Wow I waited a long time and I am sorry about that but I was having a lot of trouble with school in my program and apparently I am terrible with computer art simply because I have no imagination in that department or how to use the bloody tools! I hate it so much but we need to use it for current work these days which SUCKS! I am more of a traditionalist. So I will be doing an online course for mythology so it shouldn't interfere with updating this summer and I will be working as a lifeguard but not to worry I should be fine in that department to...I think... Well you will just have to bare with me. I have written a lot of other stories with one or two chapters to start off and I will post them to see how the viewers like them so check it out!

Chapter 4

Dragon and the Phoenix!

Jade looked out the window of the plane in first class. She sighed and looked beside her to see Sarah sleeping while they were waiting for the plane to fill with gas. They were on the way to Romania to see the dragons.

Jade looked down at the book she had that was ear marked on dragons. She actually found them fascinating and mysterious. She could just bet their intelligence and magical abilities would be on par with humans and were just too prideful to lower themselves to our level.

Her father and Uncle had a long discussion when they got back home last week when they talked about her heritage and her quote Quest end quote. They in the end let her decide and she researched them like crazy final decided to at least talk to the dragons in the reserve then before attempting to go see the wild ones.

They were the most dangerous of the three and if she found her Dragon partner then the others were A O K in her father's opinion. The rest of the staff was brought up to speed and new she would be attending a boarding school for her magical abilities. They just said to knock them dead. Jade should have known.

Eclipse was upset that he won't see his rider for four months till the big cold came. He still wouldn't let anyone else but Jade ride him. They competed together in some Hunting and jumping competitions and won. Riding was how Jade stayed in shape and she exercised daily to make sure she had the muscle her body needed. She was slightly a healthy body nut.

After they had left Olivanders with a promise from him not to mention her staff to the school he promised to have Charlie get in touch with her. This required for her to go to the last stop in Diagon Alley to the Owlry.

It could be found by just following the squawking of birds. The Owls all quieted down as soon as she appeared in their minds and calmed them much to the confusion of the people in the store since the birds never really did calm down.

Jade looked in her mind for the mind of a owl that best fitted her and her personality and came to a stop in front of a beautiful Snowy white Owl. She was named Twilight and got along splendidly with her new master.

Jade soon after received a letter from Charlie Weasley about her abilities to communicate with animals and eagerly agreed to show her around the reserve to see if she could connect with the dragons there. He seemed to really love them from the letter she received and was in general enthusiastic about anything related to them so finally hearing what they think was too god to be true for him.

He was going to meet them at their hotel once they landed and unpacked. He had absolutely no idea who she was, which she was ever so grateful of, and had no concept of anything beyond family and dragons.

She only knew the family part because when he found out how old she was he said he a brother the same age that was also going to Hogwarts for his first year. Then she grew shocked at the mention of having an older brother then a younger brother, then twin younger brothers, THEN his youngest brother, AND FINALLY his younger sister. Jade pitied his mother.

Finally the plane was ready to take off. She hoped she knew what she was getting into. Jade wasn't particularly fond of dying at the moment.


Charlie hurried into the muggle hotel that his contact was staying at. He couldn't wait to meet her! She sounded fascinated about his favourite subject, Dragons! He couldn't wait!

He saw a young rather small girl wearing durable sneakers and long sleeved shirt with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. But the most important feature was that she was wearing a white half mask, meaning it was her!

Charlie quickly strode over to her and shook her hand once he introduced himself. She just nodded and held out her hand to side as if to say show the way. Which he understood immediately since she mention that she had trouble speaking. He quickly took her outside and walked down the street before looking both ways to make sure the coast was clear before he spoke to her.

"Jade were going to apprate here so I am going to hug you for a second ok?"

She nodded her understanding and he held in a brotherly way as he apprated them out of the city to the Reserve.


Jade looked around at the mountainous area they were in and the clearing they appeared in. She watched Charlie walk towards a wooden building. It wasn't much but it seemed ok so she followed him inside.

Jade gaped at the sudden enormousness of the interior and the few other people inside looking at maps with red markings on them and some others that had little red dots moving on the map.

Charlie called out to the others saying he was back. They turned and greeted him and rushed over to Jade.

"So you're the one that Charlie has been so enthusiastic about?" Said another guy much like Charlie in build and appearance all gangly and slightly muscled, after all he did work with dragons.

Jade looked at Charlie questioningly and he smiled sheepishly and said "I had to get permission to let you on the reserve and explain the reason why since it is really dangerous..." he mumbled off.

Jade understood and then the others were quickly picking up their camp like backpacks and rolling up some maps and grabbing their wands.

It seemed that the others were coming as well Jade thought wirily at the three other people beside herself and Charlie that seemed to be coming. Charlie quickly told her it was a precaution and is there for security purposes. Jade nodded in understanding.

The group headed out into a nearby gladded area and seemed to pass through some wards that hid the area form view. Jade could only look on in awe.

Dragons were sleeping in the clearing. Two of them one was nestled around some eggs while the other seemed to be the male was just off to the side as of guarding them. They were Norwegian Ridgeback Dragons Jade recalled and she noticed Charlie speaking excitedly with the others about the mother's eggs are going to be hatching any day now.

Jade saw the others were on guard and realised the male dragon had noticed them and was growling at them. They were getting out their wands ready to stun the dragon when Jade quickly motioned for them to put their wands away as she stepped closer to the dragon while reaching out to him with her mind with calmness feelings.

The dragon abruptly stopped growling and lowered its long neck like head to the ground to get a better look at her.

Hello my name is Jade. I came here to talk with you is it ok if I can come closer?

The dragon tilted his head on the side as the others were excitedly whispering over his reactions when the dragon nodded his head.

Little one can speak speak with other creatures of the world is a very rare gift for one so young and fragile. I sense great power from you but also something very pure...there have not many pure things in this world for a long time...

The others may not come near but you may.

Jade was shocked but quickly spoke with Charlie when she looked up at him

"He said only me..."

Charlie nodded his understanding although saddened that he couldn't really get closer unless with force.

Jade slowly walked to the couple dragons when the female raised her head and looked at her as well.

Jade reached out with her mind to both of them.

I come seeking my soul partner dragon in the Dragon Valley...

The Dragon Valley... is not far from here, my mate can show you the way after the hatchlings are born do you wish to see? It is an honour to watch life born as a dragon

Jade couldn't help her smile as she rushed over to the female's soft underbelly to watch as the eggs cracked open slowly.

Jade was thrilled! They were so small! She couldn't help but awe as the mother made sure each of her hatchlings were ok by sniffing them and nudging them to the teats for mothers milk.

The father looked on proud over the hatchlings then gestured for Jade to come closer so she slowly approached to watch. One of them stumbled out of the little scaly bodies and looked over at her before clumsily getting to its feet. The mother nudged under the child towards Jade so she could pick him up. Jade did so and chuckled at the cute noises it made and murmured to it in the child's head soft soothing sound of humming music as it slowly yawned and went to sleep.

Jade looked over at the Rangers near by as they excitedly took notes of how many of the dragons were born and nodded to Charlie saying she was done here. She spoke in her mind to the father and said she would come see him that night as soon as she could get away.


Jade sighed mentally at the worried concerns of Sarah earlier. She knew what she was doing, she had to do it to find out more about herself but to also meet these beings...there was something about the three that appeared on the paper that just called to her.

Jade had a way of knowing things and being never wrong and she knew that she needed to do this!

Jade was able to get away from the main crowd of people and approached the forest nearby wondering how on earth the dragon will find her when she heard a whoosh over head and the mighty flap of wings as it touched down beside her causing mini wind currents to rush around.

As the wind died down she looked up to the male dragon she met earlier today.

Climb on my back, we fly there.

Jade nodded her understanding and clambered onto his back and settled at the juncture between his long neck and back just in front of his wings. He lifted off making Jade get a little squeamish and praying for dear life she wouldn't fall off as she wrapped her arms around his neck as mush as she could closing her eyes shut from the wind as she felt them fly in the sky for what seemed like forever before touching down and he spoke amusment present in his voice.

You can open your eyes now were here.

Jade opened her eyes blinking as she realised they were in a massive mountain enclosed area where many other dragons were present as she shakily got down from his back.

She looked around in awe as the others looked at them and Jade, remembering her manners, bowed to the other Dragons and sent out a message.

Hello my name is Jade I come seeking the one who is bound with me in life.

At least that is what she hoped, she wasn't sure exactly how this was going to go about and from she can tell they were the proudest and dangerous creatures of the magical and real world. She wasn't surprised they were magnificent creatures towering high above her head who can command the skys and breath fire.

They are also intelligent, more so than she thought when she was present in their minds. She heard them come closer to inspect her and she hoped she passed their test it would do her no good to show fear to them making her seem weak.

One of the reasons why she took off her mask so they can see her scar and she wore and was not afraid to show them her face.

It has been centuries since your kind has been on this earth, sorceress.

All heads turned to see a very frail and old looking dragon with white tinged scales that have lost their color do to age. She heard that dragons live for incredibly long lives but she has never seen a photo of one that looked this old he must be a couple hundred years old at the very least!

The dragon walked towards her and when close enough bent down his head to sniff her and spoke again.

Someone has been waiting a long time for you...he has been dreaming of you for a very long time. A dragon always knows. A temper he has your guardian dragon. My...he almost burnt down the forest when you injured yourself in the first years of your life.

He spoke to her turning his head to eye her face in particular the scar as he huffed a bit of smoke then turned to the mountains surrounding them.

He comes now. To have him as your guardian is an honour you must know, yet he is also young in our ways...then again everyone is young compared to me.

Jade watched the dragons her eyes studying their every move as her eyes slowly widened she raised her hand from the large wind torrents as a mighty dragon larger than the others in black obsidian scales plummeted towards them to beat his wings once to stop his descent and land right in front of her.

As the wind currents died down she lowered her hand to see a very intimidating dragon in front of her. A extinct dragon she read about thought to have died out long ago called Forburns (I made it up).

He had been sniffing at her for a long time eyes raking over her form. She reached out to his mind and then she felt him reach to hers. It was a sound like a wind chime echoed in her mind as she gazed at him in wonder and approached his head which was bigger than her entire body.

I have been waiting a very long time for you...Jade. The voice was clearly male like a warrior yet so soft reminding her of her father. A man with power to change peoples lives being ever so gentle.

My name is Zalthrax prince of the Draconian.

He closed his yellow cat eye to her and wind swirled around and she blinked to see an older teen, a young man, standing before her in black with long black hair billowing around him with pointed ears as he knelt before her taking her hands in his. He was still Taller than her crouched as he is as her one eye grew large almost falling out of her face because it was so wide as she stared not comprehending the handsome rougish male so like her father but different and more animalistic was before her a hand out to cup her scared face his eyes lingering with sadness over her scar making her look away if he would let her.

"I could feel you, we all could, your pain your suffering, The loss of your voice and refusal to speak anymore since no one would bother to listen ...that hovel of a building they dared call a home, your voice wasn't even heard or ignored you just stopped it wasn't necessary for you to have one you thought." He spoke his dragon growls coming from deep within his belly as tears slipped out of the corner of her eyes he wiped away with his thumb.

"But you learned, your learning still, the music you make from sound is beautiful and touches all hearts of living things. Don't give it up Jade it is who you are and what defines your magic which is why it is so strong again and didn't show up before, you started speaking again." Zalthrax continued as her legs gave out from under her and he scooped her into his arms holding her to his chest as he rubbed her back comfortingly as she cried.

"Only I can appear in this form to you. The others will come into there forms in time for now, let's get you home in bed ok? I am here now and I promise I won't leave you."

"B-But t-the old one said you were a P-Prince!" Jade said worried about taking him from his people when he shook his head at her.

"The Forebear Dragons are royalty not the rulers we are just the first of all Dragons and the only ones able to change shape into human or otherwise."

Jade nodded worn out form the night fell asleep on his lap curled up closer to him finding comfort in his above average warmth.

He stood gently re positioning her safely before nodding to the others and taking off with her in his arms safe.

Now all that's left is...Solfrair before she goes to school to see Lemous,(meaning light).

Zalthrax frowned at the thought of the only other companion in there group and looked down at the girl.

Maybe it would be best he came to us she is to young to go to the top of the mountain where he dwells.

Through the bond the two shared since they were hatchlings he called out to him and told him to meet them at the inn.

Jade was wozzy from crying so much at the reminder and the bond solidifying between them to be there forever more...replaying those memories back and forth between them became too much for her as she subcomed to the darkness as she woke up rubbing her eyes and them blinking open seeing the man...dragon...humanoid? All she knew was that he was here and watching her waking up.

"You up now? Good I can't hold this form any longer I am going to go back to my original form will be significantly smaller." As he was saying that he started to change and soon a cat sized dragon was crawling towards her on the bed and settled in her lap as it gave her a half hearted glare as she giggled at this and started to pet him not that he didn't enjoy the petting.

The bastard is here...he will come through the open window, Zalthrax thought to her as she saw a blue winged creature fly in and settled its talons on the back top of the chair as it settled its green gaze on her own emerald eyes from its magnificent sapphire blue and silver feathers. He gazed at her as she to him before looking down at the dragon and started to laugh in her mind.

Oh how the mighty have fallen...Zalthrax are you enjoying being a cat now? The blue phoenix said as he grumbled in response as he snapped at the legendary beast like himself.

Have you forgotten your manners or am I going to be the one preaching to you now about etiquette? He retorted with a toothy smile as it looked affronted before looking up to her.

I'm sorry milady my name is Solfrair, the bird of wisdom in our bond. Zalthrax is the power your represent and Lumous is the balance you have for them both, control and purity of ones soul. Where is that fool anyways? Solfriar said as Zalthrax snorted.

Where else? The forbidden forest guarding the tree were her staff and wand is...which will be slightly difficult to get too until she get's to Hogwarts.

Hmmm yes she will need to get it before classes start and people ask her where it is, I suggest the very night of the banquet people will be stuffed and full thinking of only going to bed because of the excitement, I happen to know of a invisibility spell that would be useful. Jade is that satisfactory of a plan for you?

Jade could only nod dumbfounded still gazing at him open mouthed as he looked at her weirdly.

Umm...what's wrong? Jade then finally thought back to him as she rose out of the bed and Zlathrax crawled up around her shoulders.

Can I touch you? This got a laugh from both of them as she was given permission and started to pet the silken feathers as he preened a bit and encouraged her to a few places he loved to be scratched.

Now then where are we going now? Solfrair asked looking up at them both as Jade smiled.

Jade spent the rest of her summer at home returning from her trip to Romania and learned to meditate after much MUCH difficulty from always twitching and being restless as she finally able to do so and met her last relatives the Flemmels who looked no older than 60 and the man insisted on her calling him Uncle Nick and his wife Aunt Beth(I have totally forgot her real name) and they spoke quite a bit about wizardry and Alchemy and spouted about the good old days which turned out to be a couple hundred years ago.

"Now though I got a request from old Dumblydor to let him hide my stone from Voldemort."

"Oh...why? You have been hiding it for so long already why does he question it now?" Jason asked curious about the mind of wizards seeing some rather pointless and somewhat confusing logic they sometimes possessed.

"You know...I am not entirely sure...I gave him a replica though not sure what he has cooking up in there and the idea that I actually moved the stone would lead them away form the actual real hiding place was a know if people believe it is the real thing then why should I correct them~?" He chortled cheerfully as he sat outside with Jason as Jade was walking around with his wife introducing her to all her animal friends was interesting experience to have a fox actually drape around your shoulders willingly instead of a dead one to be sure smiling at the laughter coming from her and the smiles coming from his many greats grand niece.

"Jade never has new people over...she has a hard time opening up to people and gets really shy at first. I think it might have been my fault, we taught her to never truly trust people and keep your thoughts and feelings close with our position in society it is hard to find real friends..." he trialled off as the older man gave him a knowing look.

"Hmm understandable, she is very bright...uncanny almost," he looked for Jason to finish what he thought when Jason nodded but went in length.

"Yes she is quick to catch on to the concept and of understanding especially with music but that doesn't mean she necessarily gets it right on the first try...I have seen her frequently get frusterated with a musical score or song that she keeps playing over and over and over again until she finds that right tune she is looking for, she practices and studies but her mind remembers so she is a combination of hard worker and genius making her what most think a super genius I guess." Nick nodded as they watched Jade run to her bonded companions quite surprised and intrigued about the thought she was a sorceress and seeing a dragon and phoenix in the grad estates back yard playing with the girl.

"We have made a nest of sorts for Zalthrax larger form but he rarely uses it preferring to stay in her bedroom like a cat and thankfully cat sized. Solfrair on the other hand has a landing stand by the window in her room...I wonder how we are going to have to fit a Unicorn or if he will do something to change his size too?" Jason commented as Nick laughed at the complications of living arrangements.

"Hmm if I recall correctly they will soon have be teaching her Occulemency the art of shielding ones mind and in that shiled they will create there utopia together of her inner mind scape, there they will go leaving there bodies behind shaping them in a temporary staff they will shrink to look like a wand...very unstable though it won't work she will need Lumous and the real thing to make them comfortable."

Jason nodded as they continued drinking there tea as Jason recalled something.

"So wait you gave him a fake...but I thought he was your friend?"

"Hmm that's what I thought but to hide such a thing in Gringotts then Hogwarts with a bunch of children...what is he thinking? He is a manipulator that one always scheming and a major dent to his plans when little Jade here was thought to be dead. Heard he has been working on the Longbottom boy, the other one in the prophecy a boy form a pure blood line, thinking he will be the one to "destroy" the dark one and save our world...bullocks really..."

"If he is trying to prove that someone else can save the world form a hidden clause in a contract or in this case prophecy he will need big enough evidence to support him and his prove himself..." A young voice spoke rasply for being louder than usual as they turned to Jade who had come up to them with the others. "...that's what Solfrair says."

Nickolas became thoughtful at this as he stroked the small beard on his chin as his eyes widened and he swore under his breath.

"I think I know what he is planning but I need more information..."He gazed thoughtfully at Jade and asked, "Jade up to reporting to dear old Uncle Nick what Dumbly is doing at Hogwarts? I don't want you going anywhere your not suppose to he won't risk rule breaking just report things you see happening around you at school and try to keep out of it and hide yourself as much as possible...stay away from Gryphindor if you can and maybe Slytherin as well...with your brains you should be in Ravenclaw."

Jade looked thoughtful at this not seeing anything wrong with reporting what she sees naturally around her before nodding and enjoyed the rest of her summer with the Flammels and her family as they showed her how her potions sets work and commented that yes it was very much like cooking just no side trips and helped her with the soul merge that her companions need to get into Hogwarts hiding in her mind. The results were...magnificent.

Finally done! I actually have the second chapter almost done as well...I have so many story ideas that I am trying to sort them out and place them in the right category and tweak them to have a beginning and ending so I can put them all up for responses and reviews. I have a second Harry Potter story from an OC's point of View watching from the side as Harry comes to school and she in Slytherin and befriends Draco and happens to know what will happen. Till next time.