she grabbed Haldir's arm and moved to his arms. "I am here, my Love. I never left you and never will." He said sweetly as he kissed her neck gently making his way to look her in the eyes. "You know that, do you not?" Sniffing back the tears she shook her head.

Orophin and Rumil now stood idly by as they looked on. Feeling compassion toward their sister. Seeing her tears and fear clearly upon her sleeves, they felt helpless. Rumil could stand it no more and went to the water basin, grabbed a damp cloth and stood beside the bed handing the cloth to her. "Here, little sister, for your tears." he said sweetly.

She looked at him saw his gesture. "Come to me, brother. For what I need is you and Orophin to hug me." she insisted holding out her arms. Haldir smiled and moved to allowed his brothers to hug her. Rumil hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

"I am glad you are alright. You worried us." he said lightly to her. The look upon his face showed the emotions he clearly felt. Always a kidder and jokester, Rumil was now different.

"I did not mean to." she said in a sweet admission of defense. She smiled as she looked over his shoulder and at Orophin, who she saw looked to be on the verge of tears of joy.

Rumil moved, Orophin sat on the edge of the bed. Looked at her sideways, then looked away as he wiped a stray tear away. She reached out and touched his shoulder. "Brother?" she questioned, "Why is it you look away as you cry? Why do you cry?"

He looked back at her, sniffed and said, "I am so happy."

His answer was simple, she reached out and grabbed him and pulled him to her. His arms went around him like an elastic band. It felt so good to awaken from a bad dream and be surrounded by such loving family. She pulled back and looked around, feeling a new sense of energy. "So, when do we leave?" she asked looking from Haldir then to her father.

"Within the hour." Celeborn told her pushing a stray hair from her face. He looked to Rumil. "Go Rumil, fetch her food and send for two female wardens to help her ready." he commanded him. He and Orophin stood and left to do what was asked. Celeborn stood and looked to Thranduil. "I think we need to see to the preparations for the captains and wardens to break camp and travel to Lorien." He told the King.

Thranduil nodded to him then looked to Arlothiyenne. "Pennath, you should be home by this time tomorrow." he assured her.

"Your majesty-" she started. "Thank you."

Her simple reply made the King smile. "You are most welcomed."

With the ordeal out-of-the-way and the audience now gone, Arlothiyenne and Haldir were alone. Haldir was curious as to what she had dreamed. He was afraid to ask and didn't want to pry. But Arlothiyenne, who still sat up against the headboard, looked at her hands. "Haldir, you have seemed to forget. I am connected to you, I know what it is you want to know." she told him looking at him sideways.

Haldir sighed. "It is true, I am curious. But as a seasoned warrior I understand fully in rigors of reliving battles. I know that reliving battles is very private and personal."

She pursed her lips together as if thinking on it. Perhaps talking of it was best for coping. Up until now, the things she had done had not affected her so much. But yesterday's battle did. She looked at him determined. "Well, I refuse to be like others and not talking about it. I think it is best I do." she reached out her hand and took his. "I dreamed of yesterday's battle. But most importantly, the Balragon. In the moments before killing it. I felt fear like never before. I felt sorry for it, Haldir." she admitted.

Haldir was stunned by that, at first. Its was a foul beast, and evil at that. "Why?" he asked curiously.

She moved to sit beside him her feet barely touching the ground. "Because. I feel compassion for all creatures of this world." she paused a moment. "Yes, he looked terrifying, but within himself was innocence. The dragon was born into a slavery and joined with a demon presence against his will. Like a child so small and innocent, but as it was raised its views of cruelty was deeply embedded from infancy. It could not help it."

Haldir understood that. All elves valued life no matter how foul. "I understand that. But if you saw good in it, why the nightmare?" he asked placing an arm about her shoulder.

"The dream did not come from the good, but the bad part. I saw its life from egg, to destruction. It was horrific. Tortured, painful. All of it." she looked up at him her eyes filled with sorrow. "Killing both the good side and bad, I believe was the hardest thing I ever had to do." she told him.

He took a small breath at that and spoke, " What of the fact you had to destroy your grandfather?"

She sighed and stood then looked down at him. He stared at her for an answer. "I found that experience, strangely enough, both sorrowful and satisfying. I rationalized that it was necessary. But the innocence of Sauruman was never there. Perhaps it was the fact that at one time, he was good, but he was easily corrupted. The Dragon was innocent from birth and forced to endure the torture of becoming what he was. Sauruman chose his path. That is why I felt as I did when I killed him." She turned from Haldir and sat in a chair in the corning, picking up her brush from the table next to her and began brushing her honey brown tresses.

Haldir understood her reasoning. It made full sense to him. He looked at her as she ran several passes of the brush through her long hair. He spoke up, "I understand. I wonder what it is you will choose to do with your new life?" He wondered that as well.

She stopped and looked at him. "That I am not sure on just yet." She stopped brushing and looked at him. His expression reflected some worry. She sensed it was about their future. "Haldir," she said coming to kneel in front of him, "you are worried that I have changed my mind about you. Am I right?"

He looked away from her closed his eyes for a moment then looked back at her. "It was a thought." he admitted.

She reached up, her eye softened to show a sweetness reflected in them. "I have not changed my mind. I love you, so, very much. A little more time, that is all I ask." she told him as she rubbed his cheek gingerly. "There is nothing more I want than you. I am not fully sure of what to do at this moment."

He smiled down at her. He loved her so much more than he had before. " I shall wait until the moment is right. I will help you in whatever you chose to do. This I vow." with that said, he gently pulled her up more and kissed her lightly upon her lips. But the kiss was interrupted when his brothers came in with the morning meal.

She smiled and stood up, Haldir coming up beside her. Rumil went to the table and set down the tray. "I brought food for both of you. I assumed you two would break your fasts together." he said looking at the two of them.

Orophin chimed in. "Two female wardens will be here shortly to help you ready. We will be leaving soon. Haldir, Celeborn asks you come to his command tent as soon as you have eaten." Haldir nodded to his brother.

"Tell him to give me twenty minutes." he told him. Orophin and Rumil smiled and left the tent.

Arlothiyenne looked to Haldir. "Shall we dine?" she asked smiling playfully.

"Yes, I am famished." Haldir smiled taking her had in his and leading her to the table.

After twenty minutes, they had finished eating quietly and enjoying their time together. Haldir left to speak with Celeborn. The two female wardens arrived and began packing up Arlothiyenne's personal effects including her armor. Arlo looked at it with new eyes. A petty question arrived in her thoughts. What would she do with it now that she did not need it? It was not like she could just give it back. It was a great gift from the Valar. She smiled and decided to think on it later.

After her packing was done, she found Naufaer and mounted, the journey home was underway.

Note to READERS AND FANS: HEY guys! Long time no update. I am sorry for that. Real life in the past year or so has been so hectic that I am afraid it would take thousands upon thousands of words to express. LOL. I will WARN you, my writing style has changed since I gave my heart back to the LORD. I know this story is rated NC-17 but I will be toning down future sex scenes greatly. SORRY, the LORD looks down on pure smut. But that is alright, the purity of the love story remains.

In previous chapters at the end-note I posed a question as to whether add the EPILOGUE to the main story or to Separate it. I have had a couple of my readers state, separate story is good. So I will be posting a Epilogue story which I have yet to name. But the side story will be considerably shorter and take place in the first month or so after the Main story ends.

This EPIC is soon coming to a close, if the muses will cooperate with me to finish it. I am excited about it, some chapters have already been long ago and sitting on the proverbial shelf for years in my computer's files. Of course, I will be revamping them.

As always I ask PLEASE read and review. IT will HELP me to continue my endeavor! I look forward to hearing from you! Hugs to all...haldirsbaby.