Ki-chan: Just thought I'd write a short one-shot. Enjoy!

Café: ki-chan does not own yumeiro patisiere or any of its characters

Okay so the first empire of Japan was named-


Ignore it, okay so world war two started –


Why won't she stop that! If she does it one more tim-



"Stop with the popping, baka!" the blond sadist yelled. Team ichigo, Rumi, and kana were in the library finishing their homework for the day. Ichigo had been popping her gum nonstop for the past hour. The others found nothing wrong with it and had barely noticed the sound. Apparently Kashino had been focusing more on Ichigo than he was on his homework and the constant gum popping had begun to get on his nerves.


That was the only answer the brown haired glutton gave the sadist sitting across from her. The others stared at them amused and wondering what would happen next.

"Why are you yelling, Kashino?" ichigo had an innocent expression on her face but if you looked into her eyes they were filled with laughter. And that was exactly what Kashino was doing. He leaned across the table.

"I'm yelling because you're popping your stupid gum way too loud!" he wasn't exactly yelling nor was he whisper. It was a mix that only the blonde could use in his tone. Before ichigo would be cowering, but she was now used to his sadist ways, she simply looked at him amused.


She went right in his face. The look on kashino's face was one mixed of anger and impatience.

"Don't make me get rid of your gum" Kashino moved so that his face was two inches way from ichigo's. The brunette face turned light pink but she kept looking at him.

"Now how would you-"ichigo didn't finish her sentence because Kashino stopped her by doing the unthinkable, the unexpected, the no one thought that he would have the guts to do it thing.




He leaned in and shortened the distance between them and kissed her full on the lips. He had kissed her passionately and had somehow gotten his tongue past her lips. Ichigo sat there shocked for a while before she finally closed her eyes and began to enjoy his attack on her lips. She kissed him back as passionately as she could with Kashino returning that passion. You could feel how hot the kiss was from miles.

The small group that was watching the two of them make out was shocked. Andoh and kana both fell from their chairs. Somehow they had landed on each other and were blushing furiously. Rumi leaped up from her chair, as if to cheer, in shock. She had leapt up and tripped on her own two feet, as she came down she somehow ended up landing on hanabusa's lap. The green haired candy artist was starring at the kissing couple jaw slacked, until Rumi fell in his lap which stirred his attention away from Ichigo and Kashino and on to a blushing Rumi.

Kashino finally pulled away from their long kiss. He simply sat back down in his chair and began to read his text book like nothing happened. Ichigo sat still, dazed and shocked from her unexpected kiss. She didn't move until she noticed something missing.

"Hey you stole my gum!" she accused the smirking blonde. She was red in the face and she could feel her heart beat pulsing fast.


A pop and a smirk were the answer to her statement that left her pouting. Quite cutely Kashino added in his mind.

A few hours later when they had all finished their work, they were packing up to go back to their dorms before curfew. Andoh had offered to escort kana to back to her room. He led a red faced kana out the door while saying good night to everyone over his shoulder. Rumi and Hanabusa were in an argument about whether or not rumi purposely fell in to his lap and whether or not she liked it. They both hadn't noticed that they were not even three inches from each other. They also didn't notice that they were headed to her dorm room, where this discussion would either end in kissing or a punch in the face. (Probably both XD)

The blonde, who had not stopped chewing his stolen gum, was gathering his books in his arms and planning to leave soon. He almost made it to the door before he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned to meet the face of ichigo,who was not even a good four inches away from him.


He went right in her face before he said somthing. "I thought you left all ready" he kept chewing her gum in front of her. This ticked ichigo off.

"I did leave but then I remembered I had left something here" she took a step toward him, looking him in the eyes. The sadist face took a hue of pink and his throat felt parched.

"And that would be-"he was going to ask before the brown haired glutton pressed her lips against his. He stood there surprised and not moving, he finally reacted when he felt her slide her tongue into his mouth. He dropped the books he was carrying in his arms onto the floor and wrapped them around ichigo's waist, pulling her closer to him. The brunette let her hands wander over the blonde's chest before they tangled themselves into his hair. The kiss lasted longer than the first one and was defiantly as passionate. After what seemed like forever the two pulled away from each other to catch their breath. Kashino rested his forehead against hers and leaned in for another kiss. Before he could touch her lips he was stopped by…


Ichigo popped her now reclaimed gum in his face; the blond looked at her with wide eyes as he now noticed that his stolen gum was gone from his mouth.

"I needed to get my gum back" she smiled and giggled as she pulled away. She gathered her books and walked to the door. As she was leaving she turned and waved at the still shocked looking sadist.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Kashino" the brunette waved and walked out the door giggling. Kashino stood there watching her giggling form leave the room. He finally just signed tiredly and picked up his things, ready to go to his dorm. As he walked through campus he licked his lips and thought 'mmm strawberry flavored'

Yay! I finished my one shot! Thanks to the people that took the time to read this ^^ I was thinking that I could do I few more chapters in Rumi's and kana's POV. Don't you want to know what happened when they were escorted back to their rooms? Review and tell me your answer. Or just review to tell me what you thought about this story. If you're waiting for me too update Strawberry love, then I'm SO SORRY! I had half of the chapter finished when I lost my flash drive TT~TT. Ye I know I'm an idiot. I'll have the chapter up soon I promise! Well until next time bye bye~. ^^;