Okay, I'll give you the character break-down:

Emma is 10, Jessica is 7, and Marcus is 9. They are Nora's kids. Kyle and Kylie are twins and they are 8. They're Robert's kids.

The next day was Christmas Eve, and it stopped snowing by morning. Clare's family was going to stay tonight anyway, so spending the night here last night saved them the trip today.

Eli got more comfortable with being with her family again. Especially with her five nieces and nephews. Eli was always a kid at heart, so he could relate to them. He went out to play in the snow with them. They made snowmen (and snowwomen, as Clare's three nieces Jessica, Emma, and Kylie complained), snow angels, and had snowball fights. Kyle and Marcus, her nephews, dubbed themselves the "Kings of Snowballs."

Clare appeared at the door. She pushed on it's frame slightly, sticking her head out. "Come on, guys. Time to make cookies."

Mark dropped the ball of snow to the ground. All of the kids, followed by Eli, came running behind him. But Eli didn't run. He felt that he was too old for all of that "nonsense."

Eli walked into the kitchen. The first thing his eyes noticed was the icing that sat on the counter. He was a big sucker for icing, which was probably why Clare decided to get some for tonight. (Wow, I just realized how perverted that sounds, Ha:P)

He was happy to see no boxes of cookie mix in site, because he loved Clare's cookies. (Wow, this story is taking it's own turn. I didn't mean to be perverted again, lol.) They weren't like that artificial shit that you get from stores.

"Who wants to get the eggs?" Clare asked. She was always a perfectionist, so now she was giving them all jobs to do.

"Me! Me! Me!" They all shouted, waving their hands at her.

She assigned all of the "roles." Of course, the younger kids who got simple jobs of fetching ingredients were mad at the older kids for being able to mix the batter. After the flour had broken down and everything was all mixed together, Clare got a tray to put the cookies on. She wanted to get them finished quickly, so she put the dough onto the tray herself. It saved a lot of time and fighting amongst the children.

Clare and Eli worked to their best ability to clean the flour off of the kids' clothing. She was just thankful that they were not covered head-to-toe in the white substance. They all headed into the living room to join the rest of the family.

Eli was halfway across the room when Clare's brother, Robert, wolf-whistled. Clare, who was by his side, suspiciously glanced around her. Neither of them really knew what was going on.

Was it because they were pretty close to each other?

Robert pointed to the ceiling. Both Eli and Clare's eyes followed Robert's gaze. They were both standing underneath the mistletoe. How could Clare forget? It was her idea to put it up there, because she wanted to hit all the stops and make this Christmas as festive and traditional as possible.

Eli kissed her quickly, so she wouldn't feel too awkward of kissing him first. But just because he kissed her quickly, it didn't mean that the kiss's entirety was short.

"Gross, break that up. We've got kids in here!" Robert yelled, teasing Clare.

She blushed. She knew that her brother was kidding, but it was still embarrassing. Clare bit her lip, not knowing whether to brush it off and start a conversation, or to just ignore him and hide out talking to her sister all night. She chose option one, but the conversation wasn't with Eli. It was with her sister, Nora, so she basically, but unwillingly, chose option two…

By the time the cookies were done, the kids were in the kitchen with Clare. Eli decided to sit this one out and stay in the living room talking to Robert instead.

Clare tried her best to pay attention to the 5 kids in front of her. She was barely brought out of her thoughts when Kyle had icing all over his face. She told him to wipe the icing off of his mouth, as they all finished icing the cookies. When they were done, they all wanted one, so Clare gave them each a cookie because she didn't want any fighting. They all went into the living room, leaving Clare alone in the kitchen.

She was almost finished putting the cookies away, when Eli walked in to get some Egg Nog for Nora. Seeing him in here again and the icing on the cookies reminded her that he loved icing. And those thoughts that were in the back of her head conjured up some very naughty images of their own…

She shook her head to make them disappear from her memory.

Eli didn't say anything as he walked over to the fridge to get Nora's drink. Clare stepped in front of him, jokingly blocking the fridge. He tried to move her out of the way, but being very close intensified the moment. Another kiss was the result. But this time, it was more steamier. They hoped no one walked in, especially any of the kids or her parents…

Yeah, it's short. But, I feel that if I take time to make it any longer, then I will get interrupted again. Someone will probably take the computer from me, since it happened multiple times yesterday and my dad disconnected the internet. :/

But it works now, so I bring you… THIS CHAPTER! Lol. Review :D

Oh, shout out to DegrassiMC for motivating me to actually finish this chapter!