Adalric had always been a loner. All through school, and beyond, he had stuck to himself. (A on-off relationship with a pretty girl kept him entertained though) He went to college to be a teacher and made a few acquaintances when he was a student teacher. When he graduated they got him a job at the school in which they worked.

He quickly became the best teacher there, even if he was a little odd. He taught Reading to fifth graders and most students liked him…. Even if he did speak in German half the time….. And give a WHOLE hell of a lot of homework.

Any who, after about five years when the principal at the school retired, Adalric got the job. That had been two years ago and Adalric was content with his life. He was now 29, had a nice apartment but, sadly, no love life.

Romulus Vargas, the art teacher at the elementary school, knocked on Adalric's office door. "Adalric~," Romulus called, opening the door. "You heading home soon?"

"Yes," Adalric sighed. "After I finish making the report cards."

"Oh, you have another four days to finish those," Romulus smiled. "I have an idea!"

"If it is anything like your last idea, no," Adalric glared. Feliciano and Lovino Vargas suddenly ran into the room.

"Uncle Adalric!" Feliciano called and hoped onto Adalric's lap. "Hi!"

"Hello, Feliciano, Lovino," Adalric nodded at the pair. Romulus picked up his sons, Feliciano was four and Lovino was seven.

"Hey, how would you feel if Uncle Adalric came over for dinner tonight?" Romulus asked. Feliciano clapped and nodded but Lovino looked indifferent (like always).

Adalric shut down his computer, "Sorry, but I can't."

"Why not?" Feliciano and Romulus whined.

"I have plans." Lie.

"Fine, but tomorrow you are coming over," Romulus said and turned to leave. The Italian man called back, "Ciao!"

"Ciao!" Feliciano yelled and Lovino whispered. Adalric waved and grabbed his coat. His apartment was about a ten minute walk away from the school and it looked like it was about to rain so he thought he should get going.

He waved to the janitor and left the school. Lightning flashed as he all but ran to his apartment. As soon as Adalric reached the first level of the apartment complex it started to pour down the rain. He shook his already dripping wet blonde head and smiled at the doorman. He walked towards the elevator and waited.

When the doors opened he saw one of his neighbors, a fourteen year old girl, trying to balance two clothes baskets on her hips. "Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Adalric," Lili smiled, bowing her head slightly.

"Good afternoon, Lili," Adalric nodded. "Do you need help with those?"

"That would be nice," The girl smiled. He took the bigger basket and held it in front of him. "Thank you, sir."

"No problem," Adalric replied. The pair stood as the elevator slowly worked its way up the top floor. When it stopped they were met face to face with Vash, Lili's seventeen year 'brother'.

"Brother!" Lili exclaimed. "I said I would be up as soon as I finished the laundry Why are you leaving?"

"You were taking along time," Vash mumbled. "I was coming to see if you needed help."

"I did, but Mr. Adalric offered to help," Lili said, her voice quiet like it always was.

Vash looked embarrassed, "Thank you, sir." Adalric nodded and handed the basket over to him. He then proceeded to walk briskly to his apartment.

"I need a drink," Adalric thought as he shed his coat off and went to the fridge. He opened it and pulled a bottle out of the box on the bottom shelf. He twisted the cap off and took a long drink. "Tastes like it always does."

Adalric set to work making dinner, a simple meal that would probably feed him for days. He flipped the TV on looked at the familiar faces on the local news. Same old, same old. Kids getting busted for drugs, stores closing down, the crappy-ass football losing ANOTHER game, the soccer team winning, and the band getting Grand Champion.

A knock at the door snapped him from his thoughts. Adalric sighed and turned the stove off. He went to his door and looked out the small peephole. No one. He pushed his long blonde back and opened the door. No one was there. A cough made him look down.

"Hey," A small, silver/blonde haired boy with red/ purple eyes waved. He was holding the hand of a blonde toddler and a bulging suitcase beside him.

"Can I help you boys? You know Halloween isn't for another two weeks?" Adalric asked.

"I know," The boy replied. The pair stared at each other.

"Then why are you here?" Adalric asked. The blonde toddler stared at Adalric who was slighty disturbed. His blue eyes were so much like his own.

"'Cause you're our vati!" The boy smiled.