Disclamer: YES! i have magically become J.K Rowling, i now own everything and every one that has ANYTHING to do with harry potter! [ha ha i wish!] but SERIOUSLY: i do NOT own harry potter, and i never will...*tear*



"What do you think about kids?"


"Yes, kids? As in children."

"uh, I don't know."

"oh, well I-"

"I've never really thought about it."

"Well Dra-"

"I mean do you want to have kids?"

"If you'd stop tal-"

"We've only been married for 6 months, don't you think it's a bit early on!"


"But if you want kids, I guess we can…um…try."

"Please, D-"

"But do you know how much those bloody monsters cost to raise?"


"But it does help that I'm rich.."

"Please stop talk-"

"But what if I'm a bad dad! What if I'm such a bad dad I make a new 'dark lord'! Do you think I'd b-"


"No Need to scream love, what is it?"

"I'm pregnant."

"What?…..WHAT!" *FAINT*
