[Alright. I don't own Transformers. And yes, I'm working on a few fan fictions all at once. They probably won't be any good. But I'd much appreciate reviews and such. Questions Comments Concerns. You name it. I want it. So, I own MY characters. But not Transformers. *cries* Oh, If only I were that big of a genius]

Chapter One: Am I Dreaming?

"Give me a C. And a R. Follow by U S H," a friend of mine cheered from the lunch table. "What does that spell?"

"Shut up," I growled at her. My cheeks were began to heat up and I ducked my head.

"Somebody has a CRUSH!" my friend, Kelly, shouted out singsong. Several people were staring at us. I silently wished that someone would throw something at her. My aim wasn't good, but please-anything but this. This? This was why people got friends. Friends were those who knew the BEST ways to embarrass you. And they weren't afraid to. I covered my head with my arms-revealing my purple Decepticon insignia wristband. I never went far without it. I was a Transformers fan-supporter of the Decepticons of course. My favorite was Starscream. Yeah, I'm a freak. I'm not a hardcore fan though. I only had the wristband and had seen the first and second movie. I even was a proud owner of the first DVD.

"Please shut up…Sit down…and shut up," I mumbled under my breath. I silently started a prayer to WHOEVER might be listening. My friend sat down-always the one for dramatic moments.

"Spill it Rayne," She said with a wink," Tell me who it is…tell me WHY you've been acting SO strange since that party…" She gasped theatrical. "Nuh-unh! You didn't do it did you…" I was quiet, head down." YOU DID!" She squealed in excitement," Oh my gosh! Tell me…Tell me tell me tell me." She leaned forward. "I want ALL the juicy details."

"Love to disappoint you Kelly by no," I said looking up at her. Seriously? Why did I have a friend with SUCH a personality? "I didn't….I ended up in the woods puking my guts out…." I looked away from her. The sadness was welling up in my chest again. How was I dumb enough to even become ATTACHED to her. "I'm…..My families moving…"

"…..oh…" She said quietly and softly. I knew why. I, of all people, accepted her outrageousness. And now…Now I was deserting her. I was a senior. And moving during my senior year. Couldn't even wait for me to graduate? No. My parents decided that their new 'job offer' was so much better. So where were we moving to?

"We're going to Washington," I muttered under my breath.

"D.C.?" She demanded excitedly. I shook my head and the excitement in her eyes died out. I felt awful. So I stood up quickly.

"I-I'll see you later," I said hurriedly walking off running a hand through my hair. I wasn't good with good-byes. I hadn't been good at getting very close to others. But Kelly had found her way into my heart somehow regardless. I slipped into the empty bathroom and grabbed the sink edges-until my knuckles were bleached white. I was pale anyways-well, not sheet white, but I lacked a 'real' tan. Icy blue eyes seemed to peer at me curiously from the mirror. My hair was raven-black, except for the streak of color that I dyed every so often a different color. Today it was aquamarine.

I took a deep calming breath. I was going to lose my only friend. Considering I never talked to anyone anymore, not since last year. Never felt like it. I'd had Kelly most of my life. It just didn't seem fair. But when was life ever 'fair'. /Come on girl/ I told myself licking my lips, /You aren't suppose to be upset…You're suppose to be cool and level-headed. No emotion….Remember…No emotion…/ I took a deeper breath feeling better. The bell to get us to home period rang, and suddenly I didn't feel so much like remaining for my 'last day' at this place. So I did the normal thing anyone would. I ditched.

*Several Days later*

I wandered around the abandoned warehouse feeling even more depressed then usual. My life-which I'd finally thought I'd figured out-was taking a turn for the worse. My parents were acting stranger then usual. Not that that meant anything. I was normally ignored anyway. 'Don't talk to me, I won't talk to you' philosophy. It was how I normally liked it, not being involved with anything or anyone. If you got attached to people…Some one ended up hurt. It never failed. I kicked a rock and was startled when a soft 'ping' followed. I glanced up, surprise registering across my face. Someone had parked a black C6 - Z06 Corvette in here. I circled it slowly. This was a pretty nice looking car. I recognized it from the pictures my dad looked at often, almost like he coveted it. They'd gotten weird.

Well, recently anyways. It seemed like all my parents discussed now were car models this and car models that. Something about a Starscream or something at one time. They'd been acting like this ever since that huge wreck of their's a few days back. This was right before they suddenly mentioned moving. The same wreck that had killed my other siblings. My parents had 'miraculously' survived. Sometimes though. I wondered if they really had survived. Not that it bothered me. I mean, if they were happy together then fine. Half the time they acted like I didn't exist. They constantly forgot my name and that I needed to eat. I didn't even know what to think half-the-time. Often or not, I rarely saw them and they left me an envelope with some money in and lists of things I needed to get done.

I ran my hand slowly over the top of the car, trailing my fingers very gently across the black top of it. This was quite the car, if I did say so myself. I didn't know much about cars. Just sometimes their names or models. But nothing about the actual car. Not sure about engines or tire sizes or anything like that. Normally I had to be told what something was-with car names. I glanced around wondering who on earth had left this beauty by itself. I was tempted to see if it was unlocked-so I did just that.

I opened the passenger door and slid in. The interior was just as nice as the exterior. I shut the door and just remained there. I closed my eyes and a few minutes passed. Then the drivers door slammed shut and my heart leapt into my throat as I opened my eyes to see a young guy seated in the drivers seat. He had spiky-white blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. My eyes were a dark deep color, his looked like crystal-light sapphires. He had lean muscle, wore a white t-shirt, dark jeans and a leather like jacket. He peered at me as if curious to see a girl in his car.

"Uh…," I said trailing off slightly watching him. Man oh man he was cute. I felt my face turning red. "I'm…sorry…The car's like…really sexy." So are you. The guy-who seemed older than me yet younger at the same time-simply looked at me. That's about the time I noticed the purple Decepticon insignia on his steering wheel. "Oh. You like the Decepticons as well?" I asked and held up my wrist. Only to realize I hadn't put my wristband on today. Actually, I don't remember seeing it since before we moved. "Oh…Must've taken it off." The guy stared at me, the same slightly wide eyed look of surprise and a mixture of fear. Had I said something wrong? "Um…guess I'll be like…departing now." I opened the car door and pretty much bolted from him. I glanced back once as I was exiting the warehouse, but I couldn't tell if he were looking at me or not. With deep calming breaths, I went home.

I shouldn't have expected much when I got home. My parents weren't home. I didn't have any homework, considering my parents had FORGOTTEN to register me for high school. My senior year, and I wasn't even going to graduate from anywhere. Every time I tried to remind them about it, I got some vague answer about it. It just wasn't right. I figured what else would happen now. They were never even home enough anymore to take care of me. I suppose I was learning how to care for myself.

I stomped up the stairs to my bedroom-decked out in the colors of black and dark purple. Ah, nothing like dark purple to start your day. Which is why my streak of color had been dark purple for the longest time. I booted up my laptop and went through my stack of DVD's. Seeing that symbol today….made me want to watch some Autobot/Decepticon battles. I owned the first movie after all. I briefly wondered where my wristband was. I mean…I hadn't been in a good mood lately, so I hadn't even THOUGHT about doing anything Transformers related. I got irritated when I realized it wasn't there.

So, I got online-deciding to read up some fan fictions done by some really good writers. And guess what? I got NOTHING. A 'no results found' message popped up. That was bizarre. So I immediately tried to Google the damn thing. Nothing either. Okay, I was pissed now. This HAD to be a joke. I tried any and ALL combinations of ANY of the transformers stuff I remembered. I did stumble upon some interesting things. Apparently according to this, Mikela and Sam were REAL people. Now, I must've bumped my head hard at some time. I didn't remember doing this…So I pinched myself and hissed through my teeth in pain.

"Alright…I'm awake….But…Where did you go little Autobot buddies?" I asked the laptop. As if half-expecting it to answer me. Psh, which of course it didn't. I huffed puzzled. This was weird. Super creepy. How on EARTH could Transformers disappear? All the merchandise, any mentions of the movies, or cartoons? This wasn't good for advertising either. I tapped my chin. Weren't they like working on the third movie or something. Maybe they…No….This covered a global scale. I thought back to the boy with the Corvette and felt my cheeks grow hot. /Alright alright already. Enough thinking with that side of your mind/ I scolded myself mentally. I leaned back into my chair. /If he had a Decepticon symbol on his car as decoration…Then I'm NOT going crazy….Maybe he'll know what is going on/ For some reason this thought didn't really comfort me at all. I felt a slight pain in my stomach…..from slight fear.