I'm experimenting with the "only dialogue" style of a fic. This is more of a drabble, I guess, but it was fun to write.

There's an established AmerLiet relationship here. I gotta say, though they may not be one of my OTPs (USUK/Franada FTW), I absolutely adore writing their dynamic of the bouncy, over-enthusiastic one and his reasonable, levelheaded boyfriend.

I guess there's LatviaSealand in here (if you wanna look at it that way), and a tiny bit of FranceCanada as well.

The Sassnitz-Klaipeda trading route is just one of the trade routes across the Baltic Sea. It runs from the port city of Klaipeda, Lithuania, to the city of Sassnitz, Germany.

"But I'm sick of all the interruptions already!"

"Al, really, patience is a virtue-"

"Toris, it was Latvia and Sealand. Latvia and Sealand, for chrissake! I'll bet you anything, anything, that Arthur put them up to it."

"No, I'm sure it was just an unfortunate coincidence; Raivis wouldn't-"

"Toris, please. We haven't gotten a moment alone together since the summit began! I mean, first it was Germany who wanted to talk with you about some stupid trade route-"

"Hey! The Sassnitz-Klaipeda route is not stu-"

"Then it was England who wanted to talk to me about some 'Special Relationship' nonsense-"

"I'm sure he only meant well, Ame-"

"And then it was France and Canada and that was so traumatizing that I don't want to think about it ever again," (a deep breath)

"I'm with you on that one, but..."

"And then it was those two with NERF guns! NERF guns, dangit!"

(a sigh) "Alfred. Did you ever think that maybe, since it's a world summit, we should be paying a bit more attention to the talks and our problems, and a little less attention to each other?"

(a pause) "WHAT? But babe! I'm your boyfriend; it's my job to pay attention to you!"

"Oh, honey. I know, and you know that it makes me so very happy that you feel that way. But we really can't afford to miss anything in this day and age; it could cause a diplomatic incident!"


"Oh, don't pout, darling."

"...you love business more than me. Hell, you've never even told me you love me! I thought- I don't know what I was thinking; that maybe our first summit together would be different, maybe -"

"Aš- Aš tave myliu, Alfred." (a gasp, wide eyes)

"Toris? ...Look at me, Toris. Do you really mean it, Toris?"


"Could... could you say it in English, too? I mean, if you're not comfortable with that, I mean, it's cool, and-"

"I l-love you, Alfred..."

"I... You... WOOHOO!" (giddy laughter, shouts of joy)

"Alfred! Al, heh, put me down! I'm getting dizzy!"

"I love you, Toris. So much, babe."

"I love you t- mmph!"

(a whisper against the other's lips) "What if someone interrupts, Al?"

(a quick, chaste kiss) "Let 'em watch, babe. Now kiss me again."

I hate putting this in, but it's become necessary. So I'll do it in a creative way, like on my profile:

Hey people who favorite my stories without reviewing! I love you, and Imma let you finish, but reading and reviewing is the best thing to do for an author(ess) of all time. OF ALL TIME, YO.