
Chapter 1

I know I haven't updated this story in ages but ive made changes to my plot so it will be slightly different. Just to sum up things Alice has a twin called Lauren and they are Bella's sisters. Bella is a year older than them. Edward and Emmett are brothers and Jasper and Rosalie are also siblings.

P.S I don't own anything twilight

Alice's POV

Out of anywhere dad could have decided to go he chose small rainy Forks. I can't believe he's making us live here, in the middle of nowhere, trapped in a circle of green trees, with god knows what living in them. The thought made me shudder. I hated this LA was good with millions of things to do, what were you meant to do here garden? Don't think so. I was going to miss my friends and most importantly the shops. Where the saying 'Shop till you drop' was everyone's motto. Well me and my friends motto. But seriously how was I meant to live here when the only mall was a few hours away.

Charlie pulled up next to a large white house even though he was chief of police he had a good wage plus Renee my mom was a famous singer but she didn't care for a family. Though that didn't stop her picking her favourite out of her daughters and as you could possibly tell by the fact that I was here and not in LA with her that I was not the favourite out of my 2 sisters: Bella and Lauren . I cant even call her my mother the only one out of us 3 that call her that is Lauren and that's because she has everything my mother wanted in her future heir. To be honest I've gotten over it. Sort of had to after all she barely breathed to words to me after she found out I didn't posses her talents for singing. I think the only reason she had children was to try and build a famous family or whatever you want to call it. Of course Dad caught onto that with him being a cop and divorced her leaving us with the choice to stay with him or her. Bella and I chose him without a blink of an eye he was the only one who ever came to my dance rehearsals or bought me my own sewing machine when I was 14. Bella hated our mother or Bitchzilla as she often called her. Being the oldest she was always looking after us when mom and dad would fight or when mom would come home drunk and try and be all motherly with us. Bella was more than my sister she was the one that would always get me ready for school when I was younger even though Renee hired nanny's. She was also the one to give me 'The Talk' which Renee should have done but as always she was busy. Bella did the same for Lauren but soon Lauren realised she was mommy's little girl and she became a right bitch. Little did Renee know Bella was actually extremely musical she just never told her.

Bella will love having no shops around. But I think I'll just DIE! I frowned.

"What's up with you?" Bella asked me when she climbed out the car with me following her.

"I'm going to be shop deprived" She laughed.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I grumbled.

"Look at you. Your pouting because the next mall is what an hour away just be happy you have a mall" she laughed. I guess I could see her point. The mall in Port Angeles is meant to be quite big. At this thought I smiled.


"What for?" Bella questioned as she lifted my bag out of the back of the car .

"Making me feel better, but are you really ok with coming here? I'm depressed. Too much green" I faked passing out.

She laughed again "It can't be that bad. We'll find something to do."

After pulling her own bag out we followed dad up the patio to our new home. When I got in the first thing I noticed was the extremely Charlie and Bella plain style living room. My dad was looking at me and noticed my pout.

Laughing he told me that my room was empty and I could decorated it however I like he. I loved this side of Charlie and it came out all the time now that he was happy.

"Well go and pick your rooms?" he laughed.

I screamed running up the stairs so fast I missed the last step falling flat on my face.

"Are you ok?" Bella laughed as she came up behind me.

I scowled at her.

" Aw come on Alice give me a break you laugh whenever I fall over and that's a lot give me a chance to laugh at your one time lack of gracefulness"

Realising she was right I jumped up " I get first choice".

"Oh no you don't" Bella said looking me right in the eye. Time to work my pixie magic smiling I looked up at her with my exceptional puppy dog eyes knowing she'll give in.

5 4 3 2 - "Aw fine" she sighed.

"Yay!" Honestly I didn't really care about the size of the room just the size of the closet.

Bella rolled her eyes "Obviously you would choose this one it has a huge walk in closet for all your clothes. Anyway I'm talking this one" she pointed through my door at the bedroom across the hall. Walking out I scoped out her room mimicking her eye roll " Obviously you would pick this one it's the biggest room for all your instruments"

"Cute Alice" she laughed.


Walking back into my own room I smiled all thoughts on how crappy this town was went out the window as I knew exactly how I wanted my room. Bright yellow walls which will so go with all my white furniture from my old room. My room was going to be epic!

It made me wonder what Bella was doing with hers no doubt it would be something dark seeing as Renee wouldn't let her have her room the way she wanted because all her famous friends would bring their children round and they would all think Bella was Goth or something. She really didn't know what that word meant to be honest seeing as you could like the colour black if you wanted to and not be a goth.

I walked across the hall and into her room she was sitting on the floor. I wondered what was wrong.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing, just wondering what I should do with my room. Any ideas?" she asked quirking an eyebrow. Damn I've always wanted to do that.

"I was just thinking about this, How about we paint it all black? You've always wanted too and you can put your posters and hang your guitars on the wall" I asked.

"Oh my gosh thanks I love that idea" she got up and hugged me but we were soon broke apart when we heard something coming from outside which happened to be 3 gorgeous boys. One big and muscular reminding me of a bear, he looked like he was a serious weight lifter, with dark curly hair. The other one was less bulky but still muscular with untidy hair that was a weird bronze colour. The last one took my breath away he was absolutely stunning he was leaner than the others but was also muscular with honey blonde hair. I'm pretty sure I drooled a little thankfully they were to far away to see. Oh god I think I'm in love!

The window was open and we heard the bigger one say "Hey Eddie, look at the view. I always knew I shouldn't't have let you have this room" then there was a loud ow! Then a gorgeous blonde walked in making the one that had talked smile "Rose, you know that you're the only woman for me"

She gave him the evils "I better be" she said.

I giggled making the hot blonde's head shoot up I waved which caused him to laugh and wave back making the others look back towards us. This time when I waved so did Bella and in return they waved back. Just then our dad yelled for us. Still laughing we made it down stairs and into the living room to see my dad holding out Chinese, a movie and two sleeping bags, knowing that the furniture wasn't coming till tomorrow morning we grabbed them off him before going into the living room so we could camp out until morning. That's when the fun would begin.

Jasper POV

Football practice was brutal, why did I join the team again? Oh yeah Emmett and his stupid theories about how all the chicks would dig it even though he was right. These so called chicks were ape shit scary stalkers. I sighed, full of relief when we pulled out of the school grounds. I mean its not that I don't enjoy football it was just that the coach pushes us so far that we all feel dead by the end of it. Emmett was already planning what we were going to do seeing as me and my sister Rosalie were staying the night. It wasn't hard to guess he'd pick guitar hero seeing as he is a so call God at it. Even though Edward and I both play the actual guitar Emmett still kicks our asses at it. One day his ass will be the one getting a kicking and not ours. However it was still fun playing it even though we do lose the competitive streak was always entertaining. When we got there Rosalie was already sitting watching TV with their mom Esme who completely loved us. Rosalie and Emmett had been dating since they started school even though they had known each other since they were born and with the Cullen's being best friends with our parents meant they trusted Rosalie and Emmett to stay in their own beds when either of them stayed over. Which shockingly they did actually stay put … most of the time. Rose and Esme were laughing at some girly chick flick, so we quickly rushed up the stairs and into Edward's room. Outside his window was two girls both hugging each other and both equally hot: one had brown hair flowing down her back but my eyes fell to the short pixie like girl her hair was jet black cropped short and pointing in every direction.

"Hey Eddie, look at the view. I always knew I should't have let you have this room" Emmett bellowed. I knew Rose had heard him because she was running up the stairs so fast then she ran straight into the room taking one look at the window then slapping Emmett across the head. "OW!" he shouted then his frown turned into a grin "Rose, you know that you're the only woman for me"

She glared at him "I better be".

This caused a small giggle coming from the small black head, I laughed as she gave me a small wave. My chuckle had caused the others to look up at the window to see now both the girls waving at us again before they heading out the door.

"So, I'm guessing they heard us" Edward looked at Emmett which signalled Rosalie to slap him again before walking out and back to Esme.

"Ok, they were hot" I stated. Edward nodded his head and so did Emmett.

"Ok, who's calling dibs first" Emmett shouted at us.

Both Edward and I rolled our eyes and Emmett's immaturity.

"Hey don't roll your eyes at me you could be both pinning for the same girl but I don't think that's going happen" Emmett stated.

"What are you rambling on about now?" Edward asked.

"Just saying that I know which girl you both want"

"Really well you would have 50/50 shot at being right Emmett anyone could get it right" I replied.

"Yeah well I know both your types from you two whining like a bunch of girls about not finding an actual girl" he smirked.

"Oh alright I'll bite. Who's my type Em?" I asked sighing.

He grinned "You want the little one because well she'll so small she could fit in your pocket and you like the idea that you could protect her from all the bigger things in life and Edward wants the brunette because he likes natural beauty and not the fake bimbo's that throw themselves at him all the time."

I saw Edward shudder "Thinking of Jessica" I teased him. Instead on answering me he just flipped me off.

Ok Emmett was good I'll give him that but I wasn't going to let him know that god his head is already big enough that he thinks he's gods gift to women.

Then it dawned on me that the room across from Edwards had to belong to on of them and I sure didn't want it to be the pixie.

"Hey, which one do you think has that room?" I asked.

This got Edward to turn round "I don't know but I hope it's the brown haired one"

Good to know we're on the same page I thought.

Edward and Emmett's dad Carlisle came home around 11 pm from the hospital the minute I heard the door shut all of us looked at each other before Edward and I got up and went for the door.

"Where are you two going?" Emmett asked.

"If anyone knows who they are its Carlisle" I said pointing to the window. Emmett sighed and rose as he did so. We made our way down the stairs where Carlisle was sitting eating in the kitchen so we all sat across from him.

"What's up with you three?" he asked.

"We wanted to know if you knew anything about our new neighbours?" Edward asked.

"Erm a little" he said. I moved my hands ushering him to continue.

He sighed putting down his fork "Well they are the new chief of police's family. I think he is called Charlie and his two daughters Bella and Alice. Well that's what people are saying. Why?" he raised his eyebrows at us.

"Nothing" Edward and I said but were thrown to the sharks when Emmett opened his big mouth.

"STALKERS" he yelled.

We both gave him glares "We are not stalkers Emmett, just intrigued" I smiled at Carlisle who snorted and muttered something.

When we got upstairs I flopped down on Edwards bed "Can you guys actually be bothered playing anymore?".

"No" Edward said.

Emmett gave us both looks of hatred then claimed since we weren't't playing we would have to play another game but he got to pick. Both of us sighed knowing what was coming - Truth or Dare. Emmett called Rosalie in asking if she wanted to play but she was too busy doing her nails and talking to Esme.

"I'll go first" Emmett shouted he spun the bottle where it landed on Edward.

"I want you to lick Jasper's belly button" he smirked.

"WHAT!" we both yelled

"Come on you need to do it" he yelled jumping up and down.

"I am not licking Jaspers belly button that's disgusting" Edward said.

"You need to do it EDWARD!" Rosalie screamed from the other room. Sighing I turned round lifting up my shirt and closed my eyes, I couldn't't look at this. I heard Edward growl then a small dot of salvia hit my stomach as quickly as I could I cleaned it off with my shirt.

Emmett was howling with laughter but quickly stopped when Edward spun the bottle and it landed on him. I could see Edward smirking, what was he thinking?

"Ok Em, you need to… wait a minute" he said walking over to the bathroom and filled a glass full of water then came back splashing it all over Emmett's front area.

"WHAT THE HELL, EDDIE!" Emmett bellowed.

"Don't call me Eddie! and your dare is to go next door and chap on the door and whoever answers it you need to tell them you've had an accident and can't tell your parents or they'll make you wear a diaper again" Edward smiled in triumph when he saw Emmett's face.

I burst out laughing and recited his words from earlier "You need to do it Em".

We all got up and walked out side, Edward and I hid in the bushes while Emmett went up to chap the door….

Bella's POV

Alice and I had just sat down to watch the season 1 box set of vampire diaries. I for one just watched it for the hot and badass Damon Salvatore. I mean if you had to chose a vampire to be with you'd choose him. However Alice doesn't agree she likes Stefan as he can show his emotions. We argue light-heartedly every time we watch it.

"Come on Alice join the dark side we have cookies" I laugh pulling out a cookie from the box and stuffing it in my mouth.

She laughs "I'm quite happy with Stefan but give me a damn cookie" she pounces on me and just as I hit the floor the doorbell rings.

"Hey uh ..dude, I was wondering if you could help me I've had a little accident and I can't tell my parents or else they'll make me wear a diaper. Again." the voice boomed. I silently got up and peeked through the door where I saw the boy from next door motioning with his hands to his crotch area. He was blushing which made me feel a little bit sorry for him. I stifled a laugh and went to whisper something in Alice's ear, her eyes widened then she started giggling and headed out the back door. Before I went to release my dad from talking to the boy I grabbed a pair of my dad's pyjama bottoms.

"Hey dad. Who is it?" When my dad saw me he just walked away from the door with a relived expression muttering something about crazy teenage boys.

I turned back to the boy and said "Hey I'm Bella"

He grinned at me "Emmett"

"So you want these?" I asked.

"Erm, what?" he replied confused.

I rolled my eyes and leaned in whispering "For your little fake accident"

"Wait how did-" he was cut off my two high pitched screams.

We both whipped around to see another two guys jump up from beneath a shrub with Alice bouncing up and down behind them. Both were from next door too.

I laughed "Well done Alice, you completed the plan perfectly" she came skipping over to me giving me a hi-5 before we turned back to Emmett and his friends.

Emmett was crouched over in laughter at the girly screams before he came over and pulled us into a super bear crushing hug.

"Can't- bre-athe" Alice and I gasped. This made him drop us back onto the surface of the ground panting.

"You two are awesome" he raised his hands giving us both a hi-5 at the same time. Then turned back to the other two " and both of you scream like girls"

There was an awkward silence before one of the guys, the guy looked like how I would picture Adonis, spoke up.

His voice was like velvet and made him even more dreamy "How did you know we behind there?" he asked me giving me a once over.

I blushed because just then did I realised that I was only wearing a long tee and a pair of boy shorts.

I laughed "Well I got my first clue when I saw that not only Emmett's trousers were wet but so was the hem of his t-shirt, which would have been really hard to get pee on. So I knew it was a dare and that's when I sent Alice out the back to go scare whoever was in the bushes"

He chuckled "Damn. I guess my payback to get Emmett embarrassed didn't't really work"

I laughed "Well technically it did, he was blushing when my dad came to the door"

"Okay Okay so I blushed. Well who wouldn't when you have to speak with the chief of police about wetting yourself." Emmett grimaced.

I smiled up at the god who was standing in front of me "I'm Bella by the way" he returned my smile "I'm Edward".

Edward, hmm I like it.

The last guy glanced up finally speaking to Alice's delight he had a southern accent "I'm Jasper" he said. She always was attracted to a guy with an accent when we went to see the Harry Potter movies she would always come out sighing saying something like "All that English accent was hot"

Alice actually squealed and began jumping up and down, I took that as a sign to introduce them to how she is "That's Alice. She's always like this don't worry" Jasper chuckled silently.

"Well now that everyone knows each other let's keep the suspense of who's room is across from Edward's to a minimum. I'll stand between these two so they don't kill each other if they don't like the answer" Emmett laughed pointing to both Jasper and Edward.

Edward punched him in the gut and Jasper pinned him on the ground. Alice and I where in hysterics, we might actually have fun here especially with Emmett around. When they finally got up from wrestling each other they looked at us.

"Erm that would be me" I said slowly raising my hand. I saw Jasper quickly look at Alice and smile. Ooohh someone has a crush !

OK thanks for bearing with me through the writer block.

I hope you'll enjoy this better as I have better things planned but anyway what did you all think Hit? Miss?

And thanks to all those who are reading this after my other twilight story: Secrets, past memories and hopefully a future! :D