I don't own Kingdom Hearts so yeah..sorry for the miss spelled words..tell me if I should continue..

"ROXAS!" Axel yelled finally getting the blonde's turned to his friend and said

"Sorry Axel,I spaced out for a min'."
Axel just looked at him

"I gotta go parents are probably waiting for me. See you at school" roxas said heading for the door

"alright roxas,well see ya" the red head said waving goodbye as roxas closed the door and left. -sigh- alone again,Axel thought going up to his room. I guess I should take a shower since my parents are coming home.. Wouldn't wanna hear the rent bitch'n again.

Roxas closed the started to walk toward his home ,which wasn't to far. He looked both ways as he was about to cross the street he was almost half way to the other side when a black van cut him off inches from hitting him. Fuckin jerk roxas thought seeing the van drive down Axel's street. He ignored the van and continued to walk home.

Axel had just finished taking a shower. Really,he had just turned off the water when he heard the door bell. He groaned in annoyance

"Jeez mom did you loose your key again?" he yelled expecting his mom since his parents were on their way home. putting a towel around his waist he walked down hearing the door bell again

"alright I'm coming!" he said unlocking the door. As the door openend he stoped and looked to see this wasn't his mom.. Neither was it his dad.

"Uhh can I help you?" Axel said looking at the tall blue haired man. The man just stood there then finally spoke.

"Your Axel correct?" the man said in a deep voice

"who wants to know?" Axel shot back getting annoyed again.

"I'm a friend of your teacher.. . My name is Saix." the man spoke again
"may I come in?" he asked

Axel thought for a min'
"you must be a teacher so I guess" he said letting the man in. Axel closed the door and walked over to the couch.
"Im guessing your here to lecture me about my grades" Axel said as if this has happened many times before.

The man called Saix stood infront of Axel.
Note-Axel was still just wearing a towel.

"hello?" Axel said waiting for a the man said
" says he's tired of your back talk and that you won't turn in your work" Axel just played with his fingers not willing to hear the mans words.

"oh well" Axel laughed. Axel noticed the man suddenly got a little to close to him.

" then if you won't change your ways I'll just have to make you"

Axel's heart stopped. He knew what was going to happen.
"my parents will be home any min." Axel said looking into the mans eyes

" I wouldn't worry about them" Saix sAid then grabed the boy forcing him onto the floor. Axel tried to get up and call for help but Saix had grabed his leg sending Axel to the ground.
I didn't have a chance..this man was so much bigger and stronger. And for the first time Axel was afraid.

The man pulled out hand cuffs and cuffed axel's hands together. Axel was struggling and screaming as loud as he could.

"stop! You mother Fucker get your hands off me!"
Axel screamed as Saix took off axel's towel leaving Axel naked. Saix punched Axel in the stomach making the small boy cry out in pain as blood dripped a little from the side of his mouth.
"you need to be quite. Or would you like it to hurt more?" Saix said spit in his face still struggling and kicking.

"Have it your way then" Saix said grabing a hold of axel's length and stroking it hard slighty squeezing it
Axel cried out. He didn't know if it was from pain or pleasure but he knew he just wanted it to end. Saix lowered his head kissing Axel rough and bit his bottem lip causing blood. Axel hissed in pain and kicked Saix in the groan. Saix hissed at him then got a small wip from his pocket it was still long enough to cause pain though.

He took it and wiped Axel on his cheast at least 10 times. He stopped when he saw blood leak out of the fresh cuts he had made. Axel screamed at every hit but he finally gave up. Saix had broken him. He started to cry.

"aww is the almighty axel crying?"
Saix teased as he unzipped his own pants and brought out his already hard length. He stroked himself a few times then spreaded axel's legs looking at the small virgin hole he'd soon be didn't fight when he did that but he continued to cry. He tried one last time

"please stop...just please"
Saix smiled at his words then said
"No my little Axel-neko"
Then slammed in with all force as he through his head back as axel's tightness surounded his length. Axel screamed and screamed intill his voice just didn't work anymore. Saix pounded into the like life less body then felt blood touch his dick. After a few more thrust he came inside the small boy. Axel just cried as Saix got up and ajusted his pants.

"I hope things change with Demyx,well see you around Axel"
He said then left leaving the bloody little boy naked on the ground.

Axel tried to stand but pain always brought him down crashing to the floor. Axel just decided he would have to crawl up the stairs and into his room. When he finally made it he just got on his bed and cried himself to sleep.

The next Day~~~
roxas had arrived home safe and got up the next day. He couldn't wait to see Axel. Yesterday made him realize he wanted more. Roxas blushed to himself. As he went on the bus and sitting next to his friend Sora.

"soo how'd it go?" the fragile little boy asked roxas excited. Sora was also gay. He had a boyfriend named Riku just said

"it went ok I guess"
"is he your boyfriend yet?" sora asked
Sora pouted crossing his arms over his cheast. Sora was always very playful he wondered how Riku handeled that since Riku was always a dead serious one.
As roxas got off the bus with Sora he looked around for Axel. He didn't see him though. Sora smiled as Riku was leaning on a tree that was infront of our school. Sora ran to him and hugged him tightly. Roxas kept thinking 'where the hell is Axel? Then he saw him Axel. He looked horriable! He wore a black turtle neck that looked at least two times bigger than his regular size and he was wearing baggy jeans and he seemed to struggle with walking. Axel saw roxas looking at him in horror. Roxas was about to walk over to him but the bell rang and Axel walked inside the school to his classroom. Roxas followed since they were in the same classroom. Axel tried hard to sit in his seat that was in the front right where the teachers desk was. Roxas sat behind him.

"hey Axel is something wrong?"
Roxas said Axel turned around as best as he could and was going to speak when the teacher said
"do you have your homework, Axel?" their teacher said in a strange way that made roxas not understand
"yes "
Axel said handing it to him. What the hell? This was nothing like Axel. Hes usally rude and when did he start doing his homework? Roxas thought. Roxas waited till the recess bell rang because every time he tried calling Axel when the teacher wasn't looking Axel pretending he didn't hear him even though he knew he did.

The bell finally rang feeling like it took forever. Axel got up and tried to rush out before roxas could get to him but he couldn't it hurt to much to run but he did make it to the didn't take long for roxas to find him though.

"Axel are you avoiding me?"
Roxas asked as the red head looked away from him and put his hands on his shoulders as if he were cold.
"Axel what's wrong?" roxas asked steping a little closer

"just leave me alone roxas.. "
Axel said holding in tears. Was.. Axel going to cry? Roxas thought looking at his friend concerned

"Axel.. Please what happened when I left? Did your parents do something?" roxas asked
Axel couldn't hold it he burst into tears

"roxas.."Axel sobbed putting his hands on his face causing his sleeves to lower half way. Roxas saw that axel's wrists were bruised and slightly purple as if he had put a bracelet to tight

"what happened to your wrists?" roxas said raising his voice a bit. That's probably why he's wearing these cloths to cover up his bod- roxas stopped his thoughts

"Axel lift up your shirt." roxas commanded. Axel shook his head still crying
"no ones looking we're pretty much alone. Lift it,Now" Axel ignored him backing up slightly: roxas grabed Axel's hand and pulled him to the bathroom. not hard though he didn't know how bad his condition was, he would soon find was glad Axel cooperated and went inside the bathroom.
Shit..roxas thought seeing sora in the bathroom aswell as riku.
Sora and Riku looked at axel.
"what's wrong roxas? Why is Axel crying?" Riku spoke

"Axel never cries!" sora said
"shut up" roxas harshly spoke and went into a stall with grabed a hold of the bottem of axel's shirt but Axel grabed his wrist and shook his head

"no no no! Roxas please stop.. Don't..please.." roxas looked confused and hurt

"what are you doing roxas?" Sora yelled.

"I just want to help you Axel please" he said to him

"no.. You-r going to tell everyone"
Axel said looking at roxas now. Roxas saw hurt in his eyes

"I won't..I promise. Just please" roxas said as he tried to lift up his friends shirt. This time Axel let him. As he lifted up axel's shirt he stood still seeing cuts over his cheast and a big bruise on his stomach. He was shocked. Axel kept on crying.

"who did it!" roxas yelled Axel shook his head and tried rushing out but instead he crashed into Riku. Axel actully passed out right then and there in Riku's arms. Sora looked at Axel then Riku.

"we won't tell anyone roxas" sora said softly as riku agreed.
"Lets go to Riku's place, no ones there right now" roxas nodded as Riku picked Axel up bridal style. "let's go" Riku said and walked out making sure no one saw them ditch as they went to Riku's.