Summary:: Sam and Dean start IMing one another and Sam doesn't know its Dean he's talking to.

Word Count:: 6,588

Warning:: Rated M for later chapters.

Disclaimer:: Sam and Dean are not mine. Clair on the other hand is. ^_^

Renegade has sent you an IM request

"Renegade huh? Someone likes Styx." Sam sat at a small table in the run down no-tell Motel that he and Dean were hunkered down in at the moment. Well, Sam was there at least. He was doing research from the room while Dean was the one at the library this time.

He had AIM logged on in the off chance one of his friends was on at the moment. And apparently one of his friend's friends had found him. With a sigh and a shrug he accepted the conversation.


Hey, came across you on a friend's page. Thought I might try to get to know other people. I kinda only have like two friends on here.

Sam gave a snort and typed in a reply.

Wayward Son

Yeah? So I am guessing one of the two is clearly a friend of mine. Unless you managed a 'six ways from' type deal.

He grinned a bit at himself as he hit enter. Renegade replyed back with:


lol. Nah. You're friends with Clairvoyant. She and I have known each other a while.

Sam's eyes went a bit wide. "Really now?" he muttered to himself as he replied again.

Wayward Son

So you know Clair? Either you work with her, or you grew up with her. Which is it?

Dean would joke that he was a being nosy but he was curious. How did Mr. Renegade, know Clair?


Work. I've known her for a while. Though admittedley I haven't seen her in a few years. And I haven't been on AIM in a good long while either...You talked to her recently?

Wayward Son

About a week ago. She's been pretty busy lately with jobs of her own.


So you a hunter then?

Wayward Son

Uh...Yeah. From the fact that you put two and two together I am guessing you are as well.


Yeah. I'm workin a case with my partner.

Wayward Son

Ditto. My brother and I have been hunting since I...Well working together since I left school.

Sam hit enter and gave a sigh. Yeah...And since then, John had died, Dean had gone to hell, Dean had come back from Hell, Sam had let Lucifer out, Sam had put Lucifer back in his cage, and now, somehow in all the chaos of it all, Sam and Dean were hunting together again. But their partnership was a bit strained...The ding of AIM brought him back a moment.


You're brother? What's he like?

Wayward Son

He's...Crazy. Funny. Full of shit. Full of himself. My best friend. The only person I trust anymore, other than our 'Uncle'.

He'd like your name. Renegade is his favorite song by Styx.


Sounds like you brother has good taste in music.

Wayward Son

Yeah. He thinks so...I just tend to rag on him about his 'Mullet Head Rock.' Not to mention his eating habbits...


Looks to me as if you really care about him.

Wayward Son

Yeah. I do...More than I should probably...


Whadda ya mean?

Wayward Son

Nothin really...Just that I seem to care more about my brother than I should...


Perhaps in a not so brotherly way?

Sam read that and had to scrub his hands over his face to make sure he was awake. Blinking and looking again he re-read the question and sighed out, "Leave it to an outside observer..."

Wayward Son

Sure...We'll go with that...


How about a subject change?

You seem to like Kansas. What with the name and all.

Sam chuckled a bit and nodded as he replied to that.

Wayward Son


And yeah. I just kind of thought the name fit for me a bit...I kind of left my dad and brother behind to go to Standford...I think my brother would agree that I was the Wayward Son...He was always the perfect soldier. Always did what Dad told him to without question. Me? I had to question everything...And I got fed up with it. I wanted out...


What made you go back?

Wayward Son

At first it was revenge. The same thing that killed my mom killed my girlfriend. So I wanted revenge, like my dad did. It consumed me...

My brother was the one that did what I couldn't do...He killed the damned demon...


Do you hate him for it? For taking your revenge from you?

Sam read the question and sat back for a minute. He'd never thought about that. John had been the one that wanted to kill the demon for Mom. And then Jess had died and Sam wanted to exact his own revenge. Then when their dad had died, both he and Dean wanted revenge. So no. He didn't.

Wayward Son

No. I can't say that I do. He had just as much reason to want the fucker dead as I did.



Wayward Son

Yeah. Our family was taken from us. Both our parents. The Demon killed our mom when I was 6 months old and took our dad when I was about 23. So my brother had as much right to the revenge as I did.


I see.

So back to the topic...You rag on him for his taste in music, yet, with a name like Wayward Son, you like- what was it you called it?- Mullet Head Rock as well.

Sam laughed in the silence of the room and nodded a bit as he typed away.

Wayward Son

It would seem that way. Yeah, I guess after a particuallarly bad hunt, I started to listen to it more and more...I mean, I still think I have better taste in music than he does, but I do have my favorites...Carry on my Wayward Son is one of them in fact.


Do you like Styx?

Wayward Son

Yeah. Renegade is one of my favorites as well. So I can't say I blame him too much for that one.

The brunette found himself liking this guy. He was easy to talk to. Then again, it usually was easier to talk to people one didn't know really. He looked at the screen when Renegade's next reply popped up.


So what other music do you like?

Wayward Son

Well...I do like a lot of Rock. Like AC/DC, Styx, Kansas, and Metallica. But that last has to do mostly with my brother's car. Don't ask. Long story. I also like a bit of Pop...some any way. I like Jazz. A bit of classical. And some country...Though that depends on the song really. And for most of the music I listen to, it all depends on what I am in the mood for.


Ah. Well, I like a bit of country too. Not much, but there are a few good songs that I've come across. I haven't heard much jazz really..My partner knows that stuff better than I do. He also likes a bit of classical. But me, I tend to stick with the rock. And a bit of pop

Wayward Son

What else do you want know?

Sam had hit enter and picked up his phone. He was hungry and Dean was still out. When aforementioned brother picked up his phone his voice was a bit hushed. "What's up Sammy?" Sam watched as AIM said that Renegade was typing, "I'm hungry. Why don't you pick up some pizza on your way back?" His suggestion was punctuated by his stomach giving a loud gurgleing noise. "And some beer. I killed the last one." He said this as he did just that and set the bottle aside as Renegade hit enter. "Aw man! You killed the beer!" The yonger brother snickered as he heard a librarian shush his older brother. "Alright, pizza and beer. You want me to pick you up a salad Samantha?" Sam rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Nah, I'm craving pizza." Dean informed him he'd be there soon with dinner and drinks as soon as he was done doing what he was doing and hung up. Sam's eyes rolled over to his AIM again.


What kinds of hobbies do you have? I mean other than hunting that is. Unless that's all you do really. I tend to sleep a lot. If I can.

Sam laughed a bit and shook his head, "Dean would love this guy..."

Wayward Son

Yeah, hunting is all I know anymore. I do read a bit. But I've only got like two books at the moment, so I haven't been reading much.


What books do you have?

Wayward Son

Interview with a Vampire and The Vampire Lestat.


Stanford boy reading Anne Rice. That's hot.

Sam felt a light blush creep across his cheeks.

Wayward Son

Yeah, well my brother makes fun of me for it. His favorite thing to say about it is "You got a full ride to Stanford just to read crappy vampire novels? What the fuck Sammy?" Mind you, I know he's only messing with me. He does that. Likes to make fun of me.

And I admit, half the time, I like it. It lets me know that I'm still his little brother.


So it doesn't bother you when he picks on you?

Wayward Son

Sometimes. But not all the time. When its really quiet and nobody has said anything for the last hour or more, then he's gotta do something to get me to talk to him. So picking on me or making fun of something about me- like my hair- gets the conversations started.


Your hair? What is it freakishly long?

Sam laughed aloud into the quiet again.

Wayward Son

My brother seams to think so. Its part of why he calls me Samantha. That and Francis...Although that's my middle name. He just thinks it funny.


Your name is Sam Francis? Wow. Sounds like you got the short end of the stick there buddy.

Sam found that he could hear Dean lauging in his head at his name.

Wayward Son

Yeah...Samuel Francis. And anytime I order a half-caf double vanilla latte he makes fun of me for it by calling me Francis because he swears up and down I'm gay. Even though he knows that I'm not.


Sounds like a douche to me.

Sam frowned and typed out rapidly.

Wayward Son

He's not! He's just Dean. Its just how he is...


Wow there buddy. Didn't mean to offend. I was just sayin, its what it sounds like to me. Now, I don't know your brother, but it sounds to me like he gets his rocks off on making fun of you. You say he calls you gay and yet he knows your not. How many girls have you gotten?

Wayward Son

Since the appocolypse and Lucifer going back to hell? Maybe three.


What about him?

Sam frowned a bit as he thought about it. Dean hadn't gotten anymore than him. Mind you, he did get a lot of numbers. But he hadn't called any. Unless it had been for a hunt. But he had gotten some ass maybe all of two, possibly three times. "No." Sam shook his head as he remembered the last girl. "Just two."

Wayward Son

Two that I can remember. His potential third was my third. She liked me better.


Nice. So it sounds to me like he's just jealous of your charm.

Wayward Son

I doubt it. Girls tend to gravitate to him more than they do me. It seems they like the bad boy thing better than me. Dean says I'm too shy. And maybe I am. But when I'm interested in a girl, I actually want more than just ass. And thats why he calls me gay.


Ah. Like I said. Jealous. You connect with girls on more than a sexual level. You go for the intelectual level as well. Right?

Sam blinked and was a bit taken aback by that.

Wayward Son

Yeah actually. I like actually getting to know a person before I determine wether or not I might want to date them.


So...Would you consider dating me?

Sam sat there staring at the screen reading and re-reading the last question.

Wayward Son

I hardly know you. All I know about you is your taste in music, and that you're a hunter.

So I wouldn't be able to make that decision unless I got to know you better.

Renegade seemed to be contemplating this as Sam picked up his phone when it started to ring. Hitting the answer key he saw that the other was typing away. "Yeah Dean?"

"Sorry its taking so long Sammy, I'm about done here." He could hear Dean moving around a bit. "You said you wanted pizza. Any specific toppings you want?" Sam thought a moment and looked up to see Renegade had hit enter. "Just pepperoni and cheese." He said as he read the message.


Alright. Fair enough. lol. So why don't you get to know me? But that may have to wait. My partner is complaining about food. Will you be on later?

"Alright Sam, I'll call in the order now and pick it up on my way there." Sam gave a nod and answered, "Alright Dean, be careful bro." He hung up as he replied to Renegade.

Wayward Son

I probably will be. Just IM me, I'll answer. My brother and I are pretty much in for the night. I'll leave AIM on and talk to you later.


Alright. Later Sam. Hope to talk again soon.

Renegade has signed off.

Sam sighed and minimized the chat and returned to what he had been doing earlier.

It was about thirty minutes later that Dean walked in the door and saw that Sam was frowning at his screen. With Pizza balanced precariously in one hand and the six pack of Budweiser clasped in the other he closed the door with a light snap. "What's up Sammy?" He asked as he walked over and slid the pizza box onto the table behind Sam's computer. "You look confused." Which was partially true.

Hazel eyes looked up to Dean as he finished his sentence. "We seem to have a combination of hunts here."

Dean too frowned and cocked his head to the side, "Que?" He quipped in spanish as he pulled a slice of pizza from the box.

"Yeah. But it seems the main problem- and you're gonna love this- is witches."

Dean frowned darkly around his bite of pizza. "Stupid fucking witches." He grumbled. After a moment he asked, "The other problem?"

Sam gave a sigh and pulled up a video. It was for their current job. Motioning for Dean to take his place, Sam rose and grabbed a slice of pizza and a beer, walking into the small kitchenette dealy.

"Looks like there may be a shifter involved as well." As he said this he bit into his dinner and used the counter to pop the top on his bottle off.

Dean glanced up as Sam was opening his beer and cocked a brow, "How'd you do that?" he nearly whined. Sam had done that so many times in the past and he knew Dean never could get the counter to catch the lid right. Sam just gave a cocky grin in reply as he took a swig of the drink.

Dean frowned and went back to watching the video.

Dean seemed to have found his AIM conversation with Renegade for he heard, "Wayward Son?" Really Sam?" He heard Dean laugh lightly as he did as well. "So who's Renegade?" Dean propped himself back a bit in the chair, lifting the two front legs off the floor a bit.

"Just a new friend on AIM." Was the shrugged reply. "Found me through Clair. He's a hunter." Sam dropped down to the chair across from Dean and pulled his computer to him while grabbing another slice of Pizza.

"Well? What'd you two talk about?" Sam shrugged again before replying, "Music, books, hunting, you." Dean raised a brow at the last. "Me?" Sam nodded and then Dean snapped his fingers, "That reminds me! Be right back." He walked out of their room and returned moments later with his own computer bag in hand. "Sorry, forgot my computer in the car. And..." He paused and fished something out before tossing the object at Sam. "Happy Birthday." It was a book.

Sam was looking down at the book that he managed to snag from the air before it hit him in the head. "Queen of the Damned." He read off the title. "Dean-"

"I figured since, your birthday is in a couple of days, I'd get you a new book. And since you like crappy vampire novels," He paused and chuckled a bit, motioning to the book in his Sam's hand, "I decided on Anne Rice as it was better than Twilight." Sam snorted quietly, grinned, and nodded. "And you kind of needed the next one in the set. Even though, I'm pretty sure Queen of the Damned, is after Pandora, but I couldn't find Pandora so you'll have to deal with that one." Sam looked back up at Dean and saw a grin on the elder's face.

"Thank you Dean."

"Don't mention it." Dean smiled now and set himself up on his bed, with his laptop across his thighs.

Sam was sitting at the table with his eyes glued to the computer screen. He heard Dean laugh a bit as he walked over and leaned over his brother's shoulder. "So, this Renegade," Dean seemed to be looking at the profile page Sam was looking at. "You seem pretty interested in him." Sam shrugged, "You like guys?" He could feel Dean's eyes on his face as his cheeks heated up in a blush.

"And this is why I don't discuss my personal life with you Dean." He saw Dean frown out of the corner of his eye. "You constantly make fun of me for it." He then saw Dean raise an eyebrow. "Sam, I've seen you with girls. Hell I've walked in on you with girls more times than I care to remember." He stood back up straight and sighed. "So I know you're not gay Sammy." Sam felt a bit nervous with Dean standing behind him.. "I just wanted to confirm the theory I had."

Sam looked up at Dean with a slight frown and a raised brow, "Theory?" He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, "What theory?" Dean shrugged again and lifted the bottle to his lips. "That you're bi." Sam's mouth formed into a small 'O' as Dean drank from his bottle. "How long have you known?" He turned back to his computer.

Dean leaned over Sam's shoulder again. "Not too long, I suspected back in Tulsa." He felt Dean's shoulders shift against his own. "Considering you didn't shift away too much from Blondie at the bar."

Sam gave a chuckle and a nod, "Yeah, I'm glad that he didn't try to persue what he thought was chemistry." A shiver ran through him. "He was cute and all, but damn he was annoying." The taller heard Dean chuckle lightlyas he made his way back to his bed.

The sound of a door creaking open issued from Sam's speakers and Dean's head snapped around. "What the hell was that?"

"Someone logging on on AIM." Sam's eyes darted to his AIM window.

"Was it your boyfriend?" Sam dained to glare at the compter screen instead of his brother as his face turned three shades of pink. "Kidding Sammy. Just kidding."

"He's not my boyfriend, but yes, it was Renegade." Sam didn't see the smirk on Dean's lips as the elder went about his nightly internet parusal.


Hey hotty. What are you doin?

Wayward Son

Blushing at the moment. My brother was making fun of me for something and then you calling my hotty was not helping the blush go away.

As he hit enter, Sam could hear Dean snicker over something. Looking up he saw that his brother's attention was on his screen and he seemed to be typing something. Sam looked back as Renegade replied.


What was he making fun of you for this time?

Wayward Son

He saw our conversation. When you logged on he heard the sound effect and asked what it was. When I told him it was the sound of someone logging on he asked me, and I quote, "Was it your boyfriend?" Which made me blush for some reason. I told him you aren't my boyfriend but yes it was you that had logged on.


Why did that make you blush?

Wayward Son

Because he now knows that I'm bi and it makes me a bit nervous at the moment...And I'm almost afraid...No..nevermind...

As he hit enter he took a sip of his beer and heard Dean muttering to himself. Looking up at Dean he asked, "You alright De?" The shorter looked up at him, fingers faltering on the keyboard a moment, "Huh? Oh yeah. I'm good." Sam fet his heart skip a few beats as Dean flashed him that trademark smirk. He shook his head and looked back at his screen.


Come on. Tell me. Almost afraid of what? Trust me, I won't say anything to anyone Sammy.

Wayward Son

Its Sam.

Only Dean calls me that.

I'm almost afraid that he'll find out.

He looked from his screen again as he hit enter and saw that Dean was looking at his screen with interest. Watching porn again, no doubt... "Are you in a chat room with live porn Dean?" He asked as Dean was typing at the moment.

"Nah. No porn. But I am in a chat room. Its pretty interesting. All kinds of people. Sadly though it gets a bit crowded." Sam chuckled a bit as his computer dinged at him.


Find out what Sam? Oh. Right. Yeah. I remember now. Those not so brotherly feelings.

Would it be so bad if he found out? I mean, what if he felt the same way?

Wayward Son

Yeah. It would be so bad.

My brother, Dean Winchester, the skirt-chasing ladies man?

He's all about the women. If its got nice boobs and a bangin body, he'll do her.



That single reply had Sam raising an eyebrow and sighing. Looking across at Dean he saw that the elder was looking at him in what appeared to be mild interest. "What?"

Dean raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Nothin. Just starin' off inta space till chika replies." Dean pointed at his laptop as Sam looked back at his computer.

Wayward Son



Just the way you say that. It really sounds like you're jealous.

Sam read that and stared at his screen in thought for a few minutes.



Wayward Son

Its Sam.

Sorry. I was thinking.



Wayward Son

Maybe I am jealous.



Why was he jealous? Dean was a guy. So not into the same gender. Dean didn't share Sam's interest. He didn't know how Sam felt about him. And he sure as hell didn't feel the same way. Even now that was evident. Dean was sitting on the bed, screwing around in a chat room with a girl, probably more. Most likely getting some virtually.


Sam? You alive over there? Why are jealous?

Wayward Son

Because. Dean will go after any skirt that shows interest. If she's smokin, he'll get lucky. Or at least he'll try. And if he strikes out, he'll try another girl. How the fuck can I compete with that? Besides...What does it matter? He has no interest in guys, hence, no interest in me. And for another thing, its wrong on so many levels! I'm his brother for fucks sake! I mean really, its bad enough I'm going to hell, but now I'm pretty sure I have a fucking reservation in the special Hell for twats like me that are stupid enough to fall in love with their brothers!

As he finished typing his rant and hit enter Dean spoke up, "You okay over there Sammy? You sound a bit upset, with the typing and the slamming of the space bar." Sam looked up and frowned a bit. Shaking his head, "Nah Dean, I'm fine. Just...a bit over exuberant is all." Dean raised an eyebrow and nodded.

Sam watched a minute as Dean read what ever the girl in the chat room had said. He saw Dean's eyebrows dip in what looked like confusion before he started to type. "My turn, you okay Dean? You looked confused." Dean nodded, "Yeah, this chick is kinda strange is all. Its all good." He hadn't looked up from his screen but he did flash Sam that damned grin again.

Seeing that Renegade was still typing he sighed and said:

Wayward Son

And then he doesn't even know what the hell that damned cocky grin does to me! GAH! The fucker!


Twats? Interesting way to put it...And how can you be sure that you'll go to Hell, Sammy? I mean what if god doesn't see it as wrong? And how do you know he has no interest in guys? Have you ever tried talking to him about it? Okay, obviously not since you said he just figured it out that you're bi. And maybe you don't have to compete. If it makes you so jealous, why not give him a taste of his own medicine? Make him jealous. And maybe, if you find out he does have an interest in guys, you can see if he has an interest in you.

Cocky grin? What? Does it turn you on or something?

Sam gave a loud sigh as he read over this. "Yes! Yes it does damn it!" He growled out loud, not realizing he had done so until, "What does?" Hazel eyes snapped up to look across the room into emerald ones that were full of that damn grin. "You okay Sammy? You seem, a bit aggitated." Sam tore his gaze away from his brother with a shrug and a wave of his hand, while the other ran through his hair. "Yeah, Dean, I'm fine. Just..." He sighed heavily and shook his head, "Just go back to your chat room." With that he began to reply to Renegade.

Wayward Son

It does more than that.

When that grin is focused on me, it fills me with a warmth that I only feel when Dean is around. When he uses that grin on me, I feel like a bumbling idiot trying to pick up a girl for the first time in middle school. I feel like a teenager with his first crush. I know I sound like a fucking girl but right now, I don't give a rat's ass! That's how Dean makes me feel.

He gave a heavy sigh as he continued to type. He could feel Dean watching him for a moment and decided to ignore it in favor of replying to Renegade.

I guess I know how all the women he's been with feel. That stupid grin can melt the hearts of even the most hardened old crones.

He heard Dean snort but still didn't look up. Instead he pulled up his favored browser and pulled up his facebook page. His chat flashed in his task bar so he turned his attention back to it.


I'm sorry. You wanna talk about something else?

Wayward Son

Yeah. Sure. Like what?


I see, here on your profile page that your birthday is in two days. What are you gonna do for it?

Wayward Son

Probably hunt. If this case Dean and I are on isn't over by then I'll be stuck hunting on my birthday again.

Not that I would be doing anything special anyway. Dean would most likely take me to a bar, try to get me either drunk, laid, or drunk and laid.

Either way, not my idea of a fun birthday.


What is your idea of a fun birthday?

Or rather what would you like to do for your's?

Sam raised an eyebrow and sighed a bit. "Good question Renegade." He sat back in his chair as Dean quipped, "What's a good question?" The taller looked over at his brother, "Renegade asked me what I'd want to do for my birthday." He watched a smirk spread across Dean's lips and sighed, shaking his head. Yeah, I know what you'd do to Dean... Shaking his head again he turned his focus back to his conversation.

Wayward Son

Just hanging out with Dean for once. No horrific consumption of copius amounts of alcohol for once. I mean, sure, maybe a bottle of Jack or somethin. Maybe a good movie and pizza. Just...hanging out. No work. No hunting. For one night. That's all I want for my birthday.

Sam sat back again lifted his bottle of beer to his lips.

Across the room Dean was mirroring him as green eyes rolled over his screen. "So who are you talking to Dean?" Sam inquired as he placed his beer aside.

"A couple people actually." Was the reply as he typed something. "Like I said, I'm in an online chat room. And there are multiple people in here." Sam heard the enter key getting hit then the click of Dean's mouse button, a few keystrokes and enter again. That was about the same time Renegade answered him.


That sounds like a good day to me.

Wayward Son

Yeah, but that won't happen because this hunt is an ass kicker. We have to deal with more than one stupid thing here.



Wayward Son

Yeah, we've got witches, and a shifter here to contend with. It sucks ass. Dean hates witches, and I hate shifters.


Why do you hate shifters? I mean, I know why I hate them and I can understand why he would hate witches. They give me the creeps. All that damned black magic. Ugh...

Sam gave a light chuckle at that. Yeah. Dean would love this guy. "Hey Dean, Renegade shares your opinion on witches." He heard Dean laugh lightly as he replied to his new friend.

Wayward Son

Well, I hate shifters because one took the form of my brother once and tried to kill me. Then it fucking kidnapped me and again tried to kill me. Among other things...


Other things?

Wayward Son

I'd rather not get into it...I don't want to relive it...Again...


Oh. I think I get it...I'm sorry.

Wayward Son

Yeah. I still haven't told Dean about that. And I don't plan on it...

As he hit enter he got the feeling of being watched again and looked up to see Dean's eyes on him. "Take a picture Big Brother, it'll last longer." He gave a forced grin as Dean gave a snort and set his bottle on the night stand.

Wayward Son

So. Tell me a bit more about yourself Renegade. All I know is that you're a friend of Clair's and you're a hunter that likes to rock and roll.


Well...what do you want to know?

Wayward Son

Do you read? Or are you all about the hunt like my brother?


I read. Some. Not a lot, but I do read.

My favorite book so far is Constantine. Its so far the most acurate. Even if it isn't as acurate as what we deal with. I also have read some Edgar Allan Poe. But if anyone other than you knows that, I'd deny it to the day I died.

Sam found himself laughing as he read that. "Now what's so funny?" Came Dean's query. Sam continued to laugh as he gasped out, "Just Renegade, he reminds me so much of you!" Dean quirked a brow and gave a tilt of his head to silently ask 'how?' So Sam answered, "Just what he said, I asked if he reads and he told me that he owns Constantine, but will deny liking Edgar Allan Poe." All this was said as the younger continued to laugh at his new friend.


Why do I get the feeling you're laughing at me?

At this Sam laughed harder and toppled from his chair.

An exclaimed, "Oh! Shit! Sammy you okay over there?" issued from Dean's general area and all Sam could manage was a thumbs up in the air for his brother to see as he continued to laugh. And this seemed to amuse Dean now for the elder started to laugh as well.

Sam heard his AIM go off again and took a moment to catch his breath before he climbed from the floor back to his chair. What he read made him laugh again, though this time he remained in his chair.


You are aren't you? -frowns- I'm gonna log off if you keep that up.

Sam licked his lips as he regained composure and then answered.

Wayward Son

No! I'm not laughing. I promise! Just ask my brother! :D


I have a feeling if I ask him, if I knew him and if he had an AIM account, then he would probably tell me that you were laughing at me.

Sam laughed lightly and nodded.

Wayward Son

Most likely. He likes getting me into trouble.

Sam glanced over to see Dean grinning at his screen.


Anything else you wanna know chuckles?

Sam snorted at that and relaxed in his chair.

Wayward Son

What kind of movies do you like?

Depends on my mood really. And what my partner feels like putting up with. You?

Wayward Son

I find B grade horror movies entertaining. My brother and I...well we used to sit and watch them all the time. We'd watch them and laugh at how they got everything wrong or point out flaws in plans. It was fun. Hell we don't do that a whole lot any more...He and I...We're just starting to get back on solid ground...I uh...I miss how easy it all used to be. Now...Its like both of us are walking on egg shells around each other. I don't know when he's just gonna randomly blow up and go back to Lisa, and he doesn't know if I've still got Lucifer in my head...Can't say I blame him really. If it weren't for the fact that I'd be able to feel the fucker, I'd be worried about that to...

I also like to watch some of the newer horror flicks. Pretty much do the same thing with them that Dean and I used to do with the B grades. Too bad I never get to watch them with him anymore...

Sounds like you and he need to talk Buddy. But for now...Lets try and change the topic, huh? Don't want you getting upset. I like talking to you.

Sam nodded at his screen and heaved a sigh as he replied.

Wayward Son

Kay. Yeah. Good idea. What do you want to talk about?

He propped both elbows up on the table and rested his face in his hands as he waited for his IM to ding at him. A moment later it did just that.


Anything you want, Tiger.

Sam felt a heat creep across his cheeks and then it was gone.

Wayward Son

-blushes- Kay...


Why the blush?

Sam could feel Dean's eyes on him and he couldn't help but look up and over. Meeting his eyes Sam blushed when Dean asked, "Somethin' wrong Sammy?" Sam just shook his head and looked to his screen once more.

Wayward Son

Dean called me that on occasion. And...-blushes- I kind of liked the way it sounded when he said it...But...He hasn't called me that in a long time now, so I guess you just caught me off guard is all.


Ah. I see. Again, I think that the two of you need to talk. Just my opinion.

Okay, how in the hell do we always end up talking about your brother?

Wayward Son

To hell if I know...Find a different topic. You pick it. Or we'll end back on Dean again.


Yeah...Obsessed much?

Sam sighed and bit his tongue a bit.

Wayward Son

Whatever. Pick a topic damnit. :)

Sam gave a smile when Renegade picked a topic and they managed to keep it all off Dean through the evening.

As the conversation flowed on and on Sam learned more and more about the guy. At one point he told the other that he would get along great with Dean and then the conversation continued on with Renegade laughing and quickly changing the topic.

At about half past midnight Sam glanced at his clock and heaved a sigh.

Wayward Son

Okay, I need to log. Dean and I have a job to deal with in the morning.


Yeah, my partner and I as well. Talk to you later then? If we can get on that is. I'm not gonna promise much right now, I don't know how our jobs are lined up right now.

Sam read that and gave a nod as well.

Wayward Son

Yeah. Same here. I'll talk to you soon.

He didn't add the much wanted 'I hope.' to the end of that.


I hope. Night Sammy.

Sam was about to reply when Renegade signed off. "It's Sam." He sighed to the air and also shut his computer off.

Dean startled Sam from his musings with his load groan. Dean had been so quiet he hadn't realized the male was still awake. "What, Renegade using my nickname?" Sam swatted at the hand that was messing with his hair as Dean made a beline for the pizza box. "It's Sam damn it." He pouted and slid his computer into his own bag, rising and heading to his bed. He was quite intent on going to sleep just as we was. Fully dressed and uncaring. He hadn't realized just how tired he was. "Not a good idea to sleep that way Sammy." Came Dean's voice from the table. Sam was about to grunt a reply when Dean smacked his foot, "Come on, get ready for bed." Not moving Sam grunted out, "Make me." For some reason something told him that was a bad idea. "Alright, fine. But to be fair, I haven't had to do this since you were little Sammy." Was his brother's reply and Sam had another bad feeling as his shoes were quickly removed.

It was Dean's hands at his hips that had him coming fully awake then and jumping up like a shot. "Okay! I got it!"

"Hey you told me to make you." Sam watched as Dean turned his back to him and stripped down to his boxers. Sam's mouth went dry and his eyes trailed over that glorious backside. Muscled back and shoulders rippled as a shirt was tossed aside. Jeans fell to the floor and boxers pulled taut over a perfect ass as Dean leaned over to grab the denim and toss it with the shirt across the room. The muscles in Dean's back contracted and expanded as he moved and stretched and the sound he made had Sam's body reacting. He bit his bottom lip and tried not to moan as boxers stretched tight over that ass again as Dean crawled into his bed.

God he was so fucked up!

A/N You know the drill all~ Reviews=luff!