A/N It's been a long time since my last update. I can't belive it's been almost a month! I've had an awul thing called authors block! I was like, Where the hell am I gonna go with this story! When I first begun with the story, I thought I kind of had an idea where to go with it, but now I'm not sure... So please, if you guys got any good ideas I would love to hear them! (:


As I showered my mind became clearer. What the hell just happened? I really couldn't answer that question myself. When I was finsished, I put on the clothes and went back to Eric's office.

"So, can I go home now?" I asked as I stepped in. Erics eyes traveled up and down my body,

many times.

"Yes, I will see you tomorrow Sookie." He said and I took my car and drove home.

Chapter 5 – Visitor

The next week passed without anything special happening. I worked at the bar every night, mixing drinks. This night wasn't any different, I was getting ready to leave for work. Gosh, I really want to move out of this dumpy apartment. Maybe I could ask Eric for a raise, but on the other hand I've only worked there for about two weeks. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Gabriel Ricci is my maker, why don't I ask him for some money. Well, the answer on that question is, I just don't want to do that. Go ask him for money, no I want to make my own money. He wouldn't mind, I know. But still, I don't wanna do it.

I took a shower and put on one of my work outfits. Today it was a pair of short glitter shorts (I know, not so "vampy" but I like them), a black corsette and 4 inch black stilettos. I heated up a true blood in the microwave and drank it quick before driving to Fangtasia.

I got into my car and started driving. After a while my car started doing wheird sounds and suddenly it just stopped. Oh fuck! Just great, now I'm gonna be late for work. Since my car had stopped in the middle of the road i had to push it to the side. One of the good things about being a vampire, super strength. So, what now?

Lucky for me, my car broke down in the middle of Shreveport with alot of people walking on the sidewalk. And lucky for me again, I was dressed like a whore, so someone would surely stop.

I was right, after a few minutes a vamp guy came up to me. He was tall, about 6.1 feet, had curly blond hair, nice chest and arms and a tight red thirt that showed them of. He was smokin' hot!

"Well hello there Sexy. What's a hotty like you doing out here all alone?" Maybe he could help me, if I played my cards right...

So I pouted with my lips, brest and bootie in a seductive way. I slowly walked up to him, swaying my hips, and stood close to him.

"Well, my car broke down. Maybe you could help me?" I purred and watched his eyes glazed over with lust and his fangs ran out.

"Actually I do know someone who could pick it up and have a look on it." He purred back. I gave him a sexy smile.

"Thank you, that would be great." He stepped closer so we where almost touching.

"Would you like to come over to my place?" Now I felt my fangs run out too.

"Tempting, but I've got to get to work. I'm already late." I put my hands on either side of his neck and reached up to kiss him. As I leaned back to whisper in his ear, my lips touched his neck and I felt a shiver go through his body. I smiled.

"Can you take care of my car? I'll pay you ofcourse."

"Sure, my friend will pick it up. How will I get in touch with you?" He replied with a husky voice.

I gave him a card with my name and cell phone number.

"Sookie Stackhouse. I'm Logan Knight. I will call you about the car, and maybe we could meet?"

"Sure, I work at Fangtasia. Drop in sometime." This sensual game of ours was kind of fun. We where purring like two cats. He leaned down for a kiss but then my phone rang.

Oh shit, it's Eric.


"Sookie, where are you?" He growled.

"Yeah I know! I'm on my way but my car broke down in the middle of the road, so I had to fix someone to get it!" I quickly replied.

"Get. Here. Now."

"On my way!" I hung up.

"I gotta go, thanks!" I said to Logan and ran towards Fangtasia.

I arrived after 5 minutes. If I had been human, it would've been a little tricky to run in 4 inch heels. Another good thing about being a vampire.

As soon as I walk in the employee door, I'm met by Pam.

"Master is in his office, someone is here to see you." She said and smirked at me. What? Someone's here to see me? I wonder who it is...


I sat in my office with Sookies guest. Gabriel Ricci, sitting in my office. I was getting a little annoyed by the fact that Sookie hadn't showed up yet and of what I could tell, so was Gabriel. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I asumed it was the little blond vampire in question.

"Enter." I said and she opened the door. As soon as she spotted Gabriel she squealed,

"Gabriel!" And ran towards him and flung herself around his neck. He spun her around and she giggled like a child. He soon sat her down and they each took a seat in the two chairs in front of my desk, as I was already seated in my chair. This had surely taken me by surprise, never in my thousand years existence i have seen such an action between two vampires. They looked so human.

"Is Jake with you?" Sookie asked her maker, sounding hopeful. Jake Walker, Gabriel Ricci's only other child.

"No Sookie. He's in europe for the time, but he said he misses you." Missed her? They sound like a family, a human family.

"Oh, Okay." Said Sookie, sounding a bit dissapointed but still smiling. "But why are you here, Gabriel?"

"Oh, no special reason. I wanted to see you, and I felt I needed a little trip away." He smiled at his child. "So I understand that you're working for Sheriff Northman now." He said as a bit of ice had sneeked in to his tone, but Sookie didn't seem to notice.

"Yeah, I'm a bartender and I am doing great!" She replied, sounding proud of herself. Oh Sookie, you should be proud. Since you started bartending, the buisness have increased by a quarter.

But Gabriel didn't seemed to be very pleased by the idea.

"You know you're far better than to serve bloodbags."

"It's fine, I need to support myself. All of them ain't that bad." Gabriel didn't answer, he just looked displeased. I felt a need to break the silence.

"So Sookie, what happened to your car?"

"Oh, I think it's going to be fine. I have someone taking a look at it." Gabriel smirked.

"Now I've got a chance to buy you a car, and you can't refuse it." She frowned.

"I don't want a car from you. My car will be fine so I will not need a new car." Any girl with such a rich maker would bathe in diamons, and Gabriel must practically force her to accept a car. Damn me if it didn't make her appeal to me even more.

"Sookie we will leave now, we have much to discuss."

I watched them walk out of my office. Oh damn, she has a fine ass!


Me and Gabriel sat in his car on our way to my house. Gabriels chauffeur was driving and we where in the backseat.

"I will buy you a new car Sookie, and I will choose the car. Understand?"

I didn't reply, I only growled at him.

"You are a very fine vampire Sookie, apart from that you won't let me buy you things."

Again I didn't reply and soon we where standing outside of my apartment. Gabriel frowned but said nothing as we walked up the stairs. As soon as we where inside he exclaimed,

"You actually live here?" With disgust in his voice.

"Yes I do." I replied, matter of factly.

"Well, then you'll move out of this dump and in with me." I frowned.

"No I will not."

"Yes you will." And he quickly gathered me in his arms and carried me downstairs. I struggled, belive me I did, but he's much stronger than me. He went into the car and he placed me in his lap. I gave up my struggle 'cause I knew it was to no use, instead I snuggled into his chest.

Shortly whe arrived at Gabriels "Shreveport house". Ofcourse, it's not his only house, just the house he chooses to stay in when he is visiting in Shreveport. And that is not often. The house he is living in is much bigger.

This house is big too with big gates, guards and a big garden. I had actually never been here before. Since just about two weeks ago was the first time I was in Shreveport.

On our way inside we met Brandon Walsh, one of Gabriels guards. I like him, he's nice. I would guess he was about 25 when he was turned.

"Your majesty. Ms. Stackhouse. A pleasure to see you."

"Hi Brandon, nice to see you too. And please call me Sookie." I replied.

"Brandon, show Sookie around and send someone to pick up her things. I must go to my office, I have buisness to attend to." And with those words he walked away.

"So, if you follow me Sookie..." I went after Brandon. We where walking down a corridor when I looked to my right. There was an open door. I've always been to curious for my own good. No, I shouldn't...

At last my curiousity won. I walked up to the door. Inside there was...

A pool! A huge pool! Oh I love pools. Now, you're probably thinking, my maker is really rich and he could have bought me a pool if I had asked for one. But no, that's not what I do and I hadn't even thought about that.

Brandon noticed me and chuckled low.

"I see you've found the pool." I just gave him a goofy grin. "We need to move on Sookie, you can play in here later."

We continued our walk though the house. Brandon showed me the kitchen, the living room and the rest of the house. Last where my bedroom.

"Your things have been picked up and I'll leave you alone to settle." And he walked out and closed the door.

I looked around the room and noticed that there wasn't any bed. Just a couch and a flatscreen tv and a lot of empty space, I guess so I could put my own stuff there. Well great, I'll have to go bed shopping.

But then I noticed a door in the back of the room. It led to a bedroom, with a bed. Good, no need to shop tonight then.

I went further and found the bathroom. Gosh what a bathtub! I guess it will be kind of okay to live here for a while.

I felt the dawn approaching so I took a shower. When I had gotten into bed and lay waiting for dawn to take me, my bedroom door opened and Gabriel walked in.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, it's really nice here thank you for letting me stay here." He smiled.

"You're learning." I snorted.

"Shut up." But he only chuckled, 'cause he knew I didn't mean anything.

"Mind if I stay here for the day?"

"Not at all." I smiled and lifted a corner of the sheet in an invitation. He slid under and pulled me to him. He wore nothing but a pair of sweatpants. I snuggled up to his chest.

You probably wonders what our relationship is, but I have to say I can't really describe it. It's not like it's a sexual thing. Well, we've had sex and I do think about him in that way sometimes but, no... He's not like a father, he's not like a brother, he's not like a lover. It's hard to explain.

We lay there in an embrace as the dawn came and we died for the day.

A/N Well now that's up! Let me know what you think. Also, it you got any good/cool names, please let me know! Maybe I'll use them in my story ;)

Again, any tips what could happen in the story is totally welcome, it'll probably make me write faster ;D