I know I still have Letters to Freddie that I'm writing as well as my Suite Life one, The Heart of Zack, but I got this idea in my head and it just wouldn't leave me alone. So here it is and I hope you like it.

*btw~ I seriously do not own iCarly or its characters.*

Chapter 1

Samantha Puckett, better known as Sam, sits at the small vanity in her room staring into the mirror. Turn this way and that, she sighs in frustration. "Well, Mama. It looks like it's time for an overhaul."

For several months now, Sam has been feeling dissatisfied with her life. The things that used to make her happy and fulfilled just aren't working anymore. She still loves food and dreams of marrying ham. She still doesn't care about what other people think and enjoys freely voicing her opinions. Sam is unhappy though. The violent tendencies that she has always reveled in, no longer put a smile on her face. Her lazy, slovenly behavior is leaving a sour taste in her mouth.

Perhaps her years of friendship with the perky and pristine Carly Shay have finally taken their toll. Maybe Sam is finally maturing a bit. Whatever the reason, Sam realizes that she is not happy with the way her life is turning out. She decides it's time for a change and, when Sam decides on something, she goes ahead and does it. The hardest part is deciding what to change, which brings us back to why she is sitting in front of a mirror.

Grabbing a notebook out of her backpack and a pen, she opens it to the first clean page and begins to write a list. At the top she has labeled, Changes for a New Sam. Below she begins listing ideas as they come to her.

1. Hair - have it trimmed and styled

2. Face - figure out how to use make-up

3. Clothes - buy some that are more feminine but not frilly and girly (do not ask Carly)

4. No more violence unless truly provoked

5. Clean up after self

6. Do homework and don't fall asleep during class, remember you don't want to be the loser that flunks out of high school

Sam thought about adding another about arguing less and not calling people names but couldn't bring herself to write that. After all, she still enjoyed arguing, especially with one of her best friends, Freddie Benson, who a total dork. Sam would never actually tell him that though or the fact that she think that intelligence is really hot. He might get the wrong idea and think she likes him. Not gonna happen.

Satisfied with her list, she decides to get started on the easier ones right away. Its Saturday morning, so she heads out to catch a bus to the mall. At sixteen, Sam has her license but can't afford a car and there is no way that her mom would even think of buying her one, even a used, crappy one.

Phase one, her hair goes incredibly well. The stylist kept most of the length just layering it to give it shape, leaving the curling locks to frame her face. Her hair without the extra weight feels bouncier and leaves her feeling just a bit giddy, which is a strange feeling for her.

Next stop is the make-up counter. After a very long discussion with one of the ladies there, Sam walks away with a large bad of supplies and a brand new knowledge on how to make the most of her features. The lady did a great job on her free demonstration and guys are taking notice as Sam walks by on her way to her next task, wardrobe.

Keep with her funky, colorful style, Sam chose several new outfits that were form-fitting and feminine. She added new skirts, dresses, blouses and leggings. All in bold colors and all chosen to show off her curvy figure without being slutty. Thank goodness Grandma Puckett sends a hefty birthday check every year and that, for once, Sam got it before her mother could see it.

Back at home, Sam puts away all of her purchases and stares at the room around her. Sighing, she looks at her list once more and re-reads number five. "Why did I have to write that one?" Disgusted but resigned, it takes her the rest of the day to clean out her room. Surprisingly, she felt a small well of pride at how good it looks. "I think I deserve a reward for this."

Putting on one of her new outfits, she checks herself out in the mirror. Royal purple leggings cling to her slim legs with a pair of suede peep-toe shoes on her feet. A short, faded jean skirt with designer purple and blue paint splatters hangs from her hips. A fitted royal purple tee-shirt shows off her small waist and curvier figure. Amazingly, her hair and make-up look just as good as it had earlier, making her blue eyes pop and her pouty lips gleam with gloss. Grinning, she grabs her money, phone and keys, shoving them into the pocket of her skirt, and walks out the door to go to Groovy Smoothie.

Walking in, Sam doesn't even notice the reactions she is getting. She goes up to the counter and yells. "Hey, T-Bo! I need a Blueberry Splat."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." T-Bo shows up carrying a stick covered in pancakes. "You wanna buy a pancake?"

"No!" Sam answers, scowling at him.

"Fine! I get your smoothie." T-Bo goes to the blenders and fixes her drink. She pays as he hands her the drink and goes to sit down at an empty table.

Sam takes out her phone and texts Carly while she drinks her smoothie, still oblivious to the stares she is getting. Most of the guys in the shop have their eyes on, even some of them that are there with other girls. Sam couldn't care less though. She finishes her treat and stands up to leave, knocking into someone. "Hey, sorry about that." She mumbles.

"Pardon me." A familiar voice replies. Sam looks up at the guy in front of her and smiles. That thick brown hair parted on the side and chocolaty eyes she knows as well as she knows her own.

"What's up Fredward?" Sam smirks and crosses her arms.

Freddie stares down at her in amazement, taking in her new look. "Sam?" He asks hesitantly.

"No. The boogyman." Sam rolls her eyes at him. "Of course, its me, nub."

"What… How… huh?" Freddie stutters, his grasp of the English language failing him.

"Wow. Impressive speech there." Sam laughs. "I'm heading over to Carly's. See ya later, nub."

"uh Bye." Freddie manages to get out. "I'll be there in a few minutes." Sam waves over her shoulder in acknowledgement without turning around and walks out the door. Freddie notices most of the male eyes in the room watching as she leaves and grumbles to himself. At the counter, he realizes that Sam walked away without hitting him once. Weird.

"Yo! Carly!" Sam waltzes into the Shay's apartment without knocking, as usual, and grabs a seat on the unoccupied couch.

"Be down in a second, Sam!" Carly's voice comes from somewhere upstairs. "I need to talk to you." Footsteps tap their way down the stairs and into the living room, stopping suddenly next to the couch. "OMG! You look hot!" Carly squeals excitedly.

"Thanks." Sam grins and stands up to show Carly the full outfit.

"What's the special occasion?" Carly wonders as they sit down on the couch together.

"Don't have one." Sam replies, shrugging her shoulders. "Felt it was past time for a change, so I changed."

"Well, I'm impressed." Carly laughs. "The guys at school are going to drool when they see you."

"Like I care." Sam snorts at the thought. "Mama is a bit more choosy than that. I learned my lesson from those losers I used to date. It's gonna take more than a nice set of abs or a fun sense of humor to peak my interest."

"If you say so." Carly murmurs, not quite sure how to take this new Sam. "Anyway, I have something to tell you. I've got a date tonight!"

"No chiz!" Sam sits up straight and grins at Carly. "Well, come on girl. Spill the deets. Who feels like they are worthy enough to date my best friend?" Carly blushes.

"I'm going out with Gibby." Carly answers quietly. Now, I know what everyone is probably thinking but Gibby is one hot guy now. With his boxing and exercise regimen, he lost all of his baby fat, grew several inches and is sporting some serious muscle. Now, all the girls want him running around with his shirt off.

"That's great, Carly." Sam says sincerely. "He's always been able to put a smile on your face." Sam pauses and realizes something. "Crap, that means you're busy tonight and we can't hang out."

"Sorry." Carly pouts, sad to disappoint her friend. "Wait. If you get a date, we can double and still hang out tonight."

"Yeah right." Sam rolls her eyes at her friend. "Where am I going to find someone who has nothing better to do at this hour on a Saturday night?" They sit in frustrated silence until they hear a knock at the door. Two seconds later, Freddie walks in smiling.

"Hola!" He greets them.

"Freddie!" Carly exclaims, turning to Sam. "What about Freddie?"

"What about Freddie?" Freddie asks uncertainly, unsure if he should run away or not. Sam laughs at the suggestion.

"You want Freddie and I to double date with you and Gibby?" Sam asks incredulously.

"Yeah. Why not?" Carly asks, determined to make this work. "We all hang out anyway so what the difference?" Freddie stands there with his mouth hanging open, listening to her talk. Sam finally stops giggling and considers it.

"I guess. Sure." Sam responds, surprising everyone. "Are you sure Gibby won't mind though?"

"I'll text and ask him." Carly picks up her phone and shoots off a message to Gibby. Two minutes later, her phone beeps with his answer. "He says 'No Problem. Didn't know they were dating.' Uh, guess we can set him straight when he gets here." Carly hops up off the couch, ignoring the looks her friends were giving her, and heads upstairs to finish getting ready. Freddy plops down in the vacated seat next to Sam.

"So, we're going out with Carly and Gibby?" Freddie asks, trying to catch up with the plans for the night.

"Looks like." Sam replies, nodding her head. They sit quietly for a moment before Sam starts frowning. Freddie turns to her and raises an eyebrow in question.

"Do I want to know what that look is for?" He asks.

"I wonder what they have planned for us to do tonight." Sam folds her arms, considering the options. Carly comes back down wearing a short, navy baby-doll dress and black heels. "Hey Carly, you foxy lady, what are the plans for tonight?"

"I'm not sure." Carly raises a finger to her lips in thought. "I think Gib mentioned something about dinner and then dancing at that new teen club."

"Cool. I've been wanting to try that place out." Sam smiles and relaxes into the couch. Freddie, on the other hand, stiffens at the mention of dancing but no one notices because someone knocks on the front door. Carly answers it, smiling.

"Hi Gibby." Carly invites him in.

"Hey peeps." Gibby greets the group, grinning. "We ready to roll?"

They all nod and head out the door, Gibby leading the way holding Carly's hand. Freddie and Sam smile at each other over the sight of this and follow behind. They pile into Gibby's car, chatting and laughing.

At the restaurant, Gibby looks at his two friends seated across from him and Carly. "So, when did you two start dating?" He asks curiously.

"Right now apparently." Freddie laughs.

"What?" Gibby asks confused.

"Carly and I were suppose to hang out tonight." Sam explains. "When you asked her out, our plans were going to get cancelled until she came up with the idea of double dating. I didn't have anyone to date so, when Freddie walked in, Carly suggested him since we all hang out anyway."

"So, you two aren't dating?" Gibby asks, trying to get a handle on the situation.

"Nope." Freddie and Sam answer at the same time.

"Okay." Gibby says slowly, before shrugging his shoulders. "Oh well. We're still gonna have a rockin time." The rest of dinner was fun and relaxed with Gibby and Carly flirting shyly with one another. At the end, the guys paid even though Sam tried half-heartedly to chip in. Hey, paying her own way is not on her self-improvement list, okay!

Arriving at the club, they find a long line waiting to get in. Sighing resignedly, they start walking past the front door to the end when the bouncer calls out to the them.

"Holy shit! It's the gang from iCarly!" The large bouncer grins at them and waves them over. "My little sister and I are huge fans. Think you could us an autograph?"

"Sure." Everyone agrees and signs his white tee-shirt with the black marker he had in his pocket.

"She is going to freak. Thanks a lot!" He stares down at their signatures before looking up at them. "You guys wanna go in?" He opens the door for them and lets them enter. Everyone in line either groans at the injustice of it all or is whispering excitedly that they got to see actual web celebrities.

Inside, music is pumping and the crowd on the dance floor is throbbing to the beat. The gang finds an empty table towards the back, away from the crowd and three of them sit down. Freddie remains standing and looks at the rest.

"I'm going to get a water." He shouts over the noise. "Anybody want?" The other nod their heads and he walks over to the bar to get their drinks.

Gibby stands up and pulls Carly up by the hand. "Wanna dance?" Carly, giggling, follows him out into the mass of dancers. If there is one thing Gibby knows how to do, its have a good time.

Sam watches them with a smile on her face. Her view gets cut off when a guy walks up in front of her. She looks up into bright green eyes and brilliant white teeth. This guy is definitely handsome with his wavy black hair and sleek build. By the look in his eye, Sam guesses that he is well aware of it too.

"Hi." The dark Adonis says smoothly to her. "My name's Andy. You wanna dance?" He leans over to pull her up, expertly Sam to say 'yes' to his offer.

"Not interested." Sam leans away from him.

"Sure you are." Andy says confidently. "Don't play hard to get." He moves closer.

"Not interested." Sam repeats more forcefully, trying to hold her temper. She leans further away, almost falling off her chair. "That means NO."

"Come on, baby." Andy purrs, trying to persuade her, moving closer again.

Just as Sam is about to deck this creep, he goes flying back several feet. Looking up, Sam finds an angry Freddie standing in front of her. "She said 'no'." Freddie says in a deadly, low voice that Sam has never heard from him before. Ryan, scowling, walks away, realizing Freddie could beat him to a bloody pulp. Sam stares at Freddie and, for the first time, realizes that he has put on some serious muscle. His polo shirt's sleeves, which were pushed up his forearms, stretched to fit around buff arms and hinting at possible washboard abs. 'When the hell did that happen?' Sam asks herself.

"You alright?" Freddie asks her quietly as he sits down next to her.

"Yeah." Sam answers, lost in thought. "Thanks." Freddie raises an eyebrow at the gratitude but doesn't comment. They watch their friends dance for a while.

"Lets dance, Fredwardo." Sam hops up and heads towards the dance floor. Turning, she finds Freddie still sitting down. "Come dance with me." She waves to him but he doesn't budge and looks at the dancers with a trace of fear. Sam walks up to him and hold out her hand. "Come on Freddie."

"Sam, I can't dance." Freddie looks down at the floor.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asks in exasperation. "You dance on iCarly all the time with Random Dancing."

"No, you guys dance." Freddie shakes his head. "I just hop around a bit and hope I don't get on camera."

Sam grabs his hands and hauls him up. "You are dancing with me. All you have to do is follow my lead and you'll be fine." She drags him onto the dance floor. Holding his hands in hers, she bumps and sways to the music. When Freddie just stands there staring at her, she turns around and wraps his arms around her, laying his hands on her hips. Holding them there, she sways and coaxes him into moving with her. He pulls her closer as they lose themselves to the music. Freddie swings her around and wraps his arms around her waist when the music changes to something slower. Sam lays her hands on his shoulders and looks up. Freddie's eyes are blazing down at her and she realizes just how close their bodies are dancing. Closing her eyes against the intensity in his, she lays her head on his chest. Of course, this made her aware of the zinging tingling sensation coming from everywhere their bodies touch. All too soon, the song ends and they are jolted back to reality.

The rest of the night, they danced and had fun, trying not to think about those first two dances. By the end, the four friends were laughing as the left the club and drove home. At the front of Bushwell, Sam and Freddie took off after saying goodnight to Gibby and Carly. Freddie had offered to walk Sam home which also gives Gibby and Carly a little privacy to say goodnight to each other.

"Thanks for going out tonight Freddie." Sam says as they approach her house.

"Anytime." Freddie answers smiling at her. "I had fun. I'll see you tomorrow at Carly's. We still need to work on some sketch ideas."

"See ya tomorrow then, Fredweird." Sam grins up at him before walking into her house.

"See ya, Princess Puckett." Freddie replies walking back towards Bushwell.

So, please review and let me know what you think! I really want to know if you want to hear more or if I should just end it.