AN: I guess, here's the final chapter of Broken Soul! Well... it might be confusing for you guys, sorry... DX

Thanks to: Rokudo Renna, Tri-Ni Sette01, 18plusForMe, Inu no Youkai, cowmoo and Fujoshi wannabe for reviewing the last chapter. I can't believe it! 65 reviews! Love you all :D

There is hinted TYL!1827 here. At the end, is the part that Zakuro attacks the base and from then on it's following the canon storyline. (Well, canon storyline + Mukuro and gang. And Fran.) 10018 never really comes to pass here... Sorry about that.

I hope you enjoyed reading this! Happy Lunar New Year to you!

Chapter 13: What's Left, Unbroken

All contact was gone. Byakuran's aura darkened as he angrily stormed out of the room, punching a concerned and confused Kikyo in the face when he came to ask what was wrong.

Damn Mukuro. That annoying illusionist was going to pay for taking what was his… Forget his somewhat attraction to the bluenette; the first thing he would do when he sees him is sock him in the bloody face.

Somewhere in the deep recesses of his mind, Byakuran wondered why he cared so much.

"It's impossible… the Cloud Vongola ring…" Sawada Tsunayoshi grabbed the tiny bird flapping by his hair and yelled, "Hibird! Where did you find it?"

"Tenth!" Gokudera quickly pried the bird from Tsuna's vice-like grip; Hibird fluttered to the table, letting out a hoarse cheep from Tsuna's accidental almost suffocating.

"It's not possible, Gokudera-kun! They told me… all of them told me the rings were gone!" Tsuna's brown orbs were wide with shock as he tried to come to terms with the ring's sudden reappearance.

"We better ask Kusakabe-san." The two turned to see Yamamoto slip off his bed and onto the floor with a seldom-seen serious face. "He should know…"

The other two nodded in agreement. Tsuna continued to stare at the ring; even if they had it, would Hibari still be up for fighting?

"Anyway, I didn't know you liked my baseball so much, Hayato, haha!"

Gokudera flushed red at Yamamoto's carefree statement and Tsuna had to suppress a exasperated sigh as he proceeded to separate the livid Storm guardian from the grinning Rain guardian's collar.

"N-no… Kyoya!" The trio started as a sudden shout came from the opposite sick bay.

"Was that… Mukuro?"

The confused bluenette slid to the ground, still holding the inert form of the unconscious Cloud guardian. Numbly, he pulled the trident out from where Hibari had impaled himself.

He couldn't believe it.

Had he honestly been desperate enough to kill himself? Had that been truly the only way? Mukuro's mind was in whirl; what would he have done if Hibari had managed to kill himself?

The mist guardian let himself be guided to a chair as the unconscious Cloud guardian was tucked back in bed.

He hoped, at the very least, Byakuran was finally out of Hibari's mind.

Hibari managed a full physical recovery in the next few days, and even mentally he seemed better. Byakuran lost control of him, and he managed to hide what happened to him in those days.

Byakuran would pay dearly the next time he saw him.

Tsuna initially was adamant about Hibari staying in bed, but once he heard that they might be planning an assault soon, he punched the frightened Sky boss in the face for keeping him in the dark. Tsuna never went near him again.

Hibari was careful to make sure everyone forgot about what happened at Choice.

Chrome was back, and to everyone's surprise, Ken, Chikusa, M.M. and Mukuro's mysterious apprentice Fran had managed to rescue the real Mukuro from Vendicare Prison. Mukuro recovered quickly, and Tsuna was seen trying both talk to Mukuro and running away. Of course, as much as the entire Vongola family was glad for more help, Gokudera was not pleased that Mukuro's presence frightened his boss.

Mukuro went everywhere but the sick bay. He would never admit it, but he was afraid.

Afraid of what Hibari might think of him. Afraid to come to terms with his attraction now that he was free. Had he had his way the whole time, Hibari would never know Mukuro was actually out of prison…

Reborn had to ruin it for him.

Hibari liked talking to the Sun Arcobaleno. Reborn was the only person he actually respected in the entire Vongola family "of wimps", as he would often say to the quiet Arcobaleno by his bedside.

Mukuro didn't like Reborn. He found him annoying and the "blasted" Arcobaleno did have something to do with him going to jail…

Reborn's feelings towards Mukuro was mutual, and as intuitive as he was towards others, of course, he knew Mukuro liked the Cloud guardian, but was avoiding him.

All he had to do was let slip word of Mukuro's presence to the resting Cloud guardian.

Reborn grinned invisibly to himself under his fedora as Hibari stormed out of the sick bay, muttering curses under his breath.

"Kusakabe-san, a moment please."

"Tsunayoshi-kun!" Kusakabe turned as his name was called by the Vongola boss, "What may I do for you?"

"I would like to ask you something… let's walk." They walked down the dimly lit hallway, Tsuna deep in thought.

"Why wasn't the Cloud ring destroyed? With the other rings?"

"Oh, you—I mean, your ten years later self, commissioned it so," Kusakabe shrugged.

"I did?" Tsuna asked, "Why would I…?"

"Maybe your hyper-intuition made you think so…" Kusakabe stopped walking, turning to stare at the shorter male.

"Forgive me if I am wrong, but I always had a feeling about your ten years later self…"

Tsuna stared back, "Go on…"

"That your ten years late self… did seem to favour Hibari. More so than the rest." Kusakabe straightened, and smiled, "Now if you would excuse me, I must go… Tomorrow is the battle, is it not?"

Tsuna could only stare at the taller male's retreating back.

I might have favoured Hibari more than the rest…?

Tsuna shook his head, thinking Kusakabe may have been imagining things.

That would be more than impossible.

Mukuro's day started out at any normal day in the Vongola base…

Preparations for tomorrow's confrontation done, he went on his way out of his room to find his nuisance of an apprentice, who would most likely be firing flames at the base's stock of pineapples…

Until he walked right smack into a fuming Hibari Kyoya.

Mukuro let out an involuntary high-pitched squeak. "Um, hi…"

"Rokudo Mukuro," Hibari all but snarled, "So… why haven't you been around?"

"Well…" Mukuro muttered, "I've been busy."

"Really?" Hibari's brow raised, he didn't seem impressed by the vague excuse, "I vaguely remember you being in my room a few nights before."

Shit, he remembers? "I don't know what you are talking about…" Mukuro averted his dual coloured eyes from Hibari's searching gray ones. I do hope he won't kill me though…

"The day I was possessed by Byakuran…" Killing seemed to be out of Hibari's mind today, "Why didn't you kill me when I asked…?"

On second thought, I rather die.

"I… um… Nagi would have been upset if I killed you." Mukuro hoped that Hibari would not be able to detect the lie. The truth was almost as impossible to believe anyway…

"Liar." Hibari stepped forward; despite being smaller, he was definitely imposing with that aura.

"Tell me," He breathed softly.

"I…" Mukuro shook, the proximity to Hibari was quite… intoxicating.


It's now or never… "I… like you…"

Hibari's mouth opened like a gaping fish. "You… like… me?"

Mukuro gulped, nodding mutely. Please don't let it be the wrong thing to say, oh please please please—

"I… don't… know..."

Oh shit! Mukuro closed his eyes and cursed in every language he knew, he should have known, Hibari would never reciprocate his feelings. Now I just look like an idiot.


Mukuro's eyes flew open as Hibari pressed his lips against his. Mukuro stared in shock, didn't he just say…

Gently, the two pulled apart. Hibari laughed quietly at the other's shocked face. He does look rather cute like that.

"I like you, I think." Hibari whispered.

"You think?" Mukuro stared.

"I'm not really sure yet, but… I am willing to try…"

Suddenly, the base shook with the effects of an attack, and yelling ensued, breaking the quiet atmosphere between them. Mukuro groaned, "I bet that was a funeral wreath. Just when we were being personal for once…"

Hibari smirked, "Well, we'll settle it later. But…" The raven pulled Mukuro to his eye level, "If you tell anyone what I said, I will kill you like the herbivore you are."

Mukuro chuckled as he followed the other down the hallway, "Of course."

With the right person, a broken soul never stays broken for long.