Absolutely Stupid

a Percy Jackson and the Olympians story

by: EmilyHelene


Travis Stoll was such an idiot, yet she loved him. Why exactly, she isn't quite sure. But given a chance to think about it, she can tell you exactly why.

(According To Katie)

Travis Stoll was absolutely stupid,

She couldn't believe that out of every boy in the world, she'd chosen him as her one and only.

Crafty, sarcastic, rude and just flat out idiotic,

He never failed at finding ways to revolutionize the pranks he played on her,

And then he'd flash her that gorgeous smile and get away with anything.

She hated it when he would announce her secrets to anyone who would listen

And still, he was wrapped around her finger.

But what what made her truly fall for him was the little things,

Like the way he would sneak up behind her and tell her that she looked beautiful; it was one of very few times his voice was scarcely louder then the passing wind.

Or how he learned what her favourite flower was and surprised her with a dozen of them, "just because"

He was mind-numbingly sweet, despite his devil's incarnate facade.

Not that he would ever tell anyone.

In a way, she liked that only she got to see this side of him,

Travis Stoll was absolutely stupid.

And he was all hers.

(Another UNNECESSARY A/N brought to you by...stuff)

A longer drabble (technically, almost two) about how Katie feels about Travis.

I don't own PJO, or the absolute and utter perfection that is Tratie. I can take credit for this story, but I can't take credit for the characters.

Love it? Hate it? Tell me in a review, which, for future reference, are always welcome! (Just look at the little review button...You want to press it so badly, don't you?)

If you liked this story and just TRATIE in general, you may want to give Torn and Travis Stoll, You Are So Not Funny (also by yours truly) a shot! (:

As always, happy writing!
