Artist Comments:

This was supposed to be a Christmas present for one of my friends, but I rushed the original. *cough* She was pushy for new chapters *cough* I hope you guys enjoy this new one though. Warning if you wanted the first story; this one is completely different. This one however is a thousand times better than the original, because I'm picky for perfect. Second warning: I'm writing this story after the first movie but not the second, because I want to be able to use Scorponok later on. Some may ask why, well….he is adorable, he's one of my favorites, and he needs some more love on fan fictions. Do I need anymore of a reason?

Yes, this is one of the ever-growing popular Sunstreaker pairing. I don't think she's going to be paired with both twins though. I am thinking of making a sequel to pair Sideswipe. That or pair him with my oc for my friend Sanjakunodouji No Madou (God, I hate that long butt name). Ok, I'm finished onto the story, after a disclaimer half of you are going to skip anyways.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my own ideas and a flamethrower (for flamers).


Clear ribbons of tears streamed down my face. The tears ran down my body; until they were absorbed into the exam gown, which I had been forced to wear. I choked repeatedly trying to silent my sobs. My body was wracked by the agony in trembling motions, while my face turned red and blotchy from my fitful crying.

Where were they? Where…? Where were the hands that brushed away my tears, the arms that held me close, the heavy baritone voice that had comforted me, since I was young? Where were the eyes that held that sad yet loving look; the one's that light up whenever I was smiling?


My eyes closed tightly in denial, desperately flinging my inner self at destroying any probably that it had happened in my mind. He couldn't be... I pulled myself away from the thought as if it was physically toxic. Instead, I lost myself within the ghosts of my mind, pulling up long since past memories. An image of a man as he held me to his side, reading to me softly faded in and out. Then it was to the beach, the park, the movies, and more and more and more. An old picture of a woman flashed behind my eyes, and new tears pricked behind my eyes. No…he can't be…. He's all that I have left.

My eyes opened as if being pulled by an invisible force back to that spot in the corner opposite from where I had been strapped down. It was still there…the body was still there…. Its eyes still glazed, while blood still dripped sweetly like syrup from its mouth. The body mutilated into chunks of flesh, bone, and blood. The only part still fully intact was the head sitting decapitate on top of the mound of flesh, where it still managed to stare at my with an empty gaze. My heart stalled for two beats.

"Father…,"I begged, "Please come back. Come back. COME BACK!"

I was screaming now. I was falling apart at the seams.


My voice gave out before my mourning did. Blood stained my lips a speckled crimson; my throat torn like paper. A metallic taste burned like iron brands through my mind.

Sorry, for the sad beginning, but the story was being a bitch and wouldn't let me write it in the beginning. You will get flashbacks of the father and info on the mother on the way, but unless I decide to really play with the whole relations thing you're not going to get much more in actual blood family. Also, tell me if I need to boost the rating for the blood in this. Any requests? (I do them) Comments? (Welcomed) Questions? (Of Course) Then press the button!