For that entire week, Clare had to be accompanied by a guidance counselor. It was an invasion of privacy, but she was just in it for Clare's best interest. It took a lot of pleading, but she eventually convinced her mother and Mr. Simpson to agree with her and let her go to class alone.

Weeks had gone by before things started going back to normal. Or, what everyone else saw as normal. To her, everything was still the same. The same, but much worse. One day when she was walking to Ms. Dawes' class, the pain in her stomach, which she assumed was just cramps, worsened. She had some Advil in her purse, because she thought she might need it after her headache last night. After taking one, she splashed some water on her face, trying to calm down.

Clare glanced at her watch. English had only begun a few minutes ago, but she didn't want to miss anything. …Okay, she didn't really care. After what she'd been through, it didn't matter. She just didn't want to worry Eli. He had seen her this morning, so if she was not in English, people would assume the worst. She was thinking of just staying in here, but decided against it. As she was getting up, she felt something sneaking up on her. She quickly ran to the toilet, leaning over it, and proceeding to throw up into it. She hadn't eaten breakfast, but she wasn't that hungry either. Maybe it was just because you could sometimes become light-headed when you had your period. Or was it because she'd had a big dinner last night? Darcy had come home to visit and Clare being "in danger" likely had something to do with her sudden return. Throughout dinner, she was dying to ask what had really happened to Clare, but instead filled the conversation with stories of her time in Kenya.

Clare slumped down to the tiled floor of the bathroom, leaning against the stall door. She pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in her hands. What, enough hasn't already happened to me?

By the time 6th period had come, she'd thrown up again. Not eating lunch was definitely out of the question, seeing as Eli or Adam would suspect something. As for their questions on her not being in English, she just said that she had to meet with another teacher. When seventh period came, she started feeling a little better. But she still wasn't fooling Alli. She could tell that Clare was thinking about something other than the notes up on the board. She wouldn't ask now, but she sure would as soon as they were at her house studying after school.

After a little bit of studying, they decided to watch a movie.

When the first commercial came on, Alli took it upon herself to find out what was up with Clare.

"Clare, you've been acting a little weird lately."

"I have?" She asked.

Alli nodded. "Yeah, you have. Adam told me that you missed English, and that you were acting strange during lunch."

"Acting weird how?"

Alli shrugged. "He just said that you were acting …sort of different. …Are things okay with you and Eli?"

Clare nodded. "Yeah, things are fine. Why wouldn't they be?"

"Just wondering…I know you told me, but have you two been sexually active lately?"

Clare shook her head. "Why would we be? I told you that we were waiting."

Alli bit her lip.

"No. No, you think I'm pregnant, don't you?"

"Maybe a test wouldn't hurt." She admitted.

"Isn't it too early? …We should search it. Can I use your computer?"

"Yeah. I'll go use Sav's computer. That way we'll cover the web in double time."

"Sav isn't home?"

"No. He's with Holly-J, and my parents won't be home until around ten."

"Good..Just make sure you delete the history. He'd tell your parents if he saw anything suspicious."

"I'll be sure to." Alli left the room and Clare began her search. She opened up a web browser and typed in 'How early can I take a pregnancy test?' After skimming the results, there were multiple different answers.

Before she could type in a new search, she heard Alli call, "I found something!"

Clare headed down the hall to Sav's room, surprised by the clutter. Sav seemed like the type to have a neat room. She stepped over a pile of clothes, and made her way over to the computer.

She glanced at the screen when Alli pointed and began to read aloud. "It says right here that you can test positive on a home pregnancy test starting at at least 15 days after implantation. It's been, what, at least a month, right?"

Clare nodded.

"Then let's go. Just let me delete the history really quick."

There was a convenience store around the corner. As soon as the two girls walked into the store, they headed toward the back of the store.

Alli turned to Clare. "Do you want to do it in the bathroom here, or back at my house?"

"Your house. This is too personal to be out in public."

"Do you want me to get it for you? I know that your parents know a lot of people around town."

"Thanks, Alli. …I'm kinda glad you made me do this."

Alli gave her a small smile, before taking the pregnancy test up to the counter at the front of the store. Clare decided to browse the store while Alli was completing the task Clare was too nervous and afraid to do. She walked into the next aisle, but walked out just as quickly as she walked in. She continued to walk toward the front of the store, and then outside.

"Clare!" Alli ran out a few seconds later. "Clare, stop!"

Clare stopped walking and sat down on the sidewalk outside.

"Clare, what's wrong?"

"The diaper aisle. I just, I… And there was a mother in there, with two other kids. made me think of what being a mom would be like, and it seemed a little hard. I mean, I didn't see a father there, but that doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't one in the picture."

"I'm sure that Eli won't leave you. I mean, he might be shocked at first, so don't take that into account of him not wanting this. He'll just need some…time…to" Her speaking slowed down, until it came to a stop. She pursed her lips. "C-clare, did you and Eli use a condom?"

"I'm not sure. Why?"

"Well, I know that you can still get pregnant, but if you used one and it didn't break, then maybe Eli isn't the one becoming a father."

"No. No, I mean, Eli and Owen both would have known better. Especially Owen. It has to be Eli's. It just has to."

Alli took a deep breath. "Okay, maybe we should just calm down. You didn't even take the test yet. It's possible that all of this is just stress."

"Alli, I haven't gotten my period, I threw up, and I've been a little tired. It's not like it's the flu."

"Hey, it's still possible. So don't outlaw it just yet."

"Alli." Clare breathed. "I know you're my best friend, but you don't have to play it off. You think I'm pregnant, and so do I. I guess all we can really do is just go back to your house and figure out once and for all."

Clare stood up, and Alli linked arms with her. "What if Sav's home?"

"We'll do it in your bathroom. It's not like your parents are going to go through your trash or something."

Alli sighed as they continued their walk home.

"Having any trouble in there?" Alli called to Clare.

"No." Clare responded. Not more than a minute later, she came out of the bathroom.

"Is it ready yet?"

Clare shook her head. "No. I just hope I didn't do it wrong."

"I don't really think you can. Just...wait for a few minutes, and then I guess you can look."

Clare sat down on Alli's bed, waiting for her clock to read 5:34. As soon as she saw the time change to 5:33, she counted down the seconds, though it seemed like she'd gotten to 60 nearly 3 times.

"Clare, do you want me to go look for you?" Alli asked.

Clare shook her head. "No. I should look for myself." She stood up from the bed and prepared for her life-changing event. The walk to the bathroom was not even 15 feet, but it seemed like she was on a never-ending road. As she stepped into the bathroom, she saw the white top of the sink come into view.

Okay, just a few more feet… Just a little more…