Hey readers!

This is my newest story, 'This time around' begins three years after Naruto defeated Pein.

In case you get mixed up here is the key .Don't own Naruto T.T




Chapter 1

Hinata's p.o.v

The war was over and things were great, eighteen year old Hinata had gotten her wish; to be with the one person she truly admired and loved.

It seemed like just yesterday when she fought against Pein and confessed her love to Naruto.

She never in her wildest dreams would have thought he would accept her, get to know her or feel anything for her, but he did.

In fact tomorrow would be exactly three years since they started dating.

She woke up around 6:30 like every morning; only difference was that she couldn't wait to see what Naruto had planned for them to do the following day.

Last year they went to the waterfall he saw her training at while on a mission. They had a picnic and went swimming. This year would be even better, she could feel it.

She got ready and made her way over to Neji's house for training. When he turned seventeen, he received his inheritance and bought a really big house which he and Tenten lived in now.

Over the years the two cousins had become closer than even Hinata was with her sister. So it was no surprise for her to go there so often. She knocked the door and it was opened by a very handsome Neji Hyuuga a few moments later.

"Good morning nii-san." she bowed.

"Good morning Hinata are you ready for training?"He said as he led the way out to his huge backyard that was set up like the training grounds.

Naruto's p.o.v

Naruto was just sitting around at home looking at the beautiful ring he held in his hand. It was gold with a sapphire in the middle, and surrounded that sapphire were two white diamonds that had a hint of lilac.

"I wonder what I should do for Hinata tomorrow. It has to be special!" he thought aloud.

He ran his fingers through his long golden locks that came over his eyes when he was not wearing his head band.

He was very handsome with his sapphire blue eyes that sparkled and his lean, muscular body that was an exact replica of the Fourth, with the exception of his skin tone.

He snapped his fingers together and got off the coach.

"I got it, I'll ask him."

He then sat down on the carpet as though he was about to meditate. He closed his eyes and concentrated, when he opened them once more, he appeared in an all too familiar room. He was very familiar with the sound of the water leaking from the ceiling, forming a shallow pool on the floor and an iron gate which stood menacingly before him.

"I know, you know I'm here so don't pretend you're sleeping, cause we both know you don't sleep, so get up!" these words were exclaimed a little too loudly, angering the fox.


Naruto rubbed the back of his head and nervously chuckled "Hehe sorry about that, I thought you were going to give me the cold shoulder."

The demons anger had receded, Naruto noticed by the change in his voice.

"How can anyone try to ignore a chatterbox like you? You'd just talk and talk until you got their attention."

Naruto laughed "You've got a point there, hey...can you help me with something?"

Kyuubi was amused by Naruto's polite tone, "As you know I'm a demon, not a romantic and do not wish to give answers to such questions since it goes against my nature. You should however ask the man who put me here about what to do with your mate tomorrow."

Naruto was always a little shocked at how Kurama knew everything going on in his mind but it made things easy most of the time.

"Hey she's not my mate...yet. What do you mean ask the man who put you here?! The one who sealed you, my father?! He's dead, are you making fun of him or something!"

Naruto was getting angry at the thought of the fox making fun of his father, who saved so many.

Kurama smirked "Yet? So you have plans of making her your mate I presume?"

"Don't presume me, of course you know you're in my freaking conscience for crying out loud" he was annoyed but tried not to show it, he was older now and had more self-control.

"Well, well, well. I'm surprised you haven't blown a fuse yet, getting under your skin was so much easier back then, guess I have to turn it up a notch next time."

"Don't get carried away fox, now what was it you said about my father?."

He had matured somewhat, but he was still very impatient when it came to the demon residing within him.

"I recall the days when you were amusing, how disappointing. But very well, I shall tell you. You should already be aware that as you age, your ability to utilize and manipulate my power becomes easier. For example; when you turned sixteen you were able to use a few hands signs, enabling you to hear, smell and move quicker than normal with your animal enhanced senses. This is due to me accept your access to my power and gradually increasing your range of control and its effect on you. Doing this allowed you to grow relatively normally, and also allowed your body to naturally acclimate to my demonic chakra.

Now that you're older you will be gaining a new ability; you can summon any relative, take your dad for instance. You can now summon him to your thoughts instead of only seeing him when in 'eight tails' mode. The rest you'll figure out on your nineteenth birthday in two and a half weeks."

Naruto was speechless for a moment but recovered quickly and asked, "Okay, that sounds really cool and all but how do I do it?"

"All you have to do is nip your finger, place it on your forehead and say the person's name. We're in your mindscape, so any one you summon will appear as if they were alive and you will still remember what happens when you leave. Do you understand all of that?"

Naruto nodded and the fox went to the back of his cell.

Naruto was scared and excited all at the same time. He only saw his parents once each, both instances were while he lost control. Without another moments to waste, he bit his thumb and placed it on his forehead and recited his father's name.

"Namikaze Minato..."

Hope you like it, review if you like.

Now you're probably wondering why he is now becoming 19 when he was about 16 when the Pein event occurred, this is because at the time they fought Pein his birthday hadn't come yet.(At least in my story...)

Topaz Princess out...