"Hey Dad, whatcha watchin?" Alexis asked her dad as she bounded into the loft.

"Oh, its called 'Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog'." he replied.

"That's a show? Sounds...interesting" she said in a laugh as she sat down beside him.

"Yes, and its quite humorous. The singers in it seem to be very good."

"Hey! That Hammer guy, he looks like the guy who was in Serenity doesn't he?" Alexis said as she pulled her knees up to her chest to get comfy on the couch.

"Well, it had better, seeing as how they are the same character." Kate said as she re-entered the room with a bowl of popcorn. Sitting on the other side of Castle, she set the bowl in his lap so they could all grab some. "And i really think he looks like you, Castle. Sounds kinda like you too... except you cant sing" She said laughingly.

"True dad, he does look like you, and sound like you." Alexis replied.

"Well, i am ruggedly handsome, and according to Kate he is too, so thats a good thing, and i can so sing!" Castle exclaimed.

"Right, like in the shower this morning? I heard that. Not good Castle, not good." Kate goaded him.

"Well then that calls for a karaoke night!" Castle announced

Simultaneous "NO's" were heard from both of the ladies sitting beside him.

"Fine. But one day i will prove to you that i CAN sing!" Castle promised