The rewrite of You're Way Better Than The Girls. Plot elements are quite different from before except for the gender bend, which was YWBTTG's main theme.

"Mikan!" Sumire shouts from inside the staff room, "Turn off that crap! I'm trying to talk to someone here!"

Mikan rolls her eyes at Sumire who glares at her menacingly before putting her phone back on her ear. There's no way she's turning off the radio because it's now time for her favourite segment in Alice Radio featuring Natsu and Usagi.

Natsu and Usagi are the two mysterious desk jockeys of their segment. Alice Radio is the university station of Alice University where Mikan is taking up a double degree in mathematics and history.

She and one of her block mates Sumire decided to take a part-time job in Fluff Puffs, a laundry shop situated near the dormitories, since it's the summer break before the next term.

"I have to listen to this shitty radio show and now I have to deal with looking at you and your horrible haircut." Sumire takes the seat beside Mikan in front of the counter. Her phone is tucked inside her front pocket and she's fiddling with her earphones to put on each ear.

"Is it really that bad?" Mikan asks, carding her fingers through the extremely short light brown hair. The heat's just too much to bare for her that she decided to chop off her hair with the scissors she found in the bathroom.

"Yes, you fool. You should have asked me to do it for you." Sumire looks at one of her closest friends from head to toe and snorts, "Are you trying to be Haruhi from Ouran? I wouldn't be surprise if people starts mistaking you for a guy now."

Mikan glares at Sumire, "Hey! I don't like that character so quit comparing me to her." Sumire snickers and clicks play on her phone the moment that Mikan hears the familiar voice of Natsu and Usagi.

"Good afternoon to everyone listening! It;s us again, Usagi and Natsu!"

Mikan hoots and says out loud, "My boys! Those are my boys!" Sumire pinches her on the arm and motions for her to quit yapping, and that she can hear Mikan through her earphones. Mikan apologises, smiling sheepishly before turning her attention back to the radio show.

"Tell us more about your encounter with a pervert, Natsu."

If eyeballs can jump out of the socket, Mikan's would have been salsa dancing now judging with the fact by how wide they were.

"I was getting my laundry from a shop I won't mention. Then, I saw this guy rummaging through my stuff. Naturally, I shouted at him."

"Natsu, what if that guy was a laundry assistant just fixing your clothes?"

"Hn. It was definitely a pervert; I caught him red-handed holding my boxers."

Mikan gasps. "Sumire are you hearing this?! Some pervert is tainting the name of laundry shops everywhere! Natsu should just bring his laundry here. Who knows I might even see Usagi!" It was no secret that Mikan likes Usagi better than Natsu even though she adores both of them equally. Sumire only glares when Mikan tried to take off one piece of her earphones.

"Describe the pervert for us please."

"He had the worst haircut I've ever seen with these gaudy glasses. He was wearing this outlandish shirt too; orange with strawberry prints. That's all I can say, really. What stood out to me the most is his hair. He should have gone bald instead."

Mikan couldn't help but laugh at Natsu's words even though it's mean. Sometimes she did like Natsu better than Usagi, who is too nice. But then she also quickly reverts back to liking Usagi when Natsu gets too mean.

They play a song with this guy singing about having white automobiles, and Mikan decides that she'll look it up later because of its catchy beat. When Natsu and Usagi are speaking again, Mikan goes back from arranging the laundry receipts to listening intently.

"While the music was playing, Natsu and I here received a lot of requests from you guys via Twitter to check out Natsu's pervert!"

"Usagi, you make it sound disgustingly intimate.." Mikan guffaws, agreeing with Natsu.

"And we arrive at the conclusion that yes! Natsu will go back to this unknown laundry shop and see his pervert! We will keep you guys posted about this tomorrow!"

"I'm not agreeing to this!" Natsu shouts but was shut up immediately by Usagi saying, "No can do, my dear Natsu! We must follow through or we shall risk disappointing the fans of the Usagi and Natsu show!"

"Its Natsu and Usagi! Dumbass.."

Mikan laughs at their banter, and the next song that plays is one from an old 80s movie that she recognises instantly. Not only does she love their segment for the banter that was not scripted with no bars held back, but also because it seems like their songs came straight from her playlist.

Mikan can't wait for tomorrow's report on how Natsu confronts his pervert.

Natsume glares from behind his sunglasses at the entrance of Fluff Puffs Laundry Shop. He turns around and spots Ruka who sends him a thumbs up and encouraging grin. The things he does for his and Ruka's stupid radio segment bewilders him to no end because one, its always about something stupid, and two, something stupid that includes him.

Adjusting his black cap, Natsume enters the laundry shop and felt disappointed and elated at the same time when he spots that its Sumire Shoda, a girl in his philosophy class, behind the counter. She looks up from her phone and raises a brow at him.

"What a surprise. You usually deposit your laundry to us on a Friday and get it on a Monday. Its only Thursday, Hyuuga." She says, rattling off his routine like some robot that it creeps Natsume out a bit.

He's glad he doesn't have to deal with the orange pervert and can just tell their audience that he never saw the pervert again, but it also put a damp in his spirit that he wouldn't be able to make fun of said pervert in live air.

Natsume doesn't say anything and deposits his bag in front of her. He waits for his receipt, drumming his fingers on the wooden counter.

"So," He starts, "Where is your co-worker with the ugly haircut? Did he quit?" Natsume does not know what spirit possessed him to even inquire about the pervert, but he can't back down now.

Then again, he really wished he just kept his mouth shut because Shoda is smirking at him like a cat that got the cream. "Ahh you mean Sakura? Yes, he does have an ugly haircut, I agree with you, but it wasn't enough reason for him to hide from the eyes of the human populace and quit this job."

Natsume smirks back at Shoda, suddenly liking her attitude more. She reminds him of, well, his self. The door bell rings and Natsume instinctively turns around to see who it was. Standing there on the entrance with the god-forsaken hairstyle, glasses that were too big for a small face, and another shirt the shade of oranges, is Natsume's pervert.

Mikan looks at the customer in front of the counter, raising a brow. "Huh? Hyuuga? Don't you come here on Fridays?" Hyuuga looked like he needed a paper bag to throw up on with the look on his face and Mikan felt scared.

She starts walking to the staff room to place her bag in the lockers but Hyuuga stops her by saying, "How do you know my name?" The way he said it reminded her of someone choking on fish bone.

"I handle your laundry." She says simply. Hyuuga turns as red as the shirt he is wearing, Sumire laughs and walks out to go to the staff room before slamming down Hyuuga's receipt in front of him, and Mikan is confused.

"Y-you handle it, huh?"

"I do," With a cheeky grin Mikan adds, "I mean, I should at least know who the person is when I touch their dirty laundry right?"

Mikan knew the Hyuuga boy wasn't one for jokes, but she never expected his next words to her. Punching her would have been more acceptable in her books than him shouting, "God forbid I want to know who touches my underwear!"

He takes his receipt and marches out of the laundry shop fuming. Mikan looks at the door, still confused, "What did I do?"

My OCD has finally caught up to me. I've decided to rewrite this story after all these years, and I promise to finish this time. My estimate for how long this story will be is five chapters. Also, this is loosely based off IN LOVE WITH MY RADIO by luchee on AO3.