Hello, everyone! Phirst off, let me thank my wonderful wonderful reviewers for their wonderful wonderful reviews: TheBlackSister, Children of Eden, PeggyPegs, Tina95, SilverLiningsWeighDownMyCloud, migotka21, and an actual diehard Leroux Phan named vanillaninja2032, who made me blush with her praise on the Leroux list. She made me squee with delight. ;)

Now, onto business. Some of you are expecting to see a Charles Dance list today, but I am afraid that it will not be available. Why? Because I don't really know how someone can obsess over Charles. He's a beautiful, excellent, handsomely deformed Phantom, but I've never seen anyone obsess over him like they do with Leroux and Kay and Gerik. And I want to get his list right; he deserves it, for being one of the few emotionally connective Phantoms who wears a full face mask and yet still portrays such passion and power and overall loveliness. He is my personal Phave Phantom, because he IS how most phangirls think of Erik: sarcastic, witty, lonely, selfless, romantic, musically adept (to say the least), jealous, passionate, looks good in a puffy untucked shirt while still looking utterly masculine, mysterious, easy to sympathize with, a touch unhinged from reality, a fantastic magician, and can sing like a fallen opera angel. Perphection.

But for now, I hope to satisfy thee all with a list concerning one of the most influential Phantoms of all time, Michael Crawford. Now THIS is a phantom that can be obsessed over to ridiculous degrees, almost to the point of being the cause of murder, especially when Gerik is involved. MC's phans are, to be frank, bat*bleep* crazy, and they have every reason to be. The man was cute in his young age, and he is a phantastic singer. So, ladies and... are there any guys on here? ...phangirls, here is the next obsession. Enjoy, and please review.

Disclaimer: I own some memorabilia, t-shirts, music boxes, masks, books, phan-based books, movies, CDs, and autographed photos... but none of them hold a candle to being able to claim ownership to POTO.

List 2: Michael Crawford Phans

1.) You have the CD of the 1986 musical of POTO with Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman placed within easy reach of any playable machine, which includes CD players in cars, extensive stereo systems, and your computer.

2.) You have been to see MC live in the actual production during the late 80's or early 90's.

2a.) If you are too young to have seen him as the Phantom, then you are currently trying to build a time machine that will allow you to go back and see him live.

3.) You believe that MC's performance as the Phantom is the closest one to portraying the real Erik because of his angelic voice.

4.) When you learned of there being a possible POTO movie with Michael and Sarah B (being produced in the 90s), you squealed excitedly and kept track of the progress being made (went to look it up online).

4a.) When you discovered that it wasn't being (never was) made because of divorce proceedings between Sarah Brightman and ALW, you cried loudly into your pillow, and cursed Sir Andy for being a complete and other moron for divorcing Sarah Brightman and ruining your hopes and phantasies of Michael on screen as a sexy film Phantom.

5.) You own several POTO music boxes that were made during the late eighties only when MC was the Phantom. (I am guilty of this myself; I own three).

6.) After ALW divorced Sarah B, you kept hoping that she and Michael would hook up, making Erik and Christine an eternal couple.

6a.) When this didn't happen, you went online and made a phan-vid on Youtube with their pictures from POTO, wishing mournfully for the day that they would realize that they belonged together.

7.) You have a personal Michael Crawford plushie that you made yourself that sleeps in a little boat next to your bed.

8.) In order to feel closer to Michael and what he had to go through every night for about 1,300 shows, you have applied the Phantom make-up to your face several times.

9.) You have purchased a mask similar to the one Michael wore and wear it constantly around the house whilst swooshing your cape.

10.) You have taken lessons as to how to sail a gondola.

11.) You've planned on how to kidnap Michael Crawford, put him in a gondola, and sail him into your underground lair many times, but whenever you try to implement your plans, something always gets in your way.

12.) In your opinion, any love song that Michael Crawford sings then becomes the best love song ever made.

13.) You have seen/own every single movie/tv show that MC has ever been in.

14.) WALL-E is the best movie Disney/Pixar ever made. Why? Because Michael Crawford sings the main song of the movie and even appears briefly in it through the clips of 'Hello Dolly!'

14a.) The second best kid's movie ever made was 'Once Upon a Forest', in which MC sings a gorgeous song that really does make you cry. Even though he is a badger in it.

15.) You believe that the horse in 'Hello Dolly!' that gives a kiss to Michael in the scene 'It Takes a Woman' was a phangirl who got her hands on both a time machine and transforming device; therefore, you are extremely envious of that horse.

15a.) You ARE the horse in that scene: you simply broke into the science collection of Dr. Who fans and stole their devices just so you could kiss Michael Crawford.

16.) You own some/all of Michael's CDs. Not the ones that he's produced and sung for, but the ones that he personally owned himself. You just broke into his house, stole them all, and replaced them with exact copies.

16a.) You also own some/all of the CDs that Michael sung for. They are scratched a lot because they have been played so much and cuddled with.

17.) If anyone brings up that Michael's nickname around the theater people was 'Joan Crawford' because of his temper tantrums, you do one of two things: You cover your ears and loudly start saying "LALALALALA - I CAN'T HEAR YOU! -LALALALALA" in denial, or you bash them over the head with the nearest heavy object and run away.

18.) You have donated a lot of money to Michael Crawford's charities, in hopes that he will see your name multiple times on the donation roster thing and call you to thank you personally.

19.) You have gone to at least one of Michael's charity concerts in LA or the UK just to see him up close and personal.

20.) You spent all of your money in the '90s to fly to Vegas and see Michael in EFX, staying at the Venetian hotel just for fond memories of his work.

21.) Every time someone brings up Gerik, you curse angrily and/or fly completely off the handle, praising MC almost to the extent of Godliness, and cursing Gerik as though he was the Devil Incarnate who just stole your ice cream and gave it to Dario Argento's Phantom.

22.) You have been involved in huge flame wars on forums, websites, and Youtube lasting for dozens of pages over which Phantom is better - MC or GB.

22a.) You typically win these fights b/c the Gerik phans just leave to go to another site on which they can gush about him, and not worry about being scarred for life by your Gerik-bashing comments.

23.) You have hosted your own private burning of the DVD of the 2004 movie, and cackled madly over it, crying out "Burn! BURN! Let's see your sunburn ruin POTO NOW, bitch!"

23a.) You didn't even mind when you got a ticket for unlicensed garbage burning because you burnt the DVD on a huge pyre in your backyard.

24.) You have written angry letters to Gerard Butler cursing him for ever taking the role of Phantom in the 2004 movie, and may or may not have gotten a restraining order because of your threats to "strangle his stupid sunburn right off his face".

24a.) If you DID get a restraining order, you have hung it up on your wall proudly.

25.) Every year on MC's birthday, you send him a birthday card, and maybe some of your hair as a declaration of love.

25a.) When you got his restraining order as well, you cried at first, and then threw GB's restraining order in the trash and framed MC's R.O. and hung it on a wall.

26.) You have tried desperately to get a good role in the official musical production of POTO, because you heard that every single main character performer in the musical receives a DVD of the original 1986 West end production of POTO with MC and SB.

26a.) If you did get a key role in the musical, did well, and received the DVD, you sleep with it at night and lock it up in a foot-thick steel safe during the day.

27b.) If you did NOT get a role in the musical at all, you attacked the casting director and threatened him/her to give you the DVD or else before security threw you out.

28.) Harold Prince is a genius. 'Nuff said.

29.) You purchase anything that Michael Crawford signed on eBay, no matter the price.

30.) You know that Michael's real full name is: Michael Patrick Dumbell-Smith, and that his last name 'Crawford' came from when he had to change his last name b/c another kid was named Michael Dumbell (or Smith, don't remember) in a musical production, and he saw a 'Crawford's Biscuits' truck on his way home after hearing the news that he had to have a different last name.

31.) You know everything about Michael's childhood from various interviews and TV programs, and patrol Michael's Wikipedia page for those scoundrels who would dare to change anything about his history and thus spoil his good name.

32.) You believe that the Queen knighted the wrong man - it should be Sir Crawford, not Sir Andrew.

33.) Every year on Michael's birthday - January 19 - you celebrate his b-day in his honor by throwing a party with your phellow phans online.

34.) You have a giant POTO musical poster hanging on your wall, at the bottom of which MC's name is listed as the Phantom, or at the bottom of which is his signature.

35.) You have seen the musical multiple times, and sigh frequently at the men performing as Phantom because they do not live up to your beloved predecessor, Michael C, as the Phantom.

36.) The only smart thing that ALW ever did was deciding to replace Steve Harley with Michael Crawford. From then on, b/c of Michael now being Phantom, the show became completely and fully awesome.

36a.) There are some nights in which you ponder (while using some stolen morphine from Kay Erik, of course) if Love Never Dies would have been at all good if Michael had been the Phantom.

36b.) When you wake up the next morning with an awful hangover, you decide that even Michael Crawford in all of his glory could not have saved that musical from being so awful, and beg forgiveness from the little MC shrine you have in your closet for contemplating such thoughts.

37.) Every year at Christmas, you ask Santa Clause for Michael Crawford.

37a.) Instead, you usually get another music box with him on it.

38.) You hang Michael Crawford Phantom-based ornaments on your Christmas tree.

39.) The only Barbie dolls you have ever owned are the collectors' edition POTO ones made in the eighties.

40.) The only men you are interested in dating have either the first name 'Michael' or the last name 'Crawford'.

40a.) You are much more interested in those surnamed Crawford because then you could be Mrs. Crawford for the rest of your life.

41.) The only thing that keeps you going on some days is knowing that Michael Crawford is still single.


Well, friends, there was the MC list, which is actually more of a specialized ALW musical Phan list, really. But fop it all. I am now going to go try to imagine a plausible obsessive Charles Dance Phan for my (hopefully) next list. If there is anyone out there who is reading this, and who also happens to be a rabid Charles Dance Phan, please send me a message. Your name would of course be mentioned in the next chappie.

I wish you all a thousand MC plushies for friends.

P.S. Please Review. T'would be much obliged if you would. ;D