Last one everybody! Be warned: There is some strong language. A few F-Bombs. So please, don't read it unless you're okay with this.
I've already got the next idea for my next ficcc! hehehe. expect it soon. All of your reviews are phenomenal. Love you all! Enjoy!

Glad to be Home

Andy rattled the door handle, desperately trying to open the door. She screamed as she watched Sam and other man roll off the back of the truck, both clearly hurt.

"Sam! Sam!" Her voice cracked. She released the handle when her phone rang in her jacket pocket. She checked the caller ID and answered.

"Dov!" She turned to look at the other car. "We have to go out there!"

"We can't, Andy! You're hurt and we're both unarmed." He spoke through the window, using his hands to illustrate his point.

"But he's hurt!" She cried, slamming her fist on the window. "We have to!"

Dov grabbed the radio, which was already alive with crackles of orders and conditions, and took a deep breath.

"Officer down, south side of the building; it's Sam. Someone get out here!" He called in. He turned back to Andy. "If I get chewed out for this, you owe me big time." She nodded frantically and whimpered into the phone, tears making themselves very evident as Sam picked himself up off of the ground. No officers had answered Dov's call for help, leaving Sam and the other man to settle their differences.

Sam kicked the man's ribs, making his body jump. The man rolled over and swiftly kicked out the back of Sam's knees, before swinging around and hitting him in the back with a metal pipe.

"No!" Andy screamed as Sam fell to the ground. Inside, shots were heard and both men paused before resuming the struggle. "Sam! Get up." Her voice faded as she slammed her fists onto the dash. "I have to go help him!" She said to Dov, her hands shaking. Extremely thankful that the other officers had child locked her door, he tried to calm her over the phone. 'Wait, police cars don't have child safety locks.' He smiled to himself as he looked over and saw that in her panic, she hadn't unlocked the door.

"Andy, you can't. He'll be fine." His voice was smooth.

"I have, he's, I, help!" She whimpered, hyperventilating. He willed her to relax, saying sweet nothings in the most peaceful voice he had. She dropped the phone and screamed, shocking Dov out of his efforts.

"Dov! SAM!" She pierced her own ear drums and choked herself by lunging forward with her seatbelt still on. Dov's head jerked towards the two men fighting.

"Fuck." He undid his seatbelt, a shot went off. It ricocheted off the front of the car, and he reached for his backup. He wasn't even supposed to be carrying it, but since he'd been taking care of Andy, he never wanted to be caught off guard. He picked up the phone and slammed the windows, making Andy do the same.

"You, stay in the car, do you understand?" He yelled. She nodded and he picked up the radio. "We've got a gun out here, off duty officer involved. Send backup!" He yelled as he threw open his door and ran across the property.

"Give up, punk. You don't win this one." Sam growled at the man as they wrestled for possession of the weapon. He flinched as the muzzle pointed directly at his leg, but forced every ounce of energy he had left into grabbing the man's arm and flipping him over his shoulder.

Before he could reach for the gun, a foot flew up and knocked him square in the jaw, pushing him to the ground. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone else running towards them. 'Thank God.' He breathed a sigh of relief before hoisting himself off of the ground and diving at the other man.

"Give me the gun, Nate." He warned.

"You lied, cop. I don't think that's how this is going to end." He sneered, tossing the gun to his other hand and striking Sam in the neck with the butt of his gun. Sam stumbled backwards, struggling to regain his balance. Nate stood about six feet away, gun aimed at Sam's forehead.

Dov could hear Andy's screams from the car as he sprinted, desperately trying to get to Sam. He saw the other man's gun go up.

"Fuck!" He said, still running.

"Say goodnight, copper. I'll see you in hell!" Nate screamed, laughing.

"That's all you got, really?" Sam laughed; still not steady on his feet and his neck steadily bleeding.

"Shut up, man. You really wanna be saying that with a gun at your head?" He took a step forward.

"If I'm gonna die, then the last thing I'm ever gonna do is piss you off. Might as well have fun with it, right?" He grinned arrogantly, trying to ignore Dov who was less than fifty feet away, and Andy, still in the car.

"Pathetic." Nate racked the gun. "Any last words?" Sam smiled as he saw Dov take aim behind Nate.

"Yeah." He raised his hand. "Shoot!" Both men dropped to the ground as a single shot rang out. Andy stopped breathing and sweat dripped down the side of her face, before she turned and realized why she wasn't able to get out of the car.

"I'm such an idiot!" She yelled, tears soaking the top of her shirt. She flung open the door and started to make her way over to them. Dov was bent down, checking the other man.

"Dov!" She yelled, as five officers emerged from the building, guns raised.

"We need an EMT!" He screamed, as he moved towards Sam. He stood, with blood on his hands. Sam's blood. Andy stopped in her tracks and threw up. She spat and cried as she continued towards them, scared of what she would see.

"Andy, you need to stay back." Dov met her about ten feet away, blood on his cheek and his eyes wide.

"What happened? He's okay right?" She squeezed his hands. Before he could answer, she collapsed into him. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." She cried, louder than she realized.

"Andy, calm down." He took her hand and walked her over to where Sam was lying on the ground.

"Hey there, Panda!" He smiled, his dimples making another stunning appearance. Dov lowered her down next to him, minding her leg. She was still crying, when she looked over at him and saw that he was very much alive. Both lying on their backs, they gazed into each others eyes.

"Never ever again." She whispered. He reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing lightly.

"Never." He said, his eyes filling with tears. She worried her bottom lip between her teeth and rolled onto her side, kissing him deeply.

"Ma'am, we've got to get in here." An EMT said, hovering.

"Just a second." He whispered, smiling back bigger than ever before. He brought up his other hand and entangled his fingers in her hair, pulling her into him. A crowd began to gather and Andy pulled away, giggling.

"You should go with them, you're bleeding." She nuzzled the side of his face gently, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Will you come?" He asked quietly.

"Obviously." She kissed his nose. "Can someone help me up?" She blushed, extending a hand to a more than willing young EMT. He steadied her after helping her off the ground, settling his hands on her waist. A pointed look from Sam, and the young man pulled his hands back, raising them in defence.

"That's better." Sam smiled as the other paramedics lifted him on to a stretcher.

Andy followed them to the ambulance after smiling sheepishly back at the man, and smiling brightly at Dov.

"I'll come by later, okay?" He kissed her on the cheek and clapped Sam lightly on his shoulder.

"Hold on a second." She motioned to the crew. "What happened out there?" She led Dov away. "He fell, and so did the other guy, what happened to the other guy?"

"I shot him." Dov said, doing his best to keep a straight face even though his hands were trembling.

"Oh, Dov." She whispered, her palms on his chest, running around to the back of his neck. "I'm so sorry."

"No reason to be. Sam gave me the signal, I took the shot. And I hit him." He sniffed a little.

"Why don't you just come to the hospital now?" She pressed her forehead to his. "Come talk to me." She felt bad that she couldn't protect him like he'd protected her.

"No, no. I've gotta give my statement, you need to be with Sam." He smiled at her, doing his best to make it convincing.

"You call me as soon as your finished, understand?" He nodded. "I love you, brother. Thank you so much." She hugged him and kissed his shoulder. Another tear beaded at the corner of her eye, but he wiped it away.

"Anytime, sis." He winked at her and jogged back to the car, fighting back tears. Andy watched him a minute before returning to the ambulance. An officer closed the doors behind her and they were off to the hospital.

Two hours of checking, tests, more checking, and then waiting later; the lovebirds returned to their nest. Andy hadn't heard from Dov, but Sam insisted they let him cool off before breaking down his door.

"Bed?" She asked, sitting down on his lap in the living room.

"My own bed." He smiled. "That sounds great." He kissed her on the cheek.

"No sex, though. Don't want to make your neck bleed again." She turned in his lap to straddle him.

"Uh, no. You do not get to torture me like this, not tonight." He kissed her, but then gently lifted her off of him and on to the couch. "Wanna watch a movie before bed?"

"Sure." She grabbed the remote and made herself comfortable on top of him. Andy never actually turned a movie on, she fell asleep too quickly. They slept on the couch that night, both perfectly content simply because they were with each other. Again, it was the sun that woke them.

"Even though I was only gone for a little while, you have no idea how good it feels to be back home." He whispered when she opened her eyes. He still couldn't help but marvel at the way her long eyelashes grazed his skin so delicately, it reminded him just how fragile she was.

"I haven't gone a single minute without missing you." She admitted. "It sounds dumb, but it was terrible without you here." He kissed her on the forehead.

"You know that I'm never leaving again, right?" The room was silent as they both stared out absently.

"I got your wedding band." She smiled.

"Oh did you now?" He propped himself, smiling back.

"I know I should've waited for you to get back, but I'm a girl. I'm excited." She giggled as she hopped off the couch and walked to the kitchen. Sam heard a drawer slide open and closed and then she returned. She padded softly along the floor, and sat next to him on the couch.

"I think I know you pretty well, as it is." She picked up his hand and began to slide the ring over his finger. "So I made the executive decision. White gold." He stared at her as she slid the ring into place and looked up at him.

"It's perfect." He smiled. "How did I get so damn lucky?" He said to himself. She crawled onto him and lay on his chest, her elbows resting on his shoulders.

"I think it was a cross between the arrogance and the really great sex." She kissed him.

"What can I say, you're my favourite thing to do." He winked at her.

"Sam!" She laughed, lowering her head to his shoulder. His hands drifted onto her back and he squeezed her tightly.

"I love you, Andy." His eyes were smiling.

"I love you too." She nestled her head in the crook of his neck. They lay there for a few minutes before Sam stated the obvious.

"We should go see Dov." He said to the ceiling.

"Yeah." She kissed him again before getting up and going to change her clothes.

They found Dov exactly how they'd expected to. Andy unlocked the door using the key he'd given her, and quietly led the way into his house. She walked into the living room and found him passed out on the couch, a bottle of amber liquid in his hand. She sat down on the floor next to him.

"Dov?" She brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Sleeping, call back later." He whispered.

"Dov." She placed her hand gently on the side of his face. "Wake up, honey." He shifted a little and looked at her, his eyes swirling pools of blue.

"Hi." He whispered.

"How are you holding up?" Her voice matched his as she gently rubbed his cheek. Sam gazed on from a distance, adoring Andy's warm hearted approach to everything in life. She always knew how to deal with things.

"I'm good." He didn't move.

"No you're not." Andy tried to take the bottle out of his hand, but he didn't let go. "Give me the bottle." She stroked his cheek with her thumb. He reluctantly released his grip.

"Can I have it back later?" His eyes searched hers.

"I don't want you to, but after I leave it's up to you." She turned to Sam. "Give us a minute?" Sam nodded and left the room. Andy closed the blinds and walked back over to the couch. She gently rolled him over onto his back and lifted his head, and sat before placing it on her lap.

"My head hurts." He whispered, closing his eyes tightly. Andy breathed out through her nose and gently rubbed small circles across his forehead and onto his temples. She'd taken a class in reflexology when she was in high school, and she was never more thankful for that than she was now. She tapped her fingers lightly around his eyes and smiled as his expression relaxed.

"Nightmares?" She whispered.

"I was too drunk." His voice was barely audible. "Don't remember." He shifted his shoulders a little bit. She could feel his breathing speed up, so she placed her other hand on his chest and rubbed it lightly.

"They go away, Dov. Mine are getting better." She traced her finger along his jaw line.

"When?" His voice was timid.

"Soon enough." She whispered, praying she'd be right. Sam entered the room.

"I'm gonna go grab him some Gatorade and vitamins. Back in a few, okay?" She nodded and he left.

"You should go with him; you've been away from each other so long." He said, his eyes still shut.

"He'll be back soon, its okay." She dragged her thumbs underneath his eyes and finished off her impromptu massage. "Let's get you up." She sat him up and helped him to the bathroom, telling him to sit on the rim of the bathtub.

"Why do I – " He couldn't finish before he fell forward and threw up.

"That's why." She ran a cloth under cold water and pressed it to his forehead before running it over his face. "I've had my fair share of hangovers." She grabbed a spare towel and patted his face dry. "Come on." She stood him up and walked him to the kitchen, directing his every move. He was a zombie when he was hung over. She'd just sat him down when Sam opened the door and quietly entered the room. He mixed up an old Swarek family potion which he'd introduced to Andy many a time.

"It's disgusting, but it'll get you right." He said, passing the drink to Dov and sitting down across from him.

"Babe, a second?" Andy gave them the room. Dov took a sip of the orange concoction and cringed as he swallowed. Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, I know man. I get it." He waited for Dov to put the drink down. "Dov, I don't know how to thank you. I really don't." His voice was earnest.

"You could bake something for me." Dov let out a laugh which was quickly silenced when Sam raised his eyebrows pointedly.

"Yeah, anyway. Anything you ever need from me, you got my number. Andy would be lost without you, you have no idea how much you gave her this past little while. You were the person keeping her afloat. Her life raft." Sam looked him in the eyes.

"Well, I don't break my promises." Dov smiled back.

"That you don't." Sam laughed. "Why don't you take a while off? I've got like six years of vacation saved up, why don't you go somewhere hot, and relax?"

"I'd rather be here, with you guys." He smiled.

"Aw, missing us already, Epstein?" Sam leaned back.

"Guilty as charged." Dov knocked back another mouthful of his drink. He stood and moved around the table to shake Dov's hand, who was now also on his feet. The two men walked into the living room where Andy was waiting.

"Shall we?" He asked. She nodded and walked over to Dov.

"You gonna be alright, Dov?" She held his hands.

"Yeah, yeah. I can feel this magical drink working already." He smiled.

"Alright." She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Call me if you need, okay? I'll stop by tomorrow." She kissed him on the cheek. "Bye, brother."

"Bye, sis." He brushed her hair back over her shoulders. He walked them to the door and waved goodbye to them as they pulled away before returning to the living room. He dumped the drink Sam had made down the sink and sat on the couch. He reached for his bottle of whiskey, and poured himself another glass.

And then another, and then another.

Thank you all for such great encouragement while writing this! See you around ;)