Sorry for the late update. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Reviews are always appreciated!

Chapter 11: Mommy Dearest

Blair leaned back against the leather seats of Chuck's limo as it took her home. She turned her head to the side to look at him.

"Do you remember the last time we were in this exact position?" Chuck asked with his signature smirk.

"Shut up." Blair said as she rolled her eyes. "Is your eye ok?" Blair asked as she ran her cool fingers over his newly formed bruise.

"Its fine." Chuck said. "Do you want to come over to my suite tonight? We could have dinner."

"Sure." Blair smiled. The limo came to a stop in front of her penthouse. "I'll come over around seven."

"Ok." Chuck responded as Arthur opened the door for her and she stepped out.

Blair couldn't help, but smile as she strolled into her penthouse. Dinner with Chuck at his place, it was so grown up. So relationshipy.

"Blair?" Eleanor called from the living room.

"Yes mother?" Blair responded as she followed her mother's voice to the room. She hadn't thought she'd be home. Blair stepped through the arch of the doorway. Eleanor sat across from an occupied chair sipping tea.

"Mrs. Archibald stopped by. She was telling me all about a trip to Martha's Vineyard she's planning. She wanted to know if you'd like to come." Eleanor smiled. Anne turned around in her chair to smile warmly at Blair.

"Everyone's going to be there, my father, Tripp, Maureen, The Captain, and Nate of course. It's a family get together and I thought you should come since you're going to be the newest edition to the fold."

Blair starred blankly at Anne. 'Had Nate really not told her they broke up?' She understood not sharing the reason why, but not at all?

"Umm…I'm sorry I don't think I can attend. Me and Serena already made plans for the break." Blair lied.

"I'm sure you can reschedule them." Eleanor said sternly.

"No, its fine. You should have fun with your girlfriends. You have many years to come of these boring family gatherings." Anne said sweetly. "Oh, the time got away from me. I really should get going. Thank you for the tea Eleanor. Anne hugged Eleanor and then turned to Blair. "I hope you have fun over the break. You should come for dinner some time this week, I feel like Nate is keeping you all to himself."

"Umm…" Blair mumbled.

"She'd love to." Eleanor cut in sending Blair a reprimanding look. Anne exited the penthouse gracefully. "Blair what are you thinking? Martha's vineyard is the perfect place to cement that future proposal. You will call Anne tonight and say you'd be overjoyed to join her and Nate at the Vineyard."

"I will not." Blair snipped as she began to walk toward the stairs.

"Excuse me?"

"I can't go to Martha's Vineyard with their family because Nate and I broke up."

"Excuse me." Eleanor asked in annoyance. "Is this another one of those silly little breaks you two had over the summer. Just apologize for whatever it is that you did and everything will be fine."

"I'm not apologizing."

"And why not?"

"Because I don't want to get back together with Nate. In fact I'm seeing someone else."

"Oh really?" Eleanor asked in disbelief.


"And who would that be?"

"Chuck Bass." Blair stated squaring her shoulders to Eleanor.

"Excuse me!" This time the words were shouted in anger.

"You heard what I said."

"I must not have, because it sounded like you said you were seeing Charles Bass."

"That's what I said."

"You are not aloud to date Charles Bass!"

"You don't get to tell me who I can and can't date! I'm not going to let you control me any more!"

"Have you gone mad? That boy is heinous. Every other day he's in the society pages for some scandal or another."

"I don't care about that."

"Well I do. You are a Waldorf!"

"I'm so tired of you saying that like it's an excuse to make all my decisions for me."

"Do you understand what a boy with that kind of reputation will do to yours? Clubs, charity boards none of them will accept you. He will ruin everything I have worked so hard for!"

"Do you hear yourself? Everything you've worked so hard for? I'm not your property. I'm not a chess piece you can just move around the board for your own benefit! I'm your daughter. You should be more concerned with my happiness, not your personal agenda!"

"When you are a Van der Bilt and everyone in society is fighting for your approval you will be happy."

"I don't love Nate! Not anymore."

"And what does love have to do with marriage?"

Blair starred at her mother astonished by her statement. Without another word she went up the stairs, grabbed a new outfit, and fled the penthouse for Serena's.

The elevator opened before Blair revealing the penthouse. The last time she had been here she had been telling off Chuck. Now she was here to have dinner with him as his…girlfriend. It was all so surreal. She stepped into the entryway to find Chuck already waiting with a miserable look on his face.

"Chuck? What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry." He stated gravely.

"For what?" Blair asked, fear creeping into her voice.

"My father…he'll be joining us for dinner." Chuck choked out.

"Is that all?" Blair asked in relief.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be? He's only your father. Honestly I'm surprised that he agreed to have dinner with us."

"Actually it was his idea."

"Really? Why would he want that?"

"He's kind of the reason we got together. He…likes you." Blair starred at him in surprise, Mr. Bass had never shown any opinion, favorable nor bad, toward Blair at all. She didn't think he liked anyone.

"Well, I guess its good one of our parents supports us being together."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, we'll talk about it later." Blair said as she followed Chuck into the dining room.

The rarely used dining room of the Bass Penthouse was filled with the sound of silverware scraping against china as the three sat in silence. Blair kept looking up at Chuck pleading for him to do something, say something that would make this whole evening less awkward. As she reached over for the salt Bart cleared his throat loudly. Both of the teenagers' eyes darted up to the intimidating man.

"So, am I to assume you two are dating?"

"Yes sir." Blair answered politely.

"That's good."

"Really?" Blair asked still not believing she had the Bart-Bass seal of approval.

"Yes, I think you'll be a good influence on Chuck. Help him sort out his future. I mean just yesterday he apl…"

"I don't think now is the time to talk about that." Chuck cut in side glancing at Blair as he stopped his father.

"Very well." Bart nodded. "But do know you're always welcome in our home." Bart said uncomfortably as he readjusted his tie. The realization came to Blair the Mr. Bass was not accustomed showing warmness to anyone. He and Chuck had always had a cold relationship until now.

"Thank you for that gracious offer. I think I bring out the best in Chuck, but I think he also brings out the best in me. Its nice to have someone who supports us." Blair said with a small smile.

"Well…you know. Your welcome." With that Bart got up very suddenly. "Please excuse me, I'll let you two enjoy the rest of your dinner."

When he left Chuck turned to Blair and let out the breath he'd been holding all dinner. "That was awful."

"What are you talking about? It wasn't the most relaxed and comfortable dinner, but I think your dad was really trying."

"I'm just glad he had a conference call with California already set up."

"I think it's nice. That he's trying I mean."

"So things didn't go well with Eleanor then?"

"That is the understatement of the century."

"You can stay here tonight." Chuck offered, his smirk back in place.

"And ruin your father's perfect image of me? No, plus I think staying here would just make things at home worse."

"I'll call the car." Chuck sighed sadly as he realized he would not be spending the night with Blair.

The penthouse was dark as Blair walked in and she prayed her mother was out or asleep. She walked up the stairs gingerly praying that she could just go to bed without another fight breaking out.

"Where have you been?" Eleanor asked icily, almost appearing out of thin air.

Blair jumped back clutching her heart as Eleanor came out of her room. The light from the open door illuminated her face and Blair could see her mother in no way was happy.

"Since when have you ever cared where I went?"

"Since you started dating boys that I had to worry about."

"You don't have to worry about Chuck, at least he never cheated on me."

"What are you talking about?" Eleanor asked her anger slightly resolving.

"Why do you care? There are no society women around or a journalist from the New York Times. You don't have to play the loving and doting mother anymore."

"This is exactly what I'm talking about. You would never have even dared to talk to me that way before you started seeing Charles Bass. You're acting like some sort of rebellious teenager."

"I am a teenager! God why can't you ever realize that I'm seventeen years old and not one of the girls from the club."

"This isn't you Blair. The way you're acting."

"This is me mom, you don't recognize it because you never stick around in the city long enough to actually get to know me! Maybe Chuck is changing me, because for once I'm not content to just sit back and watch other people control my life."

"Go to your room!" Eleanor shouted the foreign line. Blair just scoffed at her before slamming her bedroom door behind her loudly.

[Two Weeks Later]

"So are things any better?" Chuck whispered against the crook of Blair's neck as they lay underneath his sheets their bodies intertwined.

"Not even a little. We have resolved to not even speaking, so I guess you could call that improvement." Blair sighed as her fingers ran up and down Chuck's chest.

"Does she really hate me that much?" Chuck asked sadly. Eleanor had loved Nate. Nate was perfect. Chuck was well…Chuck.

"I don't think its really about her not liking you, as much as it is her liking the Van der Bilt name and hating me no longer being the dutiful daughter."

Chuck sighed before letting Blair go and sitting up. "Maybe you made a mistake, picking me over Nate. Apart from my dad, everyone in the world thinks we make no sense."

"That's not true. Serena has come around, and the girls. Well they just love the drama at school right now."

"Things would be a lot easier for you if we weren't together. Maybe this whole thing is just a bad idea."

"Don't say that." Blair pulled his face so that he was looking at her. "Do you love me?"

"Yes, you know…"

"And I love you so nothing about this could be a bad idea. Eleanor maybe my mother, but you're my family." Chuck intertwined their fingers and brought them to his lips kissing her fingers softly.

"And you're mine, so nothing can tear us apart." He whispered.

"Nothing." Blair smiled softly.

However across the city stepping through the sliding door exit of JFK came a girl who had not been seen or spoken about in over two years. She took off her sunglasses and looked up at the tall buildings, then the busy streets. This had once been her playground, and she so dearly loved to play games.

"Ms. Sparks, your limo is ready." Said an elderly man that took her luggage from her. "Am I to take you to your parents home?"

"Actually, I rented a room at The Palace." She said as a wicked smile formed on her face.

Reviews! Also please check out my newest story- Happiness isn't on the Menu.